Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 1 Kryptonians come to Marvel

"It would be nice if I could experience the feeling of being a Kryptonian in my lifetime."

In an ordinary house, after a hard day's work, the young man turned on his computer and watched the latest DC animation. He was envious of the invulnerable and flying Superman Clark.

Then his eyes suddenly went dark and he immediately fainted.

When he woke up, he found himself in a place full of English letters, and he was sitting on a public seat.

The passerby next to him was startled by his sudden awakening, and then he walked away quickly.

"Where is this?"

The young man's mind was in chaos, and then a lot of information flooded into his mind.

"Oh my god, I really traveled through time?"

Someone who didn't know where fulfilled his wish and made him travel through time.

"No, can you give me a deluxe version?"

Luther sighed, trying to impress the mysterious existence.

But the mysterious existence had left, and after Luther called for dozens of times without a response, he could only accept it.

"Fortunately, I became a Kryptonian, but I don't know if it's the movie version or the comic version..."

"By the way, where is this place?"

Luther looked at the English words all over the street, and then he saw it.

"Captain America nostalgic film is released, and the most popular actor Jackson stars in Captain America..."

"Tony Stark was revealed to have spent the night with the latest cover model last night..."

Thanks to the sun, Luther suddenly felt his mind clear up. The English he learned many years ago and the level he took are all back now!

So he understood the words above.

"Wait, Captain America nostalgic movie? Tony Stark sleeps with the cover model?"

Luther's mind suddenly lit up, and he immediately knew what world he had come to.

It turned out to be the Marvel Universe?

It's really a series that I never expected!

"I still want to go to a more relaxed world."

Luther suddenly felt a severe headache, and a lot of information poured into his brain. He heard a couple arguing one kilometer away, and saw someone killing someone in an apartment more than 500 meters away. The noisy sound and the large amount of information made Luther feel a splitting headache, as if his brain was about to explode.

But then, the brain's computing power and thinking speed soared, quickly processing this information and blocking a lot of junk information.

Super hearing!

Super vision!

Super brain!

Luther knew that he had awakened the ability of Kryptonians by basking in the sun. It was great that the yellow sun in the Marvel world was useful to Kryptonians. He was still worried that he would not be able to adapt to the local climate.

All his potential was stimulated, and every neuron connection emitted a vibrant and dazzling light. Luther could instantly recall anything he had read, seen or heard.

"Leave here first."

He noticed that his movements had attracted attention, especially because he unconsciously trampled on the ground because of the pain, leaving two lines of footprints on the hard concrete floor.


Finding that there were no cameras nearby, Luther immediately burst out at a very fast speed and left the scene.

Where should he go next?

Luther thought about it. The unknown existence just gave him everything that Kryptonians have. He just looked at the glass and it was still his own appearance. Well, it was still the original product.

So he should be a flesh-wearing?

"I don't have an identity, and it's not easy to get along with the identity of a Chinese here."

Luther decided to find a kind person to help.



In a small alley, a gangster fell to the ground with foam at the mouth. Luther calmly turned out bundles of change from him.

Good brothers are of course these helpful street urchins, but Luther knew that ordinary street urchins didn't have much money on them, so after thinking calmly for a while, he began to look for those urchins selling goods.

By the way, use super speed to disguise yourself, just wear a pair of sunglasses and modify your hairstyle. Anyway, in the eyes of the old Americans, Chinese, Koreans, and ordinary people all look the same.

The thug who was targeting him had obviously sold a lot of goods. The small bundles of change were estimated to be several thousand US dollars.

With the strength of the Kryptonian who awakened all superpowers, it was easy to knock him down.

After Luther left, he went to find a library. He would arrange an identity for himself next.

It was good to be a native who did whatever he wanted, but Luther preferred to hide himself, especially in the face of the two threats of the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One and Captain Marvel.

To learn hacking technology, you first need to have a preliminary understanding of the basic computer disciplines. The library is the best place. By the way, he also took a laptop from a thug's backpack on the roadside. The whole process was so fast that no one noticed.

In the early stage, you need to learn basic commands, including DOS commands and commands under UNIX/Linux.

Luther feels like he is omnipotent now. His super brain makes his thinking extremely agile.

The initial learning took him less than a few minutes, and then the mid-term learning was all the steps to build a server under Windows (ASP, PHP, JSP).

Master things like Google hacking, cookies, phishing, social engineering, and more.

He learned hacker skills faster than the protagonist in Endless, and the whole process took less than an hour.

Electronic signatures, programming methods and even attack habits were all learned.

"FBI firewalls and networks... Pentagon..."

Luther even tried to use a simple notebook to hack into several major intelligence agencies in the United States. It is well known that these intelligence agencies are attacked by various hackers from all over the world every day.

Luther failed once and was almost tracked down. The other party bypassed his chicken, and then Luther learned his ideas and operating methods and completed the counterattack in an instant.

"The Rising Tide Organization..."

Luther curiously searched for this hacker organization on the Internet. The hacker skills of Skye, the shockwave girl, can be said to have reached the level of my imagination. With a second-hand notebook, she can hack into the firewall built by Tony Stark of SHIELD.

Now that Luther understands hackers, he has no idea how the other party did it.

However, the Rising Tide Organization does not have a fixed server, and it cannot be found without action, so Luther gave up and arranged an identity for himself, and attacked major banks by the way to steal funds from those anonymous accounts.

In the end, he became the illegitimate son of a company from an indescribable country, and came to America after inheriting a large inheritance.

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