Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 800 Never Allow

Do you just give up?

Hirohiko glanced at Chiba, but said nothing.

Indeed, if the time difference fails this time, then we will not be slowed down step by step by the trap carefully designed by Yunyin. The road trap is still possible. As a character who can carry out secret missions and be the captain of secret missions, this level is still there.

As for the terrain here, either there is no hiding place in the flat river, or it is dense forest, which is an excellent place to set up traps and hide. Looking at Qianye's various reasons just now, this Yunyin is probably a meticulous and experienced difficult person. The entangled ninja, that Yun Yin can always find an opportunity to slow down our speed, and even arrange large and small traps along the way to keep slowing down our speed. Giving up and chasing after the past, sometimes it is not good, it is better to simply give up and find another way.

It is true that having our information known to the enemy will cause a lot of bad things, but Chiba should have a solution.

Chiba, there will always be a plan B.

It's just that plan B is more dangerous and has a lower success rate than plan A.

While adjusting his position, while stepping on the gurgling water, Hirohiko took a slight breath, and the footprints of the flattened grass in Shulunyan stretched forward one by one.

this current...

And at this moment, Qianye took a look at the wide water flow that he needed to step on for nearly a dozen steps, and frowned slightly.


No, that water system is still far away from us. According to the ratio on the map, it will take about half a day to reach it. If the speed is fast, it will take half a day.

Afterwards, the map he had memorized flashed across his mind, and he denied the conjecture in his mind.


But at this time, Hirohiko's words came suddenly.


Chiba answered subconsciously.

"I feel that we can't catch up to the distance where we can see him in three minutes. I think that if we don't catch up, we will give up. If we give up tracking now and rush to the destination, the success rate will be higher." will be higher."

Hirohiko hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

"How to say?"

Hearing this, Qianye frowned slightly, Hirohiko would not say such depressing words for no reason, he must have his own thoughts, or in other words, he discovered something.

If what Hirohiko said is true, then there is probably only one way before us.

After all, we are now running towards the rear battlefield of Yunyin and Yanyin. If we chase too far, we may be involved in the battle between Yunyin and Yanyin. Two Konoha ninjas, one of them still enjoys them Celebrity treatment of Konoha ninjas, plus their unanimity against Konoha on the battlefield ahead.

I'm afraid that as soon as we appear on the battlefield where they can see us, we will be besieged and attacked by them.

And this within sight represents the perception range of the perception ninja!

It is even possible that in the primeval forest ahead, there will be a team or troops of Yunyin or Yanyin...

At this moment, we are in a dangerous situation, seemingly active, but actually passive.

I'm afraid the earth platform has already noticed this, otherwise the second secret footprints probably wouldn't have appeared.

At the same time, such a thought flashed across Qianye's mind.

"According to the freshness of the green color of the footprints in the forest before, the time he escaped before our pursuit, and the degree of splitting of the branches, it will take at least 5 minutes for us to catch up in the forest just now. It takes time to catch up or see him. Moreover, it only takes more than ten seconds for his trap to be set up, and we wasted more than a minute on the survey there. That is to say, these three minutes may be of no avail. What is waiting for us may be a trap, not the back of Yun Yin who stopped to set up a trap..."

Hirohiko frowned tightly and said very seriously.

5 minutes plus more than a minute...

In other words, even if there is a delay of three minutes, it will still take three minutes to catch up or catch up with him.

What Hong Yan meant was that we should not be able to catch up with him. As long as the traps are set up on the earth platform, what awaits us is the kind of trap that we have to detour. , then the triggering of the trap will continue to remind the earth platform of our movements and positions...

Next, it will fall into an infinite delay time or a trap to remind the location of the earth platform...let him estimate the approximate time to set up the trap, and then set up the delay trap or the trap that kills us...so caught in a cycle.

Moreover, even if we forcefully break through, we will inevitably be slowed down. After all, walking without hindrance and walking into a trap are two different concepts...

If Hirohiko's judgment on the distance and time between the enemy and us is correct, there is indeed no way for us to catch up with him.


Hearing Hirohiko's words, Chiba's face darkened as he looked at the virgin forest getting closer and closer in front of him.

If this is the case, then for them, it is the best time to give up now, because the primeval forest is likely to be full of dangers. This kind of landform is a good place to ambush, and what may happen may happen.

"are you sure?"

Thinking of this, Qianye gritted his teeth slightly. To be honest, he really didn't want to give up the pursuit plan. Now that the troops have been divided, if he gives up, he will really feel like he will fall short, or he will lose without a fight.

This feeling of doing futile work is very bad!

"Eighty percent sure."

Obviously, Hirohiko is very sure about his tracking ability.

The 80% accuracy rate, in this case, is actually not low. It seems that Hongyan is very confident in his judgment.

With Hongyan's prudent personality and task style, I'm afraid this 80% is a conservative estimate, but in fact he is 100% sure in his heart.

In other words, the time difference of 3 minutes does not allow us to catch up with the soil platform.

However, if I just give up like this, I'm still a bit unwilling, and I'm not fully sure that I can succeed in the plan B of the information leak...


Should I give up the pursuit, or stick to it and see what happens next?

Xue Nai shouldn't have to worry about it. Judging by Xiao Yunyin's appearance, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with, and it's also agreed that if they don't see each other within an hour at the meeting place, the one who arrives first will go directly to the destination.

And Xue Nai has white eyes, as long as she is careful, there shouldn't be any difficulty in reaching her destination.

Now, the problem is only in front of us!

Hearing Hongyan's words, Chiba's teeth became tighter, and at the same time, the forest belt composed of layers of primitive trees gradually filled his sight.


But at this time, seeing that Chiba didn't speak, Hirohiko, who was getting closer and closer to the primeval forest, couldn't help but said, he also understood the situation at this time, entering or not entering this primeval forest was a big problem.

"No, let's go in and see the situation before deciding. If we encounter a trap in the primeval forest, then we will retreat immediately. If not, then we will continue to pursue!"

And after this sound, Qianye's eyes flashed sharply, and he said undeniably.

Anyway, I can't convince myself to retreat without seeing what's inside!

Fate changes the plan, and it concerns all those who care about me. I will never allow me to give up so easily!

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