Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1487 Resignation

Still, don't insert it into this matter, illusion, let's wait for it to automatically dissolve.

As his thoughts drifted away, Chiba still chose to follow the original plan.

Although the original original plan had many flaws, was unreliable and even forced to exist, but now that an infiltrator entered before Chiba and arrogantly left behind the crowd of illusionists, Chiba's original The plan can be said to be quite perfect.

No one would suspect that an assistant who was about to resign would break into the forbidden surgery room with such a big fanfare on the way.

Besides, even if someone suspects that it is impossible for such a thing to happen, it is possible that Chiba did it.

Chiba doesn't know illusions either.

Still able to get rid of suspicion.

Compared to the person who discovered that the forbidden room was sneaked. To get rid of the suspicion, the original plan can better separate the relationship.

After all, as the discoverer, he has already been counted as a participant in the incident of the forbidden surgery room being sneaked into. At that time, he may have to accept inquiries or investigations related to this incident, and he will drag himself out instead. Go in and cause countless troubles.

If his feet were exposed, or if the forbidden scroll in his arms was discovered, then his chances of being discovered would increase infinitely.

The original plan was to put himself out of this incident, and to investigate, but he could not be investigated.

He also has reason to refuse some inquiries and investigations.

Therefore, although both methods are suspected of elution, and basically can be eluted with certainty, in terms of the probability of being discovered, it is still smaller than the original plan.

Of course, the chances of this being discovered are extremely low for both.

Chiba just chose a safer approach.

After choosing the method, Chiba did not hesitate, and directly took off the night walking tunic on her body, changed into the original dress, and found a place to hide the night walking tunic and Kirigakure's forehead. Regardless of these dark sentries who have been hit by the illusion, they will go back the same way.

And taking advantage of the two guards of the Hokage Building not paying attention, they flashed directly into the aisle of the Hokage Building.

And in the aisle, he pretended to be aware of it suddenly, walked back behind the two guards calmly, took out two pieces of paper with "I'm a fool" written in advance, and quietly pasted them on the door. Behind the two guards with slightly tired faces, they secretly said, "God has really helped me", and then they walked into the Hokage building without a sound.

The two guards didn't notice it, and now they are fighting against fatigue.


At the same time, less than a few minutes after Chiba left, the two dark whistle ninjas at the two dark grass and bushes suddenly trembled, and their eyes instantly regained their clarity.

After looking at each other in a daze, the two of them suddenly turned their faces to one side, and both of them turned pale in shock.

"Quick! Go and report to your superiors, the situation is wrong! We have been hit by an illusion! The forbidden room may have been invaded!"

One of them said immediately, and after taking a look around, his face, which was originally startled, suddenly changed color, and his face turned pale instantly.

"No, this situation is not right! This area is not right!"

Almost at the same time, another person also cried out.

As the two secret sentries who are more familiar with this area than Qianye, they have already seen the strangeness of other people, even if these people look "normal" and are on guard.

After that, the figure flashed, and one person rushed away.

The other person rushed out of the bushes and began to unravel the illusions of his companions one by one.

Not long after, the alarm bell, which symbolized the intrusion, rang.



Looking at the scroll that Chiba handed over, which he had only delivered a day ago, Minato Namikaze sighed softly, looked at the boy in front of him who still had a normal face, and slowly closed his eyes.

It seems that consultants Huoma and Xiaochun are right.

The child himself seemed to reject the assistant's job, but he couldn't find any reason to refuse.

After all, the child's feelings for the village...


also good.

If it is really so reluctant to take up the job, and is in a high-intensity and high-pressure job every day, no matter how determined Chiba's mind is, it is inevitable that he will have various bad emotions.

Huo Jian said that the psychology will be distorted, and it is not impossible.

In this kind of psychological distortion, his enthusiasm for the village may not only be exhausted, but may even produce rebellious psychology and hostility towards the village. In this way, he has cultivated a big enemy towards the village. .

No matter!

This matter, perhaps it is because I have spoiled the seedlings and made everything too simple.

In any case, Qianye is only eleven years old, no matter how precocious she is, she has only spent eleven years of her life, and her heart is always a little immature.

What's more, it can't make Chiba recall her childhood in the future, which is heavy work and piles of documents.

As Huojian said, let him create more memories belonging to children while he is still young.

After closing his eyes, this series of thoughts flashed through Namikaze Minato's eyes.

Then, thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, and directly pressed Hokage's seal on the drafted dismissal letter.

"From now on, you will no longer be an assistant agent, nor will you be the person in charge of the expansion plan, and you will resume your status as an ordinary ninja. Moreover, I will give you a long vacation of one and a half months to recuperate, and after half a month, if you You can participate in any mission if you want."

Then, Namikaze Minato spoke.

"Yes! Fourth Hokage-sama."

In this regard, Qianye, who offered to resign, naturally nodded in agreement, and his heart was also relieved.

However, how do you feel, a little sorry for Namikaze Minato?

But for a moment of relief, he felt a little embarrassed.

Obviously, these words of Namikaze Minato are basically taking care of him. He can feel that Namakaze Minato cares and cares for him, especially during the half-month long vacation. This is obviously because of his busy schedule. Work, let him have a good rest.

Now, with the situation in the village, it is already very good for the ninjas to have a day's rest.

Half a month, this is basically a luxury!

"So, do you have any candidates for the overall person in charge of the expansion plan?"

After hearing Chiba's response, Minato Namikaze hesitated a little, and asked.


Hearing this, Qianye was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

"Master Hokage!"

However, before he could open his mouth, he was interrupted by Anbu ninja who suddenly appeared beside him, only to hear Anbe ninja half-kneel on the ground, and an urgent sentence came out of his mouth.

"What's up?"

Seeing Anbu Ninja's urgent appearance, Minato Namikaze asked whether Chiba answered or not.

"Forbidden surgery room, it seems to be invaded!"

Then, a sentence that Qianye had expected, came out from Anbu's mouth, almost trembling.

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