Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 1150 Situation, what situation?


Sitting at Yuriko's desk, Chiba gently rubbed her arms twice to relieve the remaining pain in her hands, while embarrassment was evident on her face.

"I said, Sister Yuriko, I really am myself..."

At this moment, in front of him, Yuriko's eyes were wide open, and she was still looking at herself with that inconceivable look in her eyes.

In this situation, ever since she confirmed that she was Taki Chiba herself and let him enter the office, she has been silent and stared at Chiba like this.

To be honest, Qianye didn't know how to react. Being stared at so silently, even if he had experienced a lot of vicious situations, he was still sweating from being stared at.

This look, as if looking at another rare creature, made Qianye shudder.

That's great...it's really Chiba...

At this moment, beside him, listening to Qianye's words, Xue Nai, who had put a lot of lotion on her face and hands, was sitting quietly, with an uncontrollable smile on her lips.


But upon hearing Chiba's words, Yuriko the person involved suddenly thought of something, and her whole body straightened up suddenly, and the slightly unbelievable and slowly unbelievable thoughts on her face suddenly turned into a kind of "what did you think of?" Important matter" face, couldn't help exclaiming suddenly.

"Qianye, you are here to pick up Xue Nai."

Then, after exclaiming, Yuriko suddenly asked Chiba.


Seeing such a big reaction from Yuriko, Chiba was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously responded.

"Okay, then, Xue Nai will leave it to you. I have something urgent to do now, so let's take a step first."

Hearing Qianye's affirmative response, Yuriko turned around immediately, and after dropping such a sentence, she hurried out.


Chiba was left in a daze on the spot again.

what happened?

What's the hurry?

Seeing the sound of "pa", Yuriko's fiery figure disappeared behind the door, and when the door closed, Chiba frowned slightly.

It was the first time he saw Yuriko looking so anxious.

However, if you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it, if you're confused, you're confused, Qianye is not worried about Lily.

Moreover, it is impossible for any accidents to happen in the current village. Although she was curious about Yuriko's so-called urgent matter, Chiba didn't pay much attention to it.

"Xue Nai, can you wait for me for a while?"

On the contrary, after he realized this, he stood up and glanced around, his eyes fell on the cupboard behind the desk in this small office.

In Qianye's eyes, a series of medical equipment in the cabinet was slowly reflected.

Obviously, even if it was only in the office, Yuriko kept a set of medical equipment just in case, or she herself would do some medical experiments in the office.

After all, some medical experiments do not require a large space, and such an office is enough.

And compared to a laboratory dedicated to doing experiments, his own office is also more convenient.

Chiba, who has many rules in the laboratory, feels a headache.

Even, there will be a group of old pedants arguing, and the environment is sometimes extremely harsh.

In addition to Bai Hezi's identity as a doctor, it is not impossible or unusual to put a medical equipment in the office.

In terms of medical research, Konoha has always adopted an encouraging policy. In addition to the excessive demands of those old scholars, the allocation of funds is also very diligent. It is really not a big deal to equip doctors with a set of medical equipment in their offices.

"Well...do you have anything else to do?"

Hearing Qianye's words, Xue Nai nodded subconsciously, and then asked.

"Nothing, I just want to do a blood sample of myself, something is wrong with my body."

As for Xue Nai's questioning stall, Chiba had already walked to the window, started to take the necessary medical equipment, and said casually.


Hearing this, Xue Nai almost stood up with a bang, and a look of anxiety and worry appeared on her face.

What's happening?

What happened to Chiba's body?

Is it the sequelae left by him from the battle of Wuqian Yanyin?

Serious or not, will it cause very bad consequences...

Could it be... Although Qianye doesn't sound like a hand, but actually suffered a lot of damage inside?

And at this moment, her heart panicked instantly. This important person who she thought she had never seen before suddenly appeared in front of her. Anxious, it can be said how happy she was before, but how anxious she is now.

Now she can't bear the blow of losing Chiba again.

Especially the disappointment after being full of hope, if she was hit again, she would really not be able to hold on.

"Oh, it's okay, I just don't know why, my body seems to have entered an "undeveloped" state."

Hearing Xue Nai's obviously anxious words, Chiba said in a very casual tone.

"No... not injured?"

And hearing Qianye's sound, Xue Nai's heart that jumped to the throat dropped half, and couldn't help asking again.

"I was not injured. Even after I woke up from a coma, my body was healthier and stronger than my previous body. Let alone an injury, my current body was smooth and tender before, without even a scar."

Putting down the necessary medical equipment one by one, Chiba glanced at Hirohiko, saw her already frightened figure, and hurriedly said.

smoother than ever...

Indeed... the touch is better than my skin.

Hearing this sound, Xue Nai's heart suddenly let go. When she was confirming Chiba before, she touched Chiba's face. It was indeed tender and slippery, like a girl, no! Like a newborn baby, there are no scars.

Listening to Qianye's angry voice now, it doesn't look like she was injured, after thinking about it, Xue Nai slowly felt relieved.

"Don't worry, I came back this time to heal my injuries, but something happened this time that I can't understand or I'm not sure about, so I need to study it."

After looking at Xue Nai again and realizing that she was relieved, Qianye smiled and added another sentence.

He has roughly sensed Xue Nai's previous state of mind. He said this sentence at this time, and the seemingly casual tone before, was actually to reassure Xue Nai.

As for her own situation, Qianye does not intend to hide anything. At this time, any concealment may cause Xue Nai to worry, make her uneasy, and even suspicious, so here Qianye does not intend to hide anything.

As long as Xue Nai asks, he will definitely know everything and talk endlessly.

"Well, then I'll wait for you."

And hearing Qianye's words, and hearing that Qianye's injury has healed, Xue Nai also sat down slowly. She knew that Qianye didn't intend to hide anything from her. It feels like an honest answer.

This feeling made her feel at ease.

"It won't take long."

Hearing Xue Nai's reassurance, Chiba smiled slightly and responded.

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