Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 251 [My Six Shadow Girlfriends! 】

Yakura is indeed targeting Tsunade!

She was angry.

It was obviously hers first, and everything that followed was agreed to belong to her sister...

As a result, as soon as Tsunade appeared, she was suddenly taken away from her position as "big wife". How could she feel so angry?

Moreover, Tsunade directly exposed the doctor and stabbed her with a soft knife.

Naturally, she couldn't just give in and let Tsunade think she was easy to bully.


Tsunade's eyes also changed from soft to sharp.

She never takes the initiative to please others.

Today, he warmly received Ye Cang with a gentle tone. He thought he had given Ye Cang enough face.

In the end, Ye Cang didn't understand her kindness at all, and he mocked her in a weird way?

Can she still keep smiling?

If she hadn't thought that Hinata Bin was too young and couldn't bear to take action, how could Ye Cang be the first to eat crabs?

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Please come in."

A Konoha ANBU opened the door and walked into the reception room, saluted Tsunade and said, "Hokage-sama, the Mizukage has arrived outside the village."

"Kazekage, take a rest first and think about the proposal I just made. I'll go receive the Mizukage." After Tsunade said this to Ye Cang, she walked towards the reception room.

Not long after, Tsunade led the Anbu to the gate of Konoha Village to receive the Mizukage Terumi Mei.



Tsunade and Terumi Mei observed each other while saying hello.

From Tsunade's point of view, Terumi Mei has good looks, long wavy hair, and a charming blue dress. Nana is also not young, which is completely in line with Hinata Bin's sexual orientation.

Of course, she is still not sure of Terumi Mei's attitude.

After all, this is the first time we meet, and our understanding of each other is based on some information.

From Terumi Mei's point of view, Tsunade was obviously more than a round older than her, but the skin on her face was still breakable.

And she knew that Tsunade could change her body's age at will.

Today she can be a teenage lolita, tomorrow she can be a royal sister in her twenties, and the day after tomorrow she can be a young woman in her thirties.

Considering how well he understands Hinata Bin, is it surprising that he can control her?

"No wonder Binjun is attracted to him!"

While Terumi Mei was thinking in her heart, she had no intention of arguing with Tsunade.

No matter how much she fights, she can't be the "boss", so she might as well be a quiet little wife.

Walking on the wide streets of Konoha, Terumi Mei took the initiative to speak to Tsunade: "Am I the first to arrive?"

"The Kazekage arrived a while before you and is resting now." Tsunade said in response, her tone calm and seemingly without any disturbance.

Terumi Mei knew very well that at a special moment like today, the calmer it was, the more unpleasant it was.

Obviously, the conversation between Tsunade and Ye Cang just now was very unhappy.



In the next two hours, the five shadows came to Konoha Village one after another.

Tsunade treated the five Kages equally and personally received them into the reception room of the Hokage Building in Konoha Village.

After everyone arrived, Tsunade first invited the Five Kages to have lunch together, and then briefly walked around Konoha.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that the first meeting of the Six Shadows Talk officially started.

This talk mainly focused on [peace], [openness], [sharing], [intermarriage], etc.

Of course, this time the Six Shadows Talk can also be called [the first official gathering of Hinata Bin’s girlfriends].

Three women and one drama.

When six women at the top of the ninja world gather together and all have the same man, it becomes even more of a drama.

Hyuga Bin was not able to attend this meeting in person. As a Konoha Jounin who did not hold real power, he was not qualified to participate in the Six Shadows Conference meeting.

At the same time, it also avoids the unfairness caused by the uneven distribution of his gaze, where he looks at this girlfriend twice more and that girlfriend twice less.

Of course, Hyuga Bin, who did not attend the meeting, was not idle either. He was dating Samui, who was on a mission to Konoha as the Raikage's escort this time.

For Samyi, her relationship with Hinata Bin was just for being together from the beginning.

She didn't think about being an older sister or a younger sister. She just wanted to date Hinata Bin. Apart from having Hinata Bin as her boyfriend, she didn't want too many changes in her life.

Of course, Samyi is still very curious about the content of this meeting. For example, whether the Six Shadows will discuss business matters, move to relationships, and then continue to quarrel.

The two of them were walking on the tree-lined paths of Konoha Village. Samyi held Hinata's arm and stayed close to Hinata.

Samui has a special scent, and Hinata likes it very much.

"Let me take you to visit the commercial street." Walking out of the deserted tree-lined path, Hinata Bin led Samyi towards the lively market.

He planned to buy some small gifts such as clothes for Samyi.

"Okay." Samyi responded with a smile.

Walking to the commercial market, Rixiang Bin held hands with Samyi and visited several stores, buying many sets of clothes and accessories for Samyi.

Girls all love shopping, and Samyi is no exception.

Being able to buy a lot of clothes and accessories that she likes also makes her very happy.

Plus, having my boyfriend accompany me all the way, foot the bill, and shop to my heart’s content makes me even happier.

In such a happy state, Samui and Hinata Bin came to a corner.

Hinata Bin saw Hinata Ling's back, stopped and called: "Mother."

Hinata Ling turned her head and looked at Hinata Bin and Samyi holding hands.

"Hello, aunt." Samyi greeted Hinata Ling with a kind-hearted face and hurriedly saluted.

She has been dating Hinata Bin for so long, and this is the first time she has met Hinata Ling.

"Mother, this is my girlfriend Samyi." Hinata Bin pulled Samyi closer to Hinata Ling and introduced her.

"Hello Samyi-chan." Hinata Ling smiled gently at Samyi.

After saying that, Hinata Ling turned to look at Hinata Bin and asked: "Samui-chan came to Konoha, why didn't you take it home?"

The underlying meaning of this sentence is that Samyi is very satisfied.

"Isn't it too late?" Hinata Bin replied, "We plan to go home after shopping."

"After shopping, we will go home and have dinner." Hinata Ling made a decision immediately.

Hinata Bin couldn't resist the idea of ​​a mother wanting to get to know yet another daughter-in-law.

"Samyi-chan, I'm going to buy groceries first, see you later." Hinata Ling felt that it was getting late and had to rush home to cook, so she said goodbye to Samyi first.

"Okay, Auntie."

Samyi said goodbye to Hinata Ling.

Until Hinata Ling walked away, Samyi's expression suddenly became a little anxious: "Binjun, I didn't buy gifts for my uncle and aunt, what should I do?"

Hinata Bin smiled and teased Samui's hair:

"Just having you come to my house is the best gift."

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