Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 584 The End of the Old Era (Part 1)

"Only under the sun can there be shadows!"

This is the truth that Danzo once taught him, and it is also the truth that Orochimaru has verified.

Where there is sunshine, there will be darkness. Unless the sunshine is too strong and will shine everywhere, darkness will inevitably grow.

In his opinion, the darkness of Konoha is enough to rank among the top five in the ninja world.

And the high-level officials of the Sand Village, who blatantly exchanged the lives of meritorious officials for a ceasefire and peace, seem to be a little darker than Konoha. Even Konoha's practice of using the lives of villagers in exchange for peace has to be whitewashed, and the Sand Village doesn't even whitewash it.

"The duties of the Hokage sound good, but poor Hyuga Hizashi may not know until his death that the Hokage also has the duty to protect every villager? After all, I just found out about it."

Orochimaru's mouth corners turned behind his ears, and his cold expression suddenly showed a little more contempt.

Then he looked up and looked around. At this time, the roof had already been covered by the forest that had suddenly grown.

This is the Wood Release of the First Hokage. Even if it was a bare roof, the Wood Release can create a forest in an instant. All the attacks and defenses of the trees in the forest are controlled by the caster.


At this time, the ground in the Four Purple Flame Formation suddenly trembled, and the newly grown forests seemed to have consciousness and began to slowly wriggle.

The big trees were entangled with each other, and the lush branches and leaves intertwined. Soon, a huge wave of trees formed around Sarutobi Hiruzen, covering Sarutobi Hiruzen in the center.

At this moment, the First Hokage had lost consciousness, and only instinctive means of attack and basic defensive reactions were left. He did not show any mercy because the opponent was the Third Hokage.

"Is this the power of Hashirama Senju?" Kushina, who was outside the barrier, murmured with a flash of shock in her eyes.

She heard about the rumors about Hashirama Senju when she was a child from Mito's grandmother, but how it performed specifically, Kushina could only get a glimpse of it now.


The strength of Senju Hashirama is somewhat inconsistent with the description of Mito's grandmother?

Just like Minato, his strength has declined a lot compared to when he was alive. Now he can fight him to a draw, and even has the upper hand. It is only a matter of time to seal Minato.

In fact, if she hadn't wanted to see Minato a few more times, the time might have been shortened a lot.


Kushina stared at his dull eyes, her heart tightened, and then she stomped her right foot on the ground, and the whole person rushed over like a cannonball, "The reincarnated Minato is not the real Minato"

It was also at this moment that Kushina's idea of ​​reviving Minato faded a lot.

If it is not a perfect resurrection, it is better not to revive.

Seeing the huge tree waves sweeping over the sky, Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes immediately, "Master Hashirama's power"

"Huruzen, be careful!"

The Sarutobi, who was caught under his armpit, said solemnly, "Although their strength has not reached the peak after the Impure World Reincarnation, their strength should not be underestimated. One against three is still too much."

"Don't panic!!" Sarutobi Hiruzen also regained his confidence at this time. Then he stood the golden hoop on the ground, slapped his hands together, and shouted.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

At this moment, two white smoke suddenly appeared on the empty water surface. Two identical clones walked out of the smoke and quickly came to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As the tree waves blocked the light, the three of them looked up at the sky in unison, slapped their left and right hands together at the same time, and quickly formed a seal.

"Fire Style: Great Flame Technique!"

The three fierce flames expanded rapidly the moment they touched the air. As the expansion became larger and larger, the three flames finally merged into one and directly hit the huge waves rushing down from the sky.


Under the fierce impact of the flames, the huge wave made of thick trees was instantly carbonized and gradually disintegrated until the flames completely burned through the entire wooden wall and rushed straight into the sky.

Looking at this scene in front of him, the first generation had no human expression on his face. He was like a machine that only knew how to attack. He stepped on the water with his feet and chased the third generation who escaped from the encirclement.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils widened slightly. He didn't expect that the cooperation between the two brothers was so poor. They had the strength of a shadow, but they didn't have the combat experience of a shadow. They just relied on the person behind them to act.

Seeing that the two brothers had come close, he could only swing the golden hoop and smash it forward.

Senju Hashirama jumped to the front. Facing the stick that suddenly appeared above his head, he didn't think about it at all. He directly gathered his chakra on his fists and smashed it at the golden hoop.


The fist and the golden hoop intersected, making the world silent for a moment at this moment.

The Senju Hashirama took several steps back, each step deeply stepping on the tree trunk, leaving one deep pit after another. At the same time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also under great pressure. He held the golden hoop tightly with both arms, trying his best to prevent it from flying out of his hand.

"Chakra burst"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a few breaths, then shook his shoulders that were numb from the shock, and looked at the Senju Hashirama with a serious face, "Strong physical fitness combined with precise control of chakra, this is the capital that the Senju clan has not lost in the battle with the Uchiha clan for nearly a thousand years.

Not everyone in the Senju clan has the strength of the first generation, but everyone has the strange power of Tsunade."

Thinking of this, he shook his head, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the Uchiha clan at the end of the Warring States period.

At that time, any ninja clan with some financial resources would equip their members with armor to protect their bodies. All members of the great ninja clan like Senju wore armor. However, the Uchiha clan is different. They always maintain thin attire and stand out from the crowd.

Later, someone explained to him that the Uchiha clan was relatively arrogant and arrogant, and they were so powerful that they didn't even bother to wear body-protecting armor.

But now it seems.

Obviously when facing people outside the Senju family, wearing armor is useless; facing people from the Senju family, wearing armor is also useless.


The wind of Nidaime's fist grazed Hiruzen's face, and instantly a deep red wound appeared on his old cheek. Hot blood slowly flowed down the wound, bringing his thoughts back to reality.

"Teacher!" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the Nidaime Hokage who was close at hand, took a deep breath, and then resolutely raised the golden cudgel and struck it down again.

He is now old and frail, and his body functions have declined significantly. He simply cannot have enough physical strength to squander it like he did when he was young, nor does he have a huge amount of chakra to perform many ninjutsu.

We can only find opportunities through close combat, seal the two brothers as soon as possible, and then deal with Orochimaru.


Orochimaru's voice came from the side at this time, and he said slowly, "When I kill you here, Konoha will be destroyed, and then the Fire Country will be destroyed by other great ninjas in an instant because Konoha does not exist. Village carving up.”

"Orochimaru, what kind of pillow do you sleep on? Can you have such a beautiful dream?" Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his golden cudgel and said coldly to Orochimaru, "Kill me first before you dream."

As he spoke, he swept Senju Tobirama away with his stick, and his body instantly appeared in front of Orochimaru. He picked up the stick with his backhand and hit him again.

Orochimaru stepped back, dodged the stick, and rushed forward with his sword as well.

"Can't a person who is about to die die quietly?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his stick to block Orochimaru's blade. Then he looked up at the cold Orochimaru and smiled, "I can die, but before the Hokage dies, won't you do something for the village?"

Orochimaru slashed with his sword, drew it out, and slashed at Sarutobi Hiruzen from another direction.


Clang, clang, clang!

Sarutobi Hiruzen had to free his hands to resist Orochimaru's frequent attacks.

"This old guy." Orochimaru's eyes were sharp. He quickly swung his sword to knock away the fierce golden cudgel. Then he stretched his left arm forward, and a brown python suddenly sprang out of the thick cuff. Biting the third generation's neck.

next moment.

He saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's body turned into a puddle of soil, scattered on the ground.

"Earth clone?"

Orochimaru's pupils shrank and he subconsciously opened his mouth, "Snake limbs are hardened!"


A black light arose from behind him and hit Orochimaru on the back, sending him flying dozens of meters away.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to pursue, but his expression suddenly changed. He quickly put the golden cudgel horizontally to one side and used the body of the stick to block the Nidaime Hokage's fist.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of both parties disappeared in an instant, and only a ball of gold and black and a ball of light blue were seen violently colliding among the treetops, causing strong shock waves from time to time.

In terms of speed, the Third Generation was much faster than the First and Second Generations after the reincarnation of Yutu, but his chakra was far inferior to these two. This was discovered by Sarutobi Hiruzen during the battle.

Unlike the enemies he encountered before, with his current aging body, he couldn't fight a protracted battle at all. Even every minute of delay would be fatal to him.

One on one, three generations of eyes are true.

But three against one

Whoever comes is in vain! ! !

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