"I really miss it!"

A magnetic sigh suddenly came to Hongdou's ears while she was eating meatballs.

She subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the black-haired young man was like a curious baby, touching here, looking there, and kicking the tree trunk from time to time.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Looking at the young man's inexplicable behavior, Hongdou frowned slightly and said directly, "Although I don't know why Master Jiraiya wrote you a letter of guarantee, you'd better not run around and don't interfere with the exam."

Hearing this, Asuka slowly raised his eyelids and looked at the toad lying on his head.

This morning, he had just finished his meal with Sasuke, and a toad came to his door with a letter of guarantee, and said directly that Jiraiya sent it to monitor.

As for the letter of guarantee.

It was just a guarantee made by Jiraiya to prevent any accidents.

Thinking this in her heart, Asuka raised her head and looked around. Her sight finally fell on Hongdou in front of her, and she said, "If you are worried that I will ruin the exam, why did you bring me in?"


Hongdou rolled her eyes. While secretly sensing the movements of the examinees, she explained, "With your sneaky look, who knows if you will suddenly enter the examination room after your curiosity explodes."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the other party giving her a thumbs up. Hongdou couldn't tell whether the flat voice was a compliment or a sarcasm.

"Hongdou, your way of thinking is great. Stay away from Xiyan in the future. Xiyan is too stupid. She may not be able to keep up with your thinking and understand your ideas."

Asuka glanced at her sideways, wondering if this guy's way of thinking is so weird because of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru? ?

The figure of Orochimaru suddenly appeared in his mind. He looked up in the direction where the Genin disappeared, and murmured in his heart, "Is that guy now a woman??

What is the name of that ninjutsu? It seems to be called something."

At this moment, Mitarashi Anko suddenly shuddered.

She clenched her balls vigilantly, looked up and looked around, and finally her eyes fell on the young man in front of her, "Hey, hey, why are you looking at me with such a weird look?"

While speaking, she also shook her fist at Asuka, her expression became more disgusted.

Anko didn't sense any danger from this person. On the contrary, she sensed danger from the candidates just now, and the source of danger was more than one.

I don't know if it's an illusion, she always feels that there may be something wrong with those candidates, but she can't tell where the problem is.

Although the life and death of the Chunin Exam is determined by fate, as the examiner of the second exam, Anko still hopes that those candidates can die at the hands of other candidates, rather than die inexplicably in some conspiracy.

Then, she looked in the direction where the test-takers disappeared, her lips curled up slightly, and she chuckled and said, "A group of young people who are full of blood and can bring me danger, this test is really exciting!!"

But when she thought that someone might make trouble in her home court, Hongdou ate all the balls in one breath, then wiped the oil on her hands, and her face became serious again.

"From now on, you can't stay too far away from me, especially the toad on your head!"

Asuka: ???

Toad: ???

Looking at the confused eyes of one person and one toad, Hongdou concealed the coldness in her eyes and didn't explain anything.

If it weren't for the toad on the other person's head, she wouldn't have the sudden idea to bring this person in, but it would be easy to deal with it with the toad. When she was in doubt, she would throw the toad out.

Just when Hongdou was thinking about how to throw the toad out to be more handsome, Sasuke, who had already entered the depths of the forest, suddenly stopped.

As a Konoha ninja, he was familiar with the Death Forest and could often see it from a distance.

As for the rules of the competition, the examiner had already explained them to them before entering the examination room. Now the only thing to do was to confirm.


Suddenly, a shrill wailing sound came from the front, instantly interrupting Sasuke's thoughts.

A large number of frightened birds flapped their wings and flew into the air.

The chirping sounds mixed together and spread through half of the forest along the air.

"Has it started?"

Sasuke looked at the birdmen hovering in the air, and then looked at the dense forest in front of him, with a solemn look on his face.

This exam is destined to cause conflicts with other candidates. If you are more ruthless, it is not a problem to directly hurt the other party's life. After all, the examiner had already explained it before entering.

[There is no punishment for casualties in the second exam. Those who died can blame themselves for their lack of strength, not others. 】

After experiencing three ninja world wars, the villages have not said that there is a blood feud between them, but they will stab each other when they meet, so it is unlikely that they will not be ruthless.

Afterwards, he turned around and looked behind him, saying lightly.

"How long do you want to make trouble?"

Since the two flew into the forest, he saw Sakura twisting Naruto's ear. Although he didn't know what happened between the two, in this situation

Sasuke took a deep breath and glanced at the treetops that could hide people.

From the outside, he didn't think there was anything special about this forest, but when he entered the forest, he finally understood why it was called the Death Forest.

The trees here are extremely tall, and there may be ninjas hiding behind each tree trunk. Even if you are not careful, you may step on a trap set by others.

Sasuke can already foresee the outcome of their group fighting in such a place.

Thinking of this, he looked at the two people again and continued.

"No matter what happened between you, it's the Chuunin exam now. One may accidentally step on the detonating talisman trap. Over the years, many people in the ninja world have died from the detonating talisman trap.

Among them is the careless Thousand-Armed Rope Tree. "

Although the Uchiha clan also had ninjas who were killed by detonating charm traps, they were all unknown ninjas and were far less famous than the Senju Nope Tree.

When the family was still alive, whenever the ninjas talked about detonating talisman traps, they would pull out the Thousand-Handed Rope Tree to act as a negative example.

Sensing the impatience in Sasuke's eyes, Sakura let go of Naruto's ears. She felt that if she continued, Sasuke would probably ignore her.

"Damn it Naruto!"

Thinking of the experience of being forcibly kissed, Sakura couldn't help but roar in her heart, "My first kiss. That was my first kiss. Sasuke hasn't kissed you yet, you bastard."

"No, you must tell Naruto when you go out. You can't tell this matter outside."

"Damn it, there were too many people in the noodle shop that day, and many people saw it."

"I don't know if Sasuke will want to be kissed. If not, I will never forgive Naruto in this life."

Then, she glared at Naruto hard and suppressed the urge to hit him.


Naruto giggled and scratched his head, a hint of bitterness rising in his heart.

Until now, he didn't know how to face Sakura. He had kissed her, but instead of getting closer, the relationship between the two had become further apart.

He wanted to ask Uchiha Asuka for a theory, but the guy just said it lightly.

"I only care about you leaving a deep impression on her, and I don't care about the after-sales service."

Seeing that the two of them finally became serious, Sasuke took a deep breath and slowly said the plan he had been thinking about for a long time, "I am wearing a weight now and my movement speed is much slower than usual. I am not suitable for pursuit battles, only suitable for ambushes." war."

Hearing this, Naruto's eyes widened instantly, and his mouth opened as if he could fit an egg in. He was shocked and said in his heart, "Not long after I mastered treading water, this guy thinks that the training intensity is not enough, so he wears weights for training?"

"You bastard!"

Sakura's eyes widened at this time. She had been worrying about her first kiss some time ago and had no intention of paying attention to Sasuke, let alone him training with weights.

Then, she silently lowered her head and glanced at Sasuke's beautiful feet.

"Although the soil in the forest is soft, Sasuke's feet are still sunk into the ground for about half a centimeter. These feet are still so beautiful. I will be with Sasuke for the next five days, how can Ino compare it.

Broad forehead! ! "

A drop of saliva slid down the corner of Sakura's mouth, and finally fell on the soft earth.

Seeing Sakura's appearance of being caught in a genjutsu, Sasuke's eyelids twitched slightly, and an unpleasant feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

Then, he followed the guy's line of sight and found that the other person seemed to be looking at his feet.


After a moment of silence, Sasuke silently pulled his toes back a little.

got used to! !

After so many years in Ninja School, he has encountered all sorts of perverts! !

at the same time.

On the other side of the forest of death.

Two black figures appeared on the treetops. They only stayed in place for a short moment before disappearing, leaving only the trembling treetops to prove that someone had just appeared here.

"Boy, don't you think she has a great figure?"

"Can toads also appreciate humans?"

"Normally a toad can't do that, but little Jiraiya takes me to the bathhouse every day, which helps me exercise my eyesight to some extent."

"Oh, then be careful, I always feel that she may have bad thoughts towards you."

"I feel it too. How about we withdraw? I will take you to Miaomu Mountain to catch bugs. Surveillance is not surveillance. Surveillance in Miaomu Mountain is safer."

Listening to the whispering discussion behind them, Mitarai Anko's face suddenly turned a little dark, running at the front.

Although she had heard about some of Jiraiya's deeds, after seeing how crooked this toad was, Anko realized that she had underestimated the extent of Jiraiya-sama's obscenity.

What kind of person can train a psychic beast to become a pervert?


next moment.

Hongdou jumped onto a big tree and suddenly stopped.

Smelling the extra smell in the air, she subconsciously raised her head and looked around, with a look of surprise on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Feiniao also chased after him at this time and asked curiously, "Someone died??"

He can be said to be extremely familiar with the Forest of Death. Due to some special reasons, Asuka participated in three Chunin exams before finally being promoted to Chunin.

While taking the exam, he saw more than one person die here.

"No!" Hongdou hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and did not continue.

Although she is not a sentient ninja, because of the teachings she received from Orochimaru, Anko has a perception comparable to that of snakes, and her sense of smell is almost as good as that of the Inuzuka clan.

Just now, she actually smelled that person's scent in the air.


"But if it smells like him, why is it also mixed with the smell of women's perfume? Is he married?"

red beans:? ? ?

The moment the word "marriage" appeared in her mind, Anko clenched her fists and her eyes ignited with fire.

She thought that Orochimaru would live a frightened life when he defected from Konoha, but she didn't expect that he would actually get married?

"This damn guy left me alone in Konoha, and he actually ran out to live happily ever after and maybe even get married." After Mitarashi Anko gritted her teeth and finished speaking, she sniffed the air again and quickly became convinced. The direction of that smell.

Anko is still very clear about Orochimaru's strength, she is no match for that guy.

"Should we pursue him or not?"

Just when she was hesitating in her heart, Feiniao suddenly came over.

Hongdou is now about 10 years older than in his original world, his face has lost the childishness it once had, and there is no trace of his childhood appearance on his body.

"Does this mean that the person Hong Dou likes left her and married someone else?"

Suddenly hearing this big melon, Feiniao became energetic instantly.

Whether it was before or after time travel, he had never heard of Anko having someone she liked. Even by the time Boruto was transferred, Anko had become an aunt and he had never seen anyone she liked.

Thinking of this, Feiniao quickly concealed the gossip on his face, and his expression instantly became serious.

"Anko Jonin!!" Then, he put his hands in his pockets and said insinuatingly, "From what you just said, it seems that someone very important to you is getting married?

Is that person from Konoha? "

"No! That bastard is not from Konoha!"

Anko shook her head firmly, and then turned her eyes to the direction of Orochimaru, her eyes filled with a bit of complexity and anger.


Following her gaze, Feiniao also looked toward the dense forest in the northeast.

With the help of his memory, he knew where the end of the exam was. The only people who appeared in the forest at this time were the examinees and examinees. The examiner's words were usually invisible when he looked up and looked down. Hong Dou could not be so angry.

"Are you a candidate?"

Thinking of those young candidates, Feiniao shook his head subconsciously and thought to himself, "She shouldn't be so perverted. She would focus on children around 10 years old. With her vision, it is unlikely that she would be interested in children of that age." Too big a genin.”

He shook his head again, rejecting all the speculations in his mind.

The corner of his eye swept over Hongdou's ever-changing face, Asuka blinked, and a ridiculous idea suddenly came to his mind, "Could he be the son of an old friend?"

Asuka suddenly hammered his left hand with his right fist, making a soft "pop" sound, and suddenly realized: "Since her first love is from another ninja village, it makes sense for her first love's son to come here to take the exam.

This is so reasonable! ! "

Then, when he lowered his head and saw Hongdou's complicated expression, he suddenly understood everything.

I dare not see this! !

But if you don’t see me and I don’t see you, how can you eat this melon?

In line with the principle of gossip to the end, Asuka gently licked the corner of his mouth, with a bit more excitement in his voice, "Hongdou Jōnin, although I don't know why you are hesitating, but I can feel that you have regrets and worries in your heart. Doubts and regrets”

Silence remained silent long after Asuka finished speaking.

Hongdou's heart was filled with regrets, questions and regrets.

She often asked Orochimaru in her dreams why he didn't take her away with him in the first place and why he left her alone in Konoha.

Looking in that direction, Hong Dou's crisp voice suddenly became hoarse.

"I do have regrets."

Before she could finish her words, Feiniao suddenly puffed up his chest and spoke righteously.

"If you have regrets, let's solve them! What I hate most in this life is having regrets, Anko Jounin. If you don't solve your regrets now, it will accompany you throughout your life until you die.

Don't you feel uncomfortable? Don't you want to vent? Do you just want to wrong yourself?

If you swallow your grievances, you will be the one who suffers in the end. "


Hearing this, Hongdou narrowed his eyes slightly and said hesitantly, "But I'm a little scared!!"

"Afraid of a hammer!"

Feiniao glared and encouraged, "The best way to overcome fear is to face it head-on. As long as you can overcome the fear in your heart, you will not be troubled by this matter in the future."

"But I'm still a little scared!"

"Don't be afraid, let's go, I will hold you up if the sky falls!!"

"can you??"

"Jounin Anko, don't worry, I have experience in solving this kind of thing!!"

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