Konoha: Prepare to defect, the system is coming

Chapter 412 He would rather suspect the informant’s rebellion than doubt his own judgment

While Asuka was still fooling the followers of the Evil God Cult in Tangyin Village, those Cloud Ninjas had already left the country and headed towards the next ambush location.

It's normal for accidents to happen while you're on a mission.

Before they get the exact information, they can only try a little bit if they want to ambush others.

If you don't wait at the first ambush site, then go to the third one. If you don't wait at the third ambush site, then go to the fifth one. If you don't wait at the fifth ambush site, then go directly to the end point.

There is always a place to ambush the Konoha group.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Several black figures flashed across the treetops, and if you looked carefully, you could faintly see that there were several arcs of electricity mixed with those black figures.

Compared with the speed of ordinary ninjas, these cloud ninjas who are physically strong and good at lightning escape are faster on the road.

"team leader!"

Looking at the tall figure running in front of him, a cloud ninja subconsciously looked back behind him and frowned, "We just left like this? What if those people haven't come yet?"

"We can't bet on that eventuality!"

The captain said while running forward, "The exact information we got was only the time they left Konoha, not the time they were on their way.

If those ninjas take turns carrying the nobles of the Honey Country on their backs, their marching speed will be greatly accelerated. It is very likely that they will quietly leave the country when we focus on Uchiha Asuka. "

Hearing this, the surrounding cloud ninjas suddenly felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

They had seen the mission scroll when they came. It contained basic information about the person from the Country of Honey, and his weight had exceeded 200 kilograms.

Carrying a 200-pound fat man on his way

After that picture appeared in his mind, even Kumo Ninja, who was dominated by his physique, couldn't help but shudder.

"Damn it, if I had known better then I shouldn't have paid attention to Uchiha Asuka."

"Alas, isn't it because we are afraid of being noticed by Uchiha Asuka, and then the mission goes awry?"

"Tell me, did he see us?"

"You see, I saw Uchiha Asuka waving to me last time."

"How the hell are we exposed?"

"Idiot, you lie down on the window and look at other people every day. How can you not be exposed? This is one of the reasons why the captain took us out of Tangyin Village as soon as possible."

Three days later.

Close to the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

To go from the Country of Fire to the Country of Honey, you not only need to pass through several small countries, but also pass through the Country of Thunder, and then take a day's boat ride to reach the island country-the Country of Honey.

Originally, it was possible to go to the Honey Country by boat from the Water Country, but there were too many uncertain risks in sailing on the sea.

When passing through the waters of the Kingdom of Water, the ninjas from Kirigakure Village will suddenly emerge from the water, rob people and goods, and even drill a hole in the boat you are riding in before leaving.

And after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers to the waters of the Kingdom of Thunder, if you are lucky, you will successfully reach your destination, but if you are unlucky, you will encounter a turtle carrying an island.

Generally, any ship that encounters Turtle Island will be caught by the Kumo ninja as a spy and beaten first, and tortured to see if they are spies sent by Kirigakure.

Theoretically, as long as you avoid Turtle Island, you can avoid the Kumo Ninja at sea, but that bastard often moves around, and no one knows where it will appear next.

Therefore, when planning the route, the Konoha ninjas directly rejected the water route.

It wasn't because they were seasick, it was just that there were too many risks with uncertain waterways.

at this time.

In the dense forest near the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Several men wearing Konoha forehead protectors and combat uniforms were leaning against the tree trunks, eating dry food in their hands and looking around cautiously.

They have now reached the border of the Kingdom of Thunder, and there may be cloud ninjas here at any time.


After taking a bite of dry food, one of them raised his head and looked around. His eyes finally fell on the tall and thin man, "We are about to enter the Kingdom of Thunder. Are we really not here to wait for the Asuka Jonin?"

The leader chewed the dry food in his mouth. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said, "Since we have made an agreement with the Asuka Jonin, of course we must go to the Land of Honey as agreed."


Hearing this, another Konoha ninja couldn't help but said, "Have we been too peaceful along the way? There was not a single person ambushing us. I remember that's not what the mission scroll said."

Then, he took out the backup copy of the mission scroll from his arms, unfolded it, and scanned it up and down.

[Escort the younger brother of the Daimyo of the Land of Honey back to the country to take charge of the domestic situation]

[The domestic situation in Honey Country is turbulent. Some people in the country don't like the daimyo's younger brother. After depriving him of his noble title, they may hire Kumo ninja to assassinate him. 】


Putting away the mission scroll, he looked up at the dense forest around him.

The climates of the two countries of Thunder and Fire are different. It is winter in the Country of Fire at this time, but spring has already entered the Country of Thunder. Although green leaves grow on the treetops, these leaves cannot hide a person's body. .

After scanning around, he couldn't help but frown.

"There is no one to ambush us here, so we will enter the Kingdom of Thunder immediately and assassinate a former noble in the Kingdom of Thunder. Aren't those Cloud Ninjas afraid that the famous names of the Kingdom of Thunder will secretly mark them down?"


At this time, the leader sighed. He looked at his companions helplessly, and then looked up at the sky.

Although several days have passed, these companions still haven't gotten used to anything.

That is.

damn it.

They had no "noble" to protect at all. That noble was thrown into Ryūchi Cave by Uchiha Asuka. They simply escorted a ball of "air"! !

Will those Kumogakure ambush on the road take action when they see them escorting a ball of air? ?

The captain tugged his hair hard and said a little bit madly, "Damn it, no wonder no one wants to cooperate with Uchiha Asuka, it's so evil.

It's obviously not a bad thing, so why does it end up so awkward?

It always feels like something is missing. "

Hearing this, the surrounding Konoha ninjas also nodded.

They have always felt this way along the way.

Don't ask, there are only a few people left to ask.

As for who is missing, they don't want to say.

at the same time.

In the forest not far away, several panting cloud ninjas were leaning on tree trunks, looking exhausted.

In the past few days, they had traveled desperately, and finally rushed back to the Kingdom of Thunder today.

When they were heading to the second ambush location, they received news from the village.

According to the information sent back by reliable informants, the Konoha ninjas escorting the nobles of the Honey Country have arrived at a certain small country, and that small country is the third ambush location of their plan.

At that time, they were still wondering why the group of people in Konoha were rushing so fast. This speed was not at all like the speed of ordinary people. It was just like a group of ninjas rushing at full speed.

When they arrived at the third ambush site, they received news from the village.

[The Konoha group has arrived in the country where the fourth ambush site is located. 】

When they saw the news, Yun Ren and the others were dumbfounded.

It's true that those guys in Konoha are moving too fast, and they don't seem to be carrying a burden at all.

When they received the news for the third time, the Konoha group was said to be approaching the border of the Land of Thunder.

This time, the cloud ninjas were immediately silenced.

Then they burst out with chakra and hurried on at full speed, finally arriving at the border of the Kingdom of Thunder today.

"Old. Boss!"

A Kumo nin put his hands on his knees and panted, "Did those guys in Konoha run too fast? I suspect. I suspect that our informant has rebelled and deliberately provided us with false information."

After hearing this, the leader couldn't help but fell silent.


Is this informant a fucking traitor?

How could those people in Konoha run so fast?

This was very inconsistent with his judgment.

How could the people from Konoha, carrying an ordinary fat man weighing more than 200 pounds, arrive at the border of the Kingdom of Thunder in the blink of an eye?

“There is definitely something wrong with the informant!!”

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