
Half an hour later, Kushina looked at the orange cat's leaving figure and let out all the depression she was holding in her lungs.

She could tell through the orange cat's vision during this time.

The villagers did not become hostile to Uchiha, and the village did not strengthen surveillance of Uchiha. This kind of behavior could only explain one problem.

[The village did not investigate that the Night of the Nine-Tails was related to Uchiha, and Uchiha may have even used some methods to prove his innocence]

Then this problem is very serious

Kushina, the person involved, knew that the Nine-Tails was stripped from her body by a member of the Uchiha clan. The villagers also knew that the Nine-Tails was controlled by someone using the Sharingan, and the Sharingan was only available to Konoha's Uchiha.

"Is the water really that deep?"

Thinking of the phone call that the orange cat said to her before leaving, Kushina slowly narrowed her eyes and murmured to herself, "It's really deep. Before the Night of the Kyuubi, the entire village didn't think of Uchiha. Two Susanoos can appear at the same time.

I'm afraid even Danzo doesn't know about this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to leave an Uchiha with the Mangekyo Sharingan in the village. "

During the time when she was about to give birth, she had heard people mention Danzo's arrangements for Uchiha.

Even as a Jinchuuriki, she could probably guess why Danzo wanted to engage in this drama.

I just didn't expect that in addition to the Uchiha at Danzo's base, there was actually a pair of kaleidoscopes in the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha who extracted the Nine-Tails also had a kaleidoscope.

Thinking about it this way, the water for the Uchiha clan is indeed quite deep.

"If you want to know the secrets of Uchiha, you have to at least break into the enemy, right? The best way to break into the enemy is to get close to a senior Uchiha person.

Although Uchiha Mikoto is considered a high-ranking member of the family, she is definitely not stupid enough to reveal family secrets to you. Your relationship is not that good. Even if she knows something, she can only keep this secret in her mind.

Therefore, you have to contact other senior management, and you have to rely on yourself.

Otherwise, you will end up with the same result as Danzo.

Nothing can be investigated. "

Recalling what the orange cat said to her before leaving, Kushina's face could not help but darken.

There are many high-ranking officials in the Uchiha clan, but there are certainly not many high-ranking officials who truly know the secrets.

Uchiha Asuka possesses the Mangekyou Sharingan and is backed by Uchiha Ryoichi, which makes him a pivotal figure in the Uchiha clan.

If such high-level officials don't know some secrets, they won't even believe it.

Uchiha senior officials in the eyes of outsiders: Responsible for assisting the clan leader in managing the family, with more than 10,000 people below the clan leader.

They are responsible for supervising the daily operations of the family, formulating the family's future strategy, often discovering and cultivating talents within the family, and pushing the family forward towards a bright future.

In the eyes of Uchiha Asuka, a high-ranking person: a tsundere, a middle school student, a good job, and starting a clan would consume enough food to feed an ordinary family for two months.

While helping the patriarch manage the family, he also kept whispering in the patriarch's ears that the time had come and it was time to adopt his ideas.

They had only one strategy for their family's future: how to become Hokage, and they had been on the road to becoming Hokage for nearly fifty years.

As for the bright future.

Uchiha Asuka has not seen any bright future so far, but Uchiha Itachi is growing up day by day.

at this time.

Asuka, a high-ranking Uchiha executive, was sitting on the sofa, watching TV programs with an expressionless expression.

He, a high-ranking Uchiha man, or the one who holds clan meetings, is a high-ranking Uchiha man.

The only role of these high-ranking Uchiha people is to go to clan meetings to mention their ideas, and then develop relationships with clan members and have a meal together.

As for decision-making

Anyway, Asuka has not participated in any decision-making since participating in the clan meeting, and there are not many things that Uchiha needs to make decisions on. The most recent thing that needs to be decided is the reform of the police department.

He, the senior executive, was fired on the spot.


The closed window was opened a little, and a yellow head poked through the gap, constantly looking at the living room in front of him.

When it found Asuka sitting on the sofa, it instantly grinned from the corner of its mouth to the base of its ears and spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"Ah ha~ I'm back!"

Hearing this, Feiniao turned his head and glanced at the window.

I saw a fat tea cauldron suddenly appeared on the windowsill, with a little excitement still on its face, as if it had just done something great.


Shukaku trotted up to the table, picked up his own glass of water and took a sip.

As a tailed beast, it doesn't need to eat or drink, but after doing such a big thing today, it's hard to suppress the excitement without drinking some water.


As the glass of water bottomed out, Shukaku wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth and let out a pleasant sound.

"Ah ha~"

Seeing this guy suddenly going crazy, Asuka picked his ears and asked.

"What happened?"


Shukaku's star-shaped pupils rolled around a few times before he said with a strange expression, "I only discovered today that I am so good at telling stories."

"What story? About the Sage of Six Paths?"

Asuka frowned and looked at the tea cauldron on the table in surprise.

Shukaku can tell stories?

Who is the dignified tailed beast telling stories to?

As if he guessed the doubts in Asuka's heart, Shukaku sat cross-legged on the table and said with an evil smile, "It's not from the Sage of Six Paths, but it's also related to the Sage of Six Paths.

It is a story called [Freedom].

A story about the Immortal of Six Paths granting us freedom, but some people are free and some people are not. "

Having said this, Shukaku suddenly crossed his legs and lay flat on the table. He opened his eyes and looked at the incandescent lamp on the ceiling.

After so many years, it has no contact with the smelly fox.

After all, who wants to get close to a guy who laughs at his tail when they meet him?

but now.

Shukaku waved his tail in front of his face.

"Idiot fox, he actually defines strength by the number of tails.

The false power has two, three, four, seven, eight, and nine tails, but it is locked in a dark seal.

Really powerful, with a tail, you can go wherever you want. "

Thinking of this, Shukaku suddenly reached into the tea cauldron and took out a recipe book in front of Asuka.


Looking at the recipe book in Shukaku's hand, Asuka said in shock, "You actually want to learn to cook??"

“I’ve been researching how to make eggs recently!”

With that said, Shukaku opened a page of recipes, stared at the ingredient list for a long time, and then continued, "They say foxes love to eat eggs, but I think this is a rumor.

How could a stinky fox like to eat this?

In order to verify the authenticity of the rumor, I decided to make a plate of fried eggs called "Freedom" in front of it."

Watching Shukaku suck the saliva out of the corner of his mouth, Asuka looked at it several times before speaking.

"Is it true that if you approach Kyuubi in such a high profile, you won't be discovered?"

? ? ?

Hearing this, a row of question marks instantly appeared above Shukaku's head.

It pointed to its nose, then pointed to the recipe in its hand, and said in a confused tone, "I was telling stories to myself outside the Thousand Hands Clan. Who knew that my purpose was the smelly fox?"

"That's right, others may not think you are a fool!"

The next day, early morning.

The land of the Thousand Hands Clan.

When Senju Hashirama opened the door and breathed in the fresh air outside, the smell of fried eggs entered his lungs along the air.

"Is Xiaozuna frying eggs?"

After smelling the smell of eggs in the air, Hashirama's eyelids began to beat faster and faster.

He could smell that the eggs were burnt.

Later, Hashirama followed the smell of eggs in the air and came to a courtyard wall.

The smell of eggs comes from outside the wall.


At this time, a female voice pulled Hashirama out of his daze.

He glanced at Xiao Gang who was lying on the wall, then smelled the smell of fried eggs in the air, and said helplessly, "What are Xiao Gang looking at? The eggs seem to be sticky."

"I didn't make the eggs!"

She shook the food in her hand towards Hashirama, then stared at the guy cooking outside, and said, "It's the tanuki making eggs in front of our house."

Tanuki? cat?

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama also climbed up the wall and looked outside.

I saw a civet cat wearing an auspicious cloud robe and sunglasses in the woods not far away.

It holds a wok in its left hand and a shovel in its right hand, raising its head at an angle of 45 degrees and looking at the sky, with sharp laughter coming from its mouth from time to time.

"Eggs, eggs, free eggs!"

"Smelly fox, do you know why the eggs are black?

That's because I didn't control the heat well.

Why didn't I control the heat well?

That's because I'm distracted.

It's painful to waste a lot of time every day on mind wandering. "

As he said that, Shukaku ignored the two heads on the wall. It turned its head and looked in a certain direction of the Senju clan, and said with emotion, "Time is like egg slices, it gets blurred before you know it."

It's like you were locked up in a dark place, and before you knew it, fifty years had passed.

Stinky fox, sometimes I envy you.

When you're there, you close your eyes and open them, and you're still in that dark environment, so you don't have to think about where you're going to play today. "

Shukaku shoveled the black eggs in the pot with a shovel, smashed his mouth, and continued.

"Where am I going to play today?

How distressing! !

Trouble! ! "


Looking at the crazy tanuki outside, Tsunade shrugged her eyelids and said lazily, "Why does a lunatic from the Ninja Clan come to the Senju Clan to fry eggs so early in the morning?"

"I'm not so sure either!"

Looking at Shukaku who was frying egg slices outside, Hashirama suddenly felt a toothache.

This guy is not a ninja cat! !

He's obviously a member of Sunagakure Village! !

But Sunagakure Village refused to admit that their tailed beast was lost. Even the fourth generation Kazekage performed a show of suppressing one tail with his bare hands when he received his letter.

It's really strange that there are two and one tail in the ninja world.

Then, he turned to look at Tsunade and said.

"Let Asuka come over today."

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