? ? ?

My purpose? ? ?

Hearing such a sentence suddenly pop out of Uchiha Itachi's mouth, Asuka frowned. Before he could ask, he heard Uchiha Itachi's voice coming from above his head again.

"Asuka Jonin, all of this is really a coincidence."

Uchiha Itachi shakily stood up from the telephone pole.

After squatting in this small place for a long time, coupled with the biting cold wind, he could feel the blood in his legs coagulating. As he stood up, the coagulating blood began to flow down his legs to the soles of his feet, and then Returned from the sole of the foot.

Waves of numbness came from the legs.

Itachi seemed to be unaware of all this. He lowered his head and still stared into Asuka's eyes, and said, "Is it my existence that hinders Asuka's future path as a Jonin?"

? ? ?

Hearing this, Asuka and Orange Cat looked at each other, and both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"Is this guy hysterical?"

He looked up and down at Itachi Uchiha, but did not find any crazy expression on his face. On the contrary, the other person seemed to be somewhat calm now. He didn't know whether it was because of his natural mental strength or because the cold wind kept his mind awake at all times.

"Young patriarch!"

Asuka crossed his arms and frowned.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"what you want to say."

Itachi took a deep breath, looked at the white breath that gradually dissipated in the air, and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, "Apart from the reason of "blocking the road", I really can't understand why Asuka Jonin targeted me!

When I first had memories when I was a child, I vaguely felt your malice toward me, but I thought it was just my illusion at the time. After all, there was no conflict between us.

but now."

Damn it?

Hearing these words, Asuka's eyes widened instantly.

Does this guy remember things so early?

He did have some thoughts in the first two years after Itachi was born.

for example

Find an opportunity to take Itachi out of the village and give it to other families for adoption.

Find an opportunity to change Itachi's mind, learn from those senior time travellers, and do some forced brainwashing.

Later, these ideas went bankrupt one by one.

He wanted to brainwash Itachi more than once, but he didn't know if this guy noticed something. He didn't believe what he said at all. He even told his mother secretly, which led to him being warned by Uchiha Mikoto more than once. .

turn out to be

Uchiha Itachi has long been aware of his malicious intentions.


After a long silence, Feiniao breathed forward and said quietly, "I probably understand why you have always believed that [this matter must be planned by me behind the scenes]."

Itachi nodded and spoke.

"Although I don't understand why the Asuka Jonin was malicious towards me at that time, it was enough to make me wary, plus such an incident related to the Asuka Jonin happened to me.

It's really hard not to think about whether there is some hidden purpose behind this matter.

After all, I can still faintly feel the malice that Asuka Jonin had towards me to this day. "

Having said this, he jumped off the telephone pole and stood on the wall of Asuka's house, then slightly raised his head and looked at the man and the cat at the window on the second floor.

The next moment, Itachi's brain suddenly became dizzy.

When he regained consciousness again, his brows instantly furrowed.

Dim lights on in the bedroom

But the lights that used to give people a sense of security and disperse dark matter now feel a bit weird.

In a dim atmosphere and dim lights, two black shadows appeared behind the window sill and were stretched extremely long by the light. Looking up from his angle, the faces of a man and a cat behind the window sill seemed to be hidden by darkness.

He could not clearly see the expressions of the person and the cat, and could not hear their voices at all. They stood blankly behind the window sill, as if they were corpses.


The cold wind blew from north to south again, and Uchiha Itachi faintly heard the whimpering sound of a woman in the cold wind, and an inexplicable feeling of fear came to his mind.

The skin that had lost consciousness suddenly regained consciousness, and a layer of goose bumps appeared.

Although he didn't know where Asuka's malice towards him came from, Itachi had been on guard ever since he exposed this matter.

He cannot expect a guy who has been malicious to him since he was a child to be a gentleman and not to beat or kill children.


As the wind gradually increased, Uchiha Itachi couldn't help but squint his eyes, and his vision became blurred.

at this time.

The man behind the window sill suddenly straightened up and slowly turned his stiff neck to look here. Although the two parties were close at hand, Itachi still couldn't see the man's expression clearly.

It was as if he had no expression or facial features.

The surrounding environment also changed at this moment.

Familiar streets no longer exist and now look strange and unknown.

A hot feeling hit him from all directions, making Uchiha Itachi want to take off his clothes.

But when he looked at the dilapidated buildings on both sides of the street, he resisted taking off his clothes to cool down. Everything around him was too weird.

The only building with lights on was the one in front of me.

It's just that the light in the window on the second floor is no longer as soft as when he first arrived. Instead, it shows signs of extinguishing and becomes darker and darker.

The dark figure in the bedroom stood on the window, shook his neck, and looked over suddenly.

This person in front of me.

He is not Uchiha Asuka! !

Huge fear instantly enveloped him, and Itachi didn't understand what kind of ninjutsu this was that could instantly teleport him to this pure land just like the one described in the book.

Or is it an illusion? ?

The next moment, he saw the black shadow on the window sill move and rush towards him.

Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Then he clenched the kunai, concentrated all his strength, and stabbed towards the black figure.


A feeling of firm confinement came from his wrist. After Uchiha Itachi broke free twice, he subconsciously raised his head and looked forward. Then, after his brain buzzed, his consciousness fell into darkness.

But before falling into darkness, he saw the other person's eyes.

Black and red, black and red.


At this time, an orange figure also appeared on the wall.

It looked at Uchiha Asuka, and then at the unconscious Uchiha Itachi in his hands, and said in a soft voice full of doubts.

"What happened to this guy just now?

He turned his head and looked around. The confusion on his face didn't seem to be fake. Even when he looked at us, Uchiha Itachi looked as if he had seen something terrifying, and even took out a kunai.

Isn't he possessed by evil spirits? "

"I'm not possessed by evil spirits, I'm just stupid from the cold!"

Hearing this, the orange cat stared at Asuka suspiciously for a while, then whispered, "It's just the two of us here, are you sure you didn't use illusions on him?"

Why haven't I heard that people can behave like this when they are frozen? "

"It's so freezing!"

He lifted Uchiha Itachi up by his collar, then turned and walked towards the medical department, "When the human body temperature drops between 26 and 30 degrees, serious problems occur in the human body's functions, and it is almost impossible to move. The skin also loses sensation.

During this stage, the human brain may experience hallucinations.

Uchiha Itachi was probably frozen and fell into hallucination just now."

? ? ?

Hearing this, Orange Cat was dumbfounded.

It looked at Uchiha Itachi's twitching thighs, then quickly caught up with Asuka and asked, "Are you sure he was frozen and hallucinating? Why do I feel like he is having some kind of nightmare? Look at his thighs It's like escaping from an illusion."

"It was true that he fell into an illusion just now, but when he regarded me as an enemy and the kunai stabbed me, he was really under the illusion."

As he spoke, he glanced down at the child in his hands. Seeing the look of horror on Itachi's face, he took a deep breath and added something in his mind.

"Tsukuyomi·castrated version!!"

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