The original Hokage World,

Konoha, in the land of the Senju clan,

As the pillars slowly opened their eyes

Look at everything familiar in front of you

At this moment, the pillars also came back to their senses


“I didn’t expect the world ranking to bring such a big surprise!”

“It was unexpected”

Thinking about everything that happened in the Hokage chat group

The pillars became excited

【Ding! Rewards have been distributed ~].

【Please pay attention to check~】

Just when the pillars were still reminiscing about everything that happened in the chat group

The familiar system prompt in my mind sounded again

Hear this voice,

A sparkle instantly erupted in the eyes of the pillars

“It’s really coming!”

“Receive !!!”

At this moment, the pillars also hurriedly chose to receive

This is something that can heal your own body

As long as the body is able to recover,

When the time comes, Konoha will be handed over to Kuruma

And he is to strengthen the power of Konoha

At the next meeting, you can make your world one more row ahead, preferably first!

One thought of the first reward

The eyes between the pillars were full of fire

That reward was a gluttonous even for the pillars known as the god of the ninja world

This is also the first time that the world leaderboard has given a reward

The rewards will definitely get better and better in the future

As long as your national strength can become strong enough, you can even get the rewards of the second-level world and the third-level world.

With a colorful glow,

An ordinary jar appeared in front of the pillars

The entire jar is about the size of a human head

Looking at the jar in front of you,

But the lid was opened with joy

I saw that the jar full of fairy beans was reflected in the eyes of the pillars.

After picking one up casually between the columns,

Look at something like a broad bean in your hand,

It can have such a magical effect

But since it is a reward thing in the chat group,

Then there must be no fools,

Immediately, regardless of three seven twenty-one, the pillar directly threw one into his mouth


The moment I ate the fairy beans between the pillars,

A terrifying life force instantly surged from the mouth to the body.

‘Huh?! ’

‘What a terrifying vitality!!! ’

Feel this sudden vitality

Pillar’s eyes widened instantly

The whole person was shocked in place

And at this time,

The dark illnesses and injuries left on the body of the pillar were instantly recovered under the action of Xian Dou

Even the physical deficit caused by long-term bed rest during this period of time has all made up for it.

With the instant recovery of the intercolumn injury,

Pillars clearly felt that his strength had returned to subversion again.

A terrifying momentum instantly erupted from the pillars


“What’s the situation?!”

“Enemy attack?!”

“Who dares to attack our Thousand Hands clan!”

“It seems to be the patriarch’s mansion!”

“Hurry up, hurry up! Rule Tsuma-sama at once! ”

Feel this sudden appearance of horror

The ninja in charge of patrolling the Senju Clan instantly gathered

At the same time, he informed Senjukuma as quickly as possible

But not yet to act

With a blue light, the figure between the thousand hands had already appeared in front of everyone.

“Damn, that place is Big Brother’s room!”

“You guys keep up as soon as possible!”

“Don’t let go of any enemy!”

Seeing this terrifying momentum appear in the courtyard between the pillars

A thousand hands can’t take care of so much

After explaining, he first used the Flying Thunder God to rush towards the direction between the pillars.

As the first god speed in the ninja world,

In an instant, a thousand hands had already appeared in the courtyard between the pillars

Look at the absence of traces of enemy invasion,

I couldn’t help but be stunned

But soon, the worry on Tsuma’s face disappeared

In its place was a color of euphoria

Because he suddenly found that this breath turned out to be between his eldest brother’s thousand hand pillars.

“Big brother!!”

As he rushed into the house

Sure enough, I saw the thousand-handed pillar that had been restored

And my own guess is right,

The eldest brother’s body really recovered.

Looking at the chestnut that suddenly broke in,

Only then did the pillar react, he had just recovered, and the movement that came out was a little big.

Unexpectedly, I was shocked.

“Hahaha, my body has recovered!”

“I knew you would be fine, big brother, hahahaha!”

For the intercolumn body recovery thing,

Tsuma is also happy from the bottom of my heart

However, at this time, the pillars thought about what would happen in the future in the chat group

The columns did not remember much at that time

But it is also based on the impression of rare points

The first Shinobi War seems to have been because after his death, other powers invaded Konoha.

Come to think of it,

A good idea instantly appeared in the mind of the column

“Tsuma, don’t mention the things I recovered today to anyone~”

“I have an idea!”

Looking at the natural column in front of you,

I was also happy

Whenever my eldest brother actually used ideas.

However, he did not dampen his eldest brother’s enthusiasm, and patiently stood on the side and listened to the pillars describe his good ideas

“Tsuma, after leaving me today~”

“You will officially take over as the second generation Hokage and announce that I have passed away!”


Without waiting for Zhuma to finish speaking, Tsuma chose to refuse without hesitation

But this time, you can’t refuse

The pillars are ready to increase Konoha’s national strength

Now that I’m well, I have to start preparing for the next Hokage Chat meeting

When the time comes, it’s good to grab the top three spots.

“Recently, at the border of the Fire Nation, other countries have been about to move because of the news that I was seriously injured~”

“You should know! Now my body is restored~”

“But we can take this opportunity to teach those ninja villages what peace is!”

With a serious look on his face, he said

It’s not good to say anything on the side

I could only agree according to the meaning of the column.

Immediately, after a few more words from the pillars, he quickly left the room between the pillars and went to prepare as requested.

The pillars left alone looked at the table full of fairy beans, and also carefully used the scroll storage to store it close to his body.

And the other side,

After leaving with Kuruma

Soon Mito rushed to the courtyard between the pillars with tears in his eyes

At the same time, Kuruma quickly announced that he would become the second Hokage

This scene made all the clans of Konoha realize

Something big happened.

And this news,

At the same time, it was quickly passed back by spies from various villages.

There is only one content in the intelligence

‘Confirmed, the life of the Thousand Hand Pillar is not long over! ’

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