“Oh my God!”

“Really fake?!”

“Did Sandaime and Danzo do something ulterior?”

“It’s hard to believe!”

Looking at what Shirano said on the light curtain,

The entire Konoha instantly fell into an uproar

But more are Konoha’s civilians

As for the people of various families,

For what the three generations and Tuanzang did, although I don’t know what exactly they did

But I still found some clues

Especially the Nara family, who are distinguished by their wisdom

However, for the Nara family, protecting one’s life is the best solution

So I don’t bother with these unknown things.

Except for the small family in Konoha,

The Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan were happily looking at the light curtain in the air at this moment

It can only be said that the two families have suffered for three generations

Now that the two major families have not gone up and down, it can be regarded as the end of benevolence and righteousness.

And at this moment, in a tavern in Konoha Village

A silhouette was sitting by the window

While pouring wine, he looked at Baiye’s figure on the light curtain in the air

“Hehe, it’s time to start~”

Sitting in the tavern is Shirono’s teacher, Tsunade-hime!

As Tsunade muttered

As if something came to mind again,

Looking in the direction of the ape flying family,

With a self-deprecating smile on his face, he picked up his glass again.


“Tsunade, ask me to come here at this time~”

“Aren’t you going to see the teacher?”

Just as Tsunade was drinking to himself

A figure revealing a cold aura from top to bottom came to the tavern

The pale skin is reflected underneath

The person who came was like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.

It was the Leng Jun Great Snake Pill who was the same as Tsunade among the three Shinobi

Looking at the arrival of the big snake pill,

Tsunade didn’t say anything, just picked up a bottle of wine from the side and placed it in front of Orochimaru

“Come and drink~”

“Please watch a good show!”

Orochimaru looked at the wine in front of him

He looked at Tsunade, who seemed to be relieved at the moment

I don’t know how long it has been since I saw Tsunade like this

Then there were no more words

He picked up the drink in front of him and drank it.

When Orochimaru looked at the light curtain in the distance

But a scene that happened not long ago came to mind.

A few days ago,

Shirano directly launched a public opinion war in the village

A small part of the black material of the three generations and the group collection was exposed

In an instant, he pulled the three generations from Hokage’s position

The speed was so fast that everyone didn’t expect it

And Shirano even sat in the position of Hokage with lightning speed

This made the big snake pill not expect

The most important point is that at that time, the big snake pill was using villagers for human experiments

Among them, there is also collusion with Tuanzang

Orochimaru originally thought that he would end up the same as the three generations of them

In the end, it was found that Shirano did not move himself

Until not long ago, Shirano personally came to see him

Don’t blame yourself for your experiments

At the same time, it will continue to sponsor its own experiments

But the people used in the experiment can no longer be people from their own village.

This made the big snake pill find for a while, and some people couldn’t understand the white field in front of him

However, he can continue to stay in Konoha to continue his experiments

This point Orochimaru was already very satisfied.

Come to think of it,

The corner of the big snake pill known as Leng Jun suddenly evoked a long-lost smile.

Now, let’s enjoy the good show that Shirano has to offer.

Soon, all the evidence collected by the wave feng shui gate was released on the light curtain

These include the plans of the three generations of Hokage Ape Hibiki and Hokage Sukesuke Shimura Danzo against the Senju clan

Endure from top to bottom,

As long as it is a ninja of the Senju clan, they will all be sent out to die

And the Senju clan that has been integrated into Konoha,

It is secretly caught for human experiments

In order to obtain the original Hokage’s Mu Duan

The two people even killed the young patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan, Rope Tree, and directly hollowed out his body.

One crime after another appeared in front of everyone in an instant

At this moment,

The whole of Konoha fell silent.

None of them thought about it


Three generations of Hokage, who originally looked amiable

This kind of thing was done behind the scenes

Even the Konoha families didn’t expect it

What these two people did turned out to be so terrible

That’s a family of two teachers

As a result, there were still two or three big cats left by two people

The Senju clan is now left with Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito.


“These two people are so vicious!”

For a while, the entire people of Konoha felt a chill down their spine

Without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief

The incriminating evidence on the light screen is still playing

These include the duo’s plans for each family

As well as countless geniuses who were secretly abducted from various families under the embarrassment of three generations.

“Damn Tuanzo !!!”

“No wonder the genius in the family disappeared the next day!”

“These two bastards!”

See this message,

The major families who were still watching the play instantly boiled

Combined with the geniuses that have appeared in various families in recent years, none of them have grown up

All disappeared inexplicably,

In an instant, all the families of Konoha began to riot

If it weren’t for the various family patriarchs pressing,

I’m afraid that now various families have come to the door.

In addition to the evidence against the major families

There are also two crazy collection of resources

Not only the resources of ninjas, but also the resources and money of civilians

All the materials sent by the daimyo to Konoha Village were also pulled back to their families by the two

As a result, the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan, which were originally just two small families in Konoha, in just a few years

Now it has completely grown into a large family that is not weaker than the Hyuga family.

Most importantly,

In addition to cultivating ninjas, the two families

People who don’t have ninja talent are eating, drinking, and

eating and fattening oil one by one

Look at this scene,

If it is the anger of the major families that provokes at the beginning,

So now,

It provoked the anger of all the civilians in Konoha.

“Damn three generations!”

“It’s still called three generations?! Ape flying sun chopping is not worthy of being a Hokage! ”

“Yes! That’s right! ”

“And Tuan Zang that old guy!”

“These two damn guys! There is no forgiveness! ”

For a while, the entire Konoha fell into a boil

Everyone began to vent their anger

A deafening cry resounded in the sky.

Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo, who had already sunk to the bottom

At this moment, I heard this roar

The faces of the two were like white paper.

‘It’s over! ’

‘It’s all over! ’

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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