Chapter 1 Great Snake Pill, you don't want your research on forbidden arts to be exposed

Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully crafting an initiation charm, and the proficiency of making a detonator is +1

Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully crafting an initiation charm, and the proficiency of making a detonator is +1


In a forest in Konoha Village, dozens of Yafea's doppelgangers were concentrating on making detonation charms.

Every time these doppelgangers successfully made a detonation charm, such a mechanical prompt sounded in the mind of the night feather body.

As a large number of detonation charms were successfully produced, suddenly, the prompt sound in Ye Yu's mind changed.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Making Detonation Charm] proficiency to reach the full level, and making detonation charms will automatically upgrade to [Explosion].

Hearing this different mechanical prompt, Ye Yu's body immediately stopped the movement in his hand, and his heart was suddenly overjoyed.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, after the level of the detonation charm reaches the full level, the system will automatically upgrade it to explosive!"

"It's not in vain for me these days, the proficiency of the uninterrupted liver initiation charm."


Yoruha is not a person from this world.

His soul comes from Earth.

Yes, Yoruha is a traverser.

Like most crossers, ten years ago, he crossed into the ninja realm and became a Konoha baby who lost both parents.

What the? You ask why the protagonist is an orphan.

Ye Yu said, I am a soul of an adult, call a stranger father and mother, you are not embarrassed, I am still embarrassed.

You also ask why the protagonist was born in Konoha?

Yoruha said that there are many popular characters in Konoha, which is convenient for interaction and everyone loves to watch.

To get back to business, too, Night Feather also turned on the system after crossing over.

For the first ten years, the system was in the process of loading.

Just half a month ago, the system finally finished loading.

At that time, Yoruha also knew the capabilities of the system, a system that became stronger by constantly brushing proficiency.

That day, he couldn't wait to use the system to start brushing proficiency.

Because he knew that in two years, the third Ninja World War would break out.

Unfortunately, the ninjas of their current year, like Kakashi, Uchiha Obito, Matkai... All are going to war.

Although over the years, he has also been cultivating hard.

But his age is too young, coupled with the lack of wall-hanging bloodlines such as writing wheel eyes and white eyes, no matter how hard he tries, his strength improvement is very limited

In the face of the general trend of war, unless it is as strong as the original Hokage and Uchiha, which one dares to speak out and be undefeated?

In order to improve his chances of surviving the Third Ninja World War, Yoruha needs to use this nearly two and a half years to practice various ninjutsu and become stronger through brush proficiency.

To this end, Ye Yu made a series of plans.

First, he set his sights on the various forbidden techniques developed by the second Hokage.

Especially Flying Thor.

This is an "escape" trick.

With Flying Thunder God, his chances of survival on the battlefield will be greatly improved.

As for the Flying Thunder God, it is difficult to learn and refine?

Night Feather means that there is no such thing, as long as you appear on my system panel, I can liver you to full level.

Now the most important thing is how to learn forbidden arts such as Flying Thunder God?!

Without Naruto's father and without the three ninja masters' night feathers, it would be difficult to have access to these forbidden arts, let alone learn.

Seeking three generations of Hokage? Looking for the next four generations of Hokage?

That may be one direction.

But Ye Yu wanted more than just the Flying Thunder God, he wanted all the other forbidden techniques developed by the second generation Hokage

In order to settle once and for all, Yoru plans to go to Orochimaru.

The Great Snake Pill of this period has not yet betrayed Konoha.

Orochimaru, who witnessed the tragic death of Tsunade's younger brother and lover, is now secretly studying various forbidden techniques of the second generation Hokage

And this is just convenient for the night feather.

Although Ye Yu really wanted to go directly to the door like this, he said to the big snake pill: Big snake pill, you don't want your secret research on forbidden arts to be exposed, right?

But reason told him that he must not do this, otherwise, there would be an extra corpse of the traverser on the dissection table of the big snake pill.

Therefore, Yoruha planned to come to the door with gifts, which was more polite.

He believed that Orochimaru must have liked this gift very much.

And this gift is the doppelganger of Bai Jue.

For the Great Snake Pill in this period, Bai Jue's doppelganger is very valuable for research.

A white doppelganger, changing the forbidden technique of the second generation of Hokage, this is very reasonable, right?

In addition, Yoruha also needs to have the strength not to be easily killed by the Great Snake Pill.

Otherwise, the big snake pill is likely to come to the next sentence: Confused, kill you, Bai Jue's doppelganger is also mine.

For this reason, Ye Yu has been brushing several ninjutsu proficiency that he has mastered for the past half a month.

In this process, he found that performing the Shadow Doppelganger not only increased the proficiency of the Shadow Doppelganger, but also practiced ninjutsu with the Shadow Doppelganger, and the proficiency of the ninjutsu would increase exponentially.

For this, Ye Yu felt both surprised and reasonable.

After all, in "Hokage", when Naruto Uzumaki developed the Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken, he used the fact that the multiple shadow avatar art could accumulate experience exponentially, so that the Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken, which would have taken several years to develop, was developed in a month.

After discovering this characteristic of the shadow avatar, Yoruha temporarily gave up practicing other ninjutsu and devoted himself to the proficiency of the shadow avatar.

Maybe it's because the art of shadow avatar is not difficult, or maybe Ye Yu was originally very proficient in the art of shadow avatar, and in less than two days, he pulled the proficiency of the shadow avatar art to the full level, and on the system panel, an enhanced version of the shadow avatar technique, the multiple shadow avatar technique, naturally appeared.

After the Shadow Doppelganger technique was upgraded to a multi-shadow avatar, Ye Yu did not deliberately remove the proficiency of the multi-shadow avatar technique.

When he used the Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger technique to liver other ninjutsu proficiency, the proficiency of the Multiple Shadow Doppelganger Technique had already increased somewhat.

This is like when a person practices swinging a knife, his arm strength is also trained.

With the art of multiple shadow avatars, the proficiency of Ye Yu's other ninjutsu, it is rubbing up and flying fast.

In less than a week, the transformation technique and the D-level ninjutsu instantaneous technique in the three-body technique were all full of liver.

The upgraded abilities of the full-level transformation technique and the full-level instantaneous technique brought unexpected surprises to Ye Yu.

Transformation is a full level → the art of pretend

Instantaneous Technique Full Level → Phantom Instantaneous Technique

The art of pretending is the art of change that Bai Jue possesses.

Bai Jue used this trick to bring great chaos to the Ninja Alliance during the Fourth Ninja World War.

The Phantom Instantaneous Technique is also an instantaneous technique that Uchiha needs to cooperate with the Sharingan.

And Ye Yu, there is no writing wheel eye at all.

What does this mean?

This means that mine hangs above you!!

At that moment, Ye Yu's gaze fell on the system panel, which was originally very inconspicuous [Making Detonation Charms].

Over the years, Night Feather has been relying on shadow doppelgangers to make explosive charms to make a living.

After the system is loaded, the ability to craft detonators also appears on the system panel.

Before that, Yoruha only wanted to brush ninjutsu, and did not care about the skill of [Making Detonation Charms].

But after there are examples of full-level instantaneous techniques upgraded to phantom instantaneous techniques, Ye Yu plans to try it.

Except for wasting some time on tasks in the village, the rest of the time, all of the night feathers were used to explode the liver.

After a week, the proficiency in crafting detonation charms is finally full, and the full level detonation charm has been upgraded to explosive.

"If I fill the proficiency of explosive escape, I should be able to do art like Deidara, and to do art is explosion!"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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