Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 342 Xiaotian Group, come and join us!

"Our goals are pretty clear,"

"It's the castle tower in the center of the three-ring defense line!"

"At the meeting place of the Five Nations, the shadows and daimyo will definitely appear there."

"So, the plan is simple—"

Yahiko stared at the tall black stone wall in front of him and said solemnly:

"We will then be divided into two groups: luring the enemy and breaking through,"

"Gather together, like a sharp knife, pierce the enemy's defense line deeply!"

"Use the fastest speed to break through the defense line, behead the daimyo, pierce the enemy formation in a straight line, and evacuate the scene!"

"Luring the enemy team to change positions, cutting off the enemy's forces, and preventing the team from being surrounded and falling into fierce battles."

"And the breakout group,"

"You must take the strongest stance,"

"Overcome all obstacles in front of you!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nodded. Even Kakuzu, the eldest and most experienced fighter in the team, also recognized this.

"Wise choice."

Facing the tens of thousands of troops piled inside the narrow battlefield in the inner city, breaking out in a scattered manner will only be divided up by the human sea tactics and defeated one by one.

The one thing that Akatsuki has over the enemy at this time is that all members have the strength of elite jounin or above.

Only by clenching your fists can you conserve your strength while cutting through the front line as much as possible to deal with the unknown enemy at the last third layer of defense, and finally behead the Daimyo!

"Then, let's confirm again."

Yahiko turned his head slightly, his eyes fixed.

"There is a Lure Enemy Group,

"Me, Xiao Nan, Oni Deng Man Yue, and Oya Cheng En."

"And the breakthrough team consists of Nagato, Mr. Kakuzu, and Mei Terumi!"

"Finally, Mr. Scorpion is responsible for taking care of the rear end and destroying the chakra cannon that prevented Orochimaru Kumogakure's collapse plan in Kumogakure Village."



At this time, Miyagi Yan in the team frowned slightly and slightly lowered the square sunglasses clipped on the bridge of his nose, revealing a pair of white and red blood dragon eyes with square pupils.

"The first hurdle in front of us is not this wall that we can easily climb up!"

He raised his left hand and waved forward, and chakra, so light that it was almost weightless, blew past the team, like wind blowing on the surface of a pond, causing invisible ripples in front of him out of thin air.

Oya Chengyan then spoke solemnly:

"Instead, this side is a spherical barrier created by the Kumogakure Barrier Team, covering the entire inner city!"

"Trespassers will be detected immediately and manpower will be dispatched in this direction immediately."

"If this could be avoided."

However, at this moment,


From the west side of the inner city a few kilometers away, dense rune spells that snaked like tadpoles suddenly spread out, instantly passing in front of everyone and rushing to the end of sight on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the huge barrier that enveloped the entire city suddenly appeared.

Then, in a brief, almost blinking moment,

The entire surface of the barrier was dyed red and covered with tadpole-like runes!



After a slight shaking, the perception barrier blocking everyone's eyes exploded like glass!

"Ximian, someone actually took action before us!?"

Terumi Mei was suddenly startled and looked to the north in surprise.

"Who could it be?!"

"Whoever it is has done us a big favor, this is an opportunity!"

Yahiko quickly looked behind him, frowned and shouted:


"Yeah!" Nagato nodded solemnly,

He took a few steps forward, walked to Yahiko and grabbed his shoulders, while Yahiko immediately squatted down and held up Nagato's legs.

"let's start!"

Yahiko took a deep breath and mobilized the chakra in his body.

Under the black red cloud robe, the muscles in the strong body are tense, and the blue veins stand out.

Unlike Nagato, who is good at six types of chakra attributes, has amazing destructive power and has "fairy eyes", and Konan, who is talented and intelligent in creating his own paper escape,

Yahiko considers himself to be a dull person, so he only specializes in one-handed water escape and great sword taijutsu, practicing all the way to a level that astonished even Jiraiya.

This is actually a powerful body that can fight hand-to-hand with the furious Naruto who has transformed from a half-tailed beast to a six-tailed form!


Holding Nagato's hand, Yahiko raised his forehead with throbbing blood vessels and shouted in a deep voice:


It was like treating his best friend as a javelin, holding the sole of his foot with one hand and pushing upward suddenly!


The surrounding area was instantly pushed and pulled out with a sharp roar that reached the speed of sound!

Nagato suddenly flew into the sky!

He flew over the city wall like a bird, jumped over the barrier, and passed over the heads of countless wall warriors who raised their heads in surprise.

Facing the sights projected from all directions in the inner city in an instant,

Nagato spread one hand downward,

The strong wind lifted the red hair roots that he used to cover his forehead and raised them high.

Underneath, the ferocious Samsara Eye was revealed, which was surrounded by circles, with the center of the pupil shrinking to a black dot!


"Drink ah ah ah ah!!!"

He roared angrily and swung his palms toward the center!

"Shinra Tenzheng!!!"

Bounce all sentient beings away, the invisible hand of God!

Coming instantly!

Centered on Nagato, the circular gravitational wave spread to nearly a hundred meters in an instant and detonated in mid-air! !

In an instant,

If it were crushed by a solid iron ball, the 20-meter-high city wall would instantly collapse!

The samurai and ninjas guarding the wall were pushed away by invisible violence before they could react, while the unlucky man directly below was instantly merged with the wall and was crushed and collapsed in an instant!

Until Nagato took advantage of this reverse thrust and jumped forward,

Only then did the Kumogakure ninja, a hundred meters away, react and sound the alarm like crazy!

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!!"

"Command, the eastern part is under attack by the enemy, please support!!!"

Before the smoke has cleared, from the edge of the city wall to the command center and then by flags to the command branch on the east side, decisions are handed down to actual people.

In just a short moment, a mixed ninja army of more than a thousand people, led by the leader Kumogakure ninja, came overwhelmingly.


at this time,

The smoke dispersed,

Behind Nagato, there are already seven more figures of different heights!

The only thing the same is,

These seven people are all wearing the same black red Yunxiao robe!

The strong wind blew the clothes of the eight people loudly!

Among them, two figures stepped forward, and in the process, their hands were already forming seals quickly!

The first one was a tall figure with green eyes, wearing a mask, and two black shadows squatting on his shoulders.

Combining the Earth Resentment Yu·Fire Release Mask Monster and the Earth Resentment Yu·Wind Release Mask Monster, they can use Fire Release/Head Release and Wind Release/Suppression at the same time to create a wide range of ninjutsu attacks.

"Composite Ninja Techniques: Flame Wind Flurry, Strange Face Explosive Flame!"

Ninja skills were formed in an instant,

Kakuzu took a deep breath and formed the final '巳' seal with his palms crossed!


A group of wall-guarding ninjas had just come face-to-face with the raiders.

See you soon——

The violent wind spread nearly a kilometer!

Like a tsunami, a sea of ​​fire swept in front of everyone in an instant and came head-on!

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