Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 336 There is a traitor among us!


There was a knock on the door of the house at the end of the remote alley,

However, the two Kakuzu waited here for a long time, and there seemed to be no response from either of them.

Standing at the door, you can see through the gapped wooden boards that the inside of the room is densely covered with cobwebs and a desolate scene that has not been cleaned for a long time. You can also vaguely hear the meowing of wild cats that echo around you from time to time.

Miyajoyan frowned and looked at the surrounding environment, then glanced at Kakuzu in front of him, his expression slightly dissatisfied.

"Mr. Kakuzu, do you think that in a place like this where a bird doesn't poop, there will be the first-class confidential information of Yunming City at this time?"

"I said, don't waste your time, okay?"

For Miyajoyan, most of the twenty years in Hell Valley were spent on hitting birds with stones to obtain food.

'A bird doesn't poop' is already a rather harsh adjective for him.

And in front of me, it is indeed as described by Oyajoyan,

This is a deserted street that doesn't look like it would be inhabited at all.


Hearing this, Kakuzu just glanced at him and said nothing, as if he was too lazy to pay attention to Oya Chengyan.

I just persisted and knocked on the door again in front of the rotten house.

Dong Dong~

And just after this sound, suddenly, a black shadow jumped from the roof,

"Two distinguished guests, please come with me, meow~!"

The strong shadow that fell was an orange ninja cat wearing a red coat. Judging from its appearance, it was the ninja cat Hina who was channeled by Uchiha Fugaku.

At this moment, Ninja Hina stood up facing the two people, pointed to a wall not far away, and then jumped away with steps,


A ripple rose up on the wall, and the ninja cat went directly through it.

At this time, Kakuzu said calmly: "Let's go, the barrier is opened."


"You can't even see through my blood dragon eyes?"

Seeing this scene, Miyajo En was stunned for a moment, with a bit of shock in his eyes, and quickly followed Kakuzu into the wall.

Take one step forward, and the scene in front of you suddenly changes.

From the desolate, dilapidated, uninhabited, stinking streets, in a blink of an eye, we arrived at the interior of a vast and luxurious courtyard.

In front of the gate, a ninja wearing Uchiha costume stepped out.

He looked to be less than twenty years old, but his eyes were shining with a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan eyes.

"All the people guarding the gate are such young Sanmagatama? Who is this guy inside?"

Oya Chengyan raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but secretly cursed,

The Uchiha ninja had already stepped forward, looked at the two of them, and said calmly:

"You two, my name is Uchiha Seiichiro."

"After the conversation with the elders, you can come to me for detailed information on all matters within the Kingdom of Thunder."

After Seiichiro introduced himself, he led the two of them towards the high house in the courtyard.

Walking through the corridor of the mansion, the three of them soon came to a tea room.

Seiichiro opened the door and extended his hand to invite,

The two of them looked inside the teahouse and saw a middle-aged man and a young man sitting upright inside.

The middle-aged man was Uchiha's swordsman during the Hell Valley period. He also showed his great wisdom and was able to persuade strong men like Kakuzu. He was regarded as the right-hand man of the Uchiha clan by the great elder Setsuna Uchiha. Prepare candidates for elders,

Uchiha fire.

Ignoring this 'acquaintance' and standing in front of the door, Kakuzu couldn't help but glance at the square-faced young man sitting next to Uchiha Huoguang. Ever since Hell Valley, Uchiha Huoguang had been responsible for liaison with him. He has never seen a young man.

Moreover, he felt unusually heavy pressure from the other party for the first time in a long time.

"Is this guy the Evil-Eyed Uchiha Fugaku?"

Before the two people who entered the tea room could think about anything, Uchiha Huoguang, as the elder of the clan, quickly took out a scroll from his arms, placed it on the table, and looked at the two people,

"Kakuzu, this is the defense map of Yunming Inner City that you need."

After taking out the scroll, Uchiha Huoguang glanced at Oyajoyan next to Kakuzu. His eyes stagnated for a moment, and then he asked bluntly:

"This...should I call you Oyajoyan? Or Oyajo, the pool of blood?"

"Oya Castle Flame."


Uchiha Huoguang nodded, first looking at Oyajoyan,

"I'm a martial artist. I don't like to beat around the bush, so let's get straight to the point."

"Putting aside the past entanglements for the time being, Oya Chengyan, the black market personnel you have recruited underground in Yunming City during this period have alarmed many forces. We have helped you deal with some of the tricks, and we have also taken care of the things you want to build. The arena and the underground black market, we can make the decision and invest in you.”

"In addition, your daughter, we have brought her back to the Uchiha clan for protection."

As soon as the words fell, the needles could be heard in the tea room.

After hearing Uchiha Huoguang's last words, Miyajoyan was slightly startled, and his eyes turned red on the spot!

"What did you say?!"

He slammed the table, and violent chakra fluctuations suddenly surged around him.

However, at this time,

Uchiha Fugaku, who had been sitting aside and drinking tea calmly, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Miyajo En.

Very soon,

The invisible illusion battle came to an end after the 'Kaleidoscope Eye Technique·Tsukuyomi' was cast.

After a while, Oya Chengyan sat down honestly.

"You want to use Uchiha Ci to take revenge, but Ci's life and death actually don't matter to you."

"You are the most restless element in this newly established organization!"

"This is why Jiaodu brought you here."

Hearing this, Miyajoyan's mouth twitched slightly, he turned his head suddenly, and glared at Kakuzu angrily.

This ‘find the traitor’ game initiated by him,

However, it was only at the end of the game that Oyajo En discovered that,

The ‘traitor’ is myself?

Uchiha Huoguang glanced at the two people with different expressions calmly and said calmly:

"So, it doesn't matter whether you think I'm despicable or inhumane,"

"In tomorrow's assassination operation, Oya Chengyan, I need you to be clear-"

"Uchiha Ci's life is above all else!"


Uchiha Huoguang turned to look at Kakuzu again. After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"Also, regarding this organization called 'Akatsuki', Kakuzu, I need you to give me an explanation."

"Why did you choose to join Xiao?"

Solving the unstable factor of Oya Castle Flame,

Kakuzu breathed a sigh of relief, narrowed his eyes slightly, and felt refreshed.

Facing Uchiha Huoguang's question, he raised his green eyes and thought about it,


Then he took out a ring from his sleeve robe that could be worn on his middle finger.

On the ring, the word "North" is engraved.

This is the ‘North’ commandment among the Ten Commandments of the Akatsuki Organization. North is the Big Dipper.

The Lord of the Big Dipper is dead, so the ring holder has the responsibility to control the lives of others. This is consistent with Kakuzu's own characteristics of taking the lives of others through the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, and transferring them to himself, so after the meeting, Yahiko will This ring was given to him.

"The three guys who were the founders of Akatsuki are no different from this guy."

Kakuzu glanced at Miyajo En, who had calmed down beside him, and said calmly:

"They are all a group of people who are targeting Uchiha Ci and trying to use him to fulfill their ambitions."


"Five days ago, what that little Kirigakure girl did changed the nature of this organization."

"To make me think about joining this organization,"

"Be able to better complete the mission you entrusted to me, to protect Uchiha Ci!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku raised his eyebrows slightly,

Then, he asked curiously:

"Is this also the purpose of collecting the defenses in the inner city of Yunming City?"


"What else do you want to do?"

Kakuzu raised his head slightly and glanced at the tall city within the city through the tea room.


“Let’s offer congratulatory gifts for God’s coming!”

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