Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 289 Minato: I also want to assassinate the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning!

The location of Yunming City is basically the same as Yunyin Village. It is in an open area with towering peaks. Most of the city's buildings rely on the mountain peaks and are based on them, reaching straight into the sky, which is quite impressive.

Stop and look down from the inner wall built in the center of the city, which is taller than the mountain peak.

Thousands of mountains serve as blades, and clouds and mist serve as flags. It’s quite magnificent!

But when Uchiha Ci really entered this city under the leadership of Namikaze Minato,

Just discovered,

Different from the scene that makes people want to write another 300 words, most of the residents here have tired faces, thin bodies, and gloomy faces. They walk with their heads lowered, as if they are planning to pay for fuel. It’s the same as social animals, which one is more cost-effective when tax or oil prices drop?

Walking on the street, no one will give you a second glance.

Even Uchiha Ci and Namikaze Minato wore hats and black robes, and were dressed mysteriously, with the words "I am a terrorist" written on their faces,

also the same.

Looking at this scene, Uchiha Ci felt a little sad.

The Kingdom of Thunder is already in a high-altitude area. The buildings in this bird city are still built on the mountain peaks. There is so much flat space underneath that is not used. When walking, it feels like returning to the mountain city in the previous life. It didn't take long. There is a big slope along the way. It’s amazing that I’m not tired.

Namikaze Minato on the side thought that Uchiha Ci was feeling pity for the civilians of the Kingdom of Thunder. He also looked at it, then sighed suddenly and said:

"The Kingdom of Thunder is different from our Kingdom of Fire. This country is martial and aggressive, and has plundered foreign countries for years. In order to ensure sufficient military expenditures, various taxes are extremely high, so..."

"Martial and aggressive?" Uchiha curled his lips and looked at a group of old men not far away carrying a basket of coal up the mountain just to deliver the coal to the luxurious building on the top of the mountain. He thought to himself: He is really martial and aggressive.

Not only fighting against the sky, the earth, and ninjas from other countries, but also against our own people.

So what about the results of the struggle, except for the part that fell into Yunyin's hands to increase the armament, where did the rest go?

Why do the buildings at the top of the mountain have to be so gorgeous? Why do people want to ride in sedans to the top of the mountain?

Could it be that this is some new tourism project?

Of course, maybe it was forced by the environment and affected by the national conditions, but Uchiha Ci still became more and more distasteful to his eyes.

Among the five major ninja countries, the country with the highest technological level is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Thunder. They can even build epoch-making gadgets such as chakra cannons, but civilians still use this traditional method of pulling horses on horseback. The landowning aristocrats are still indulged in this primitive pleasure,

This world shouldn't be like this.

This group of nobles should have been seduced by the fighting arena built by Oyajo En. They should have been squeezed dry by waving banknotes in a Roman-style fighting arena!

What does that sound like now?

Of course, Uchiha's words were just a few words of slander. After all, it had nothing to do with a handsome guy like him who was just passing by.

"Let's go."

Uchiha Ci quickly lost interest in conversation.

Silent all the way, Namikaze Minato took him away from the bustling inner city, passed through the mountains, and crossed the suspension bridges that connected the mountain platforms on the mountain peaks.

As the sky gets darker, listen to the sound of thunder that gets louder and louder on the clouds,

Finally, we came to a somewhat dilapidated, Baroque-style building. (As shown in the picture)

"here it is?"

Uchiha raised his head and looked at this desolate and dilapidated building, which seemed to have been uninhabited for many years.

In my impression, this kind of building actually appeared in the original manga. It appeared when the immortal duo Hidan and Kakuzu captured Yukito, the two jinchuriki of the two tails.

However, what makes Uchiha Ci feel sad is that now the immortal duo seems to have become his own, and the two Yuki who are confronting him died in his hands, which is equivalent to him taking over the role more than ten years in advance. Fei Dan's job was taken away.

Looking at it this way, it makes him look like a villain.

"Is it a welfare project? There are many tube buildings originally built for civilians to live in the Country of Fire, but I don't know why they are abandoned here in the Country of Thunder."

"There is no one here. I have been active here in recent days."

Minato shook his head, pushed open the rickety wooden door, and walked into the building that looked like a haunted house first. He then took out a fire stick from his ninja tool bag and used it as a light.

Uchiha Ci followed, and at the same time, a little curiosity arose in his heart.

"What are you doing here?"

"Also, when you said Danzo found you in the inner city, what did he say to you?"

Nominally, Shimura Danzo is still Uchiha Ci's boss. This boss can't do anything, but when it comes to his ability to stir up troubles in the ninja world as a troublemaker, Uchiha Ci has no doubts about this boss. Professional in this area.

However, the group boss would choose to join forces with a little sun like Minato Namikaze.

This kind of thing is rare!

Minato's blue eyes dimmed, he smiled reluctantly, and did not respond. He just walked into a house with Uchiha Ci and reached out to touch the wall.


Incandescent lights came on, illuminating the furnishings in the house.

In the center of the house is a map that is densely marked. There are some graceful handwritings on it, and some lines with unknown meanings. Among them, the territory of the Kingdom of Thunder is highlighted.

On both sides of the room were some worn-out tables and chairs, with open letters on the tables.

Looking at the ninja world map that was expensive to make at first glance and was so detailed that even the directions of the mountains and the towns along the way were clearly marked, Uchiha raised his eyebrows slightly.

If he had this thing, why would he spend half a day hanging out with Liangluchi in the Kingdom of Frost?

And just when Uchiha Ci wanted to ask if he could make a copy of this map, Minato was already standing in front of the big map, turned his head solemnly and looked at Uchiha Ci and said:

"Listen, Ci!"

"Aren't you asking me what the relationship between Konoha's plan and the upcoming Five Nations talks is?"

"Now, I'll tell you-"

Namikaze Minato said solemnly,

"We have reached a consensus with Danzo Shimura."

"A decision and action that goes against the will of the Sandaime Hokage!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Ci opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised,

Uchiha was not surprised at all that Danzo would oppose Hiruzen Sarutobi's opinions, or even make a decision that was contrary to his, and even thought it was normal.

But Danzo can actually convince the little Taiyang Namami Feng Minato to join him, so this thing is a bit strange!

Thinking of this, Uchiha could not help but frown. He did not continue to ask Danzo what he wanted to do, but grabbed the key points in Minato's words and asked,

"You guys, besides you? Who else?"

Danzo went to Minato Namikaze to discuss the matter of the Kingdom of Thunder because he knew that Minato and he had an irreversible relationship. He would most likely use this to persuade Minato. In addition, the core participants in the Hell Valley incident were him and Orochi. Orochimaru Danzo, the master and disciple of Maru, would definitely not be able to defeat him, so who else could he look for?

If Minato had an accomplice, Uchiha Ci felt faintly uneasy, subconsciously feeling that this person must have an inseparable relationship with him!

"It's the police captain, Uchiha Fugaku."

Minato took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed, and he said seriously:

"We want to do something treacherous and unethical!"

"Six days later, the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder and the Third Raikage will definitely appear at the meeting of the Five Nations!"

"And we will take action there to assassinate the great name of the Kingdom of Thunder!"

"The main executor of this plan and the person who takes full responsibility for the entire incident,"

Minato let out a deep breath and said bluntly with a heavy face:

"it's me!"

Hearing this and seeing the solemn expression of a martyr on the other party's face, Uchiha felt his scalp numb and stared at Namikaze Minato with horror on his face.

"What! Do you also want to assassinate the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder?"

"Not bad!" Minato Namikaze looked determined,

"If there is anyone in this world who can actually assassinate a great name of a country in front of the Sandaime Raikage!"

"That must be me who masters the 'Flying Thunder God Technique'!"

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