Konoha: I Am Uchiha, Enlightenment Heaven-Defying

Chapter 25 Flying Thunder God Barrier Technique

The Chakra cycle constructed by Eight Gate Ascension Technique proceeds spontaneously, which means that Uchiha Shigen does not need to be practiced.

As long as it accumulates over time, you will naturally be able to completely master the Eight Gate Spirit Ascension Technique and activate the Eight Gate Spirit Ascension Formation in the human body.

In this way, when the Shadow Clone turns into white smoke and disappears.

Uchiha Shigen opened the sealed book.

The next thing Uchiha Shigen will learn is the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Flying Thunder God Technique is a rare time and space ninjutsu in the ninja world.

Its principle is closely related to the sealing technique, and is based on the Flying Thunder God technique.

The Flying Thunder God spell is a Chakra mark similar to the sealing spell.

After leaving the Flying Thunder God spell on the kunai and the human body, the caster can freely teleport between the Flying Thunder God spells.

Based on the Flying Thunder God Technique, Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato also developed different Flying Thunder God derivative moves.

For example, the Flying Thunder God Slash uses time and space to move to the enemy's blind spot where the Flying Thunder God spell is attached, and then attacks the opponent's vital points with lightning speed.

There is also the second stage of Flying Thunder God. The caster throws the kunai with the Flying Thunder God spell at the enemy, and then teleports to the location of the kunai to attack the opponent with the kunai.

and the Flying Thunder God guided mine, which can deflect enemy attacks through space for defense.

Of course, Uchiha Shigen thinks that the Flying Thunder God's guided mines may also be used to deflect attacks.

It can only be said that Flying Thunder God Technique has many application directions. How to apply it specifically requires in-depth development.

"The basis of the Flying Thunder God Technique is the Flying Thunder God Technique, and the Flying Thunder God Technique is an alternative sealing technique. Only by leaving the Flying Thunder God Technique on a kunai or human body can teleportation be achieved."

"I think this method of teleportation is too restrictive, so is there any way to allow people to teleport freely?"


Uchiha Shigen came up with the idea of ​​a jutsu that allows people to teleport freely, and that was the Yomi Hirazan technique mastered by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and Ōtsutsuki Urashiki.

This is a blood successor snare-level time and space ninjutsu that can open a space portal for free space travel.

The level of this technique is too high, and Uchiha Shigen will definitely not be able to master it in a short period of time.

So how can the Flying Thunder God Technique be improved and optimized?

In a flash of inspiration, Uchiha Shigen suddenly thought of it.

"It's not possible to completely eliminate the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"But if I want to eliminate the shortcomings of the Flying Thunder God Technique, which requires leaving the Flying Thunder God technique first before being able to teleport through space, I now know how to do it."

"In this world, there is another type of art that is closely related to sealing art, and that is barrier art."

"Four Purple Flame Formation, Six Red Sun Formation, Five Sealed Barriers..."

"Set the nodes to expand the barrier."

"Wait a minute, Shimura Danzō's Li·Sixiang Seal can quickly expand the scope of the seal."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Shigen also had a complete idea.

That is to improve the Flying Thunder God spell, leave the Flying Thunder God spell on one's body, and then let the Flying Thunder God spell unfold the Flying Thunder God barrier.

In this way, he can move freely within the realm of Flying Thunder God.

Even more than teleportation, he may also be able to use the Flying Thunder God barrier to control the power of space for attack and defense.

"Okay, just follow this idea to optimize the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Now that he has an idea, Uchiha Shigen begins to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique and Barrier Technique.

Time passed quickly.

One month later.

[You have complete control over the Flying Thunder God Technique, as well as the derivative ninjutsu of the Flying Thunder God Technique. You combine the sealing technique and the barrier technique with the Flying Thunder God Technique to create the Flying Thunder God barrier technique, and inscribe Flying on your body. Thunder God spell, so you can freely expand the Flying Thunder God enchantment. Within the scope of the Flying Thunder God enchantment, you can freely perform space teleportation]

"The Flying Thunder God enchantment technique has been completed, and it has indeed eliminated the shortcoming of the Flying Thunder God Technique that the Flying Thunder God Technique must be left before it can perform space teleportation."

"The next thing I have to do is to use the Flying Thunder God enchantment as a basis to develop moves that use the power of space to attack and defend."

"Dimension slash, space shield..."

"Maybe we can develop control moves, such as space solidification and space locking."

"There is also the Flame Blade Ninja Taijutsu. If combined with the Flying Thunder God barrier, what kind of moves will be derived?"

"Does the blazing blade of fire cross the space in an instant and hit the enemy?"

Thinking of this, a lot of inspiration burst out in Uchiha Shigen's mind.

Space and fire.

If these two forces are combined.

It seems to be able to create very gorgeous and powerful moves.

As he continued to shuttle through the space, blazing, crimson flame blades slashed at the enemy from all directions.

Flames intertwined, light and shadow intertwined.

[You combine the Flame Blade Ninja Body Technique with the Flying Thunder God Barrier Technique to create an offensive move - Flame Hell Instant Kill Formation. The body is like a phantom, the fire is like hell, and it can kill thousands of troops instantly]

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