Uchiha clan territory.

In an underground secret room.

Uchiha Yusuke and Uchiha Fugaku sat opposite each other and talked happily.

"Yusuke, these two scrolls record the forbidden techniques passed down from generation to generation by our Uchiha clan."

"I will give them to you for safekeeping now."

Uchiha Fugaku took out two scrolls from a secret compartment and handed them to Yusuke.

The forbidden techniques of the Uchiha clan are Izanagi and Izanami!

According to convention, the two forbidden eye techniques are controlled by the successive Uchiha clan leaders.


Uchiha Yusuke took the scroll but did not open it immediately.

Uchiha Madara fought with Senju Hashirama and was able to survive in the end because of Izanagi.

These two forbidden techniques are indeed powerful, but unfortunately, they are a bit straining on the eyes.

Yusuke can't afford a move that will make him blind after using it once!

Seeing that Yusuke was still calm in the face of the family's forbidden techniques, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but show a touch of admiration on his face.

He couldn't wait to pick up the scroll and study it, but Yusuke was much calmer.

Uchiha Fugaku asked tentatively

"Yusuke, you have already opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, right?"

Although it was a question, Fugaku's tone was very sure.

He had personally experienced the power of Yusuke's pupils, which was definitely not comparable to the ordinary three magatama.

Without opening the Mangekyō, how could Yusuke bounce back his Sharingan illusion?

Uchiha Yusuke nodded calmly.


Fugaku is not bringing the filial son Uchiha Itachi, this man can be trusted

""Good, that's great!"

Uchiha Fugaku's face showed a touch of joy when he heard it.

Uchiha Yusuke is very powerful and very calm. He can rest assured to hand Uchiha to such a person.

Over the years, facing the targeting of Konoha's high-level officials, Uchiha Fugaku was actually very tired.

For him, abdicating and letting others succeed is actually not a bad thing!

The Uchiha clan leader sounds very glorious, but how many people can understand the pain of being lonely at the top?

Uchiha Fugaku is very satisfied with Yusuke as his successor.

Yusuke's words will definitely bring a completely different future to Uchiha, right?

Uchiha Yusuke pondered for a while, and suddenly asked

"Uncle Fugaku, you should have opened your Mangekyō Sharingan, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku smiled bitterly.

"I can't hide this from you!"

Uchiha Yusuke suddenly changed the subject.

"If that's the case, why didn't you stand up during the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

Before Uchiha Fugaku could reply, Yusuke asked again.

"As long as you who possess the Kaleidoscope are willing to step forward, the Nine-Tailed Fox disaster will be solved."

"This will not only prove the innocence of our Uchiha, but also the Fourth Generation Namikaze Minato will not die."

"Uncle Fugaku, you will also become a hero who saves the village and protects the Hokage."

"If that were the case, how could we, the Uchiha, have come to this point today?"

Uchiha Yusuke's questioning made Uchiha Fugaku speechless.

He possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan and was fully capable of stopping the Nine-Tails.

If he had stopped the disaster at that time, why would Konoha suffer such heavy losses? Why would the Fourth Hokage die?

Why would the villagers misunderstand Uchiha?

In order to avoid suspicion, he chose to accept the orders of the Konoha high-level officials.

Now it seems that this was really a stupid move.

Not only did he fail to eliminate the suspicion of Uchiha, but he also caused more misunderstandings about Uchiha.

The Konoha high-level officials kept saying that they believed in Uchiha, but how to explain the increasing number of surveillance personnel?

Although Uchiha Fugaku was naive, he was not stupid at all. He knew the prejudice of the Konoha high-level officials against Uchiha!

Fugaku's biggest problem was that he could not see the true face of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He did not believe that the Third Hokage, who was always kind, would be so cruel to Uchiha!

Uchiha Yusuke spoke frankly

"Uncle Fu Yue, you are too weak!"

"It is impossible for Uchiha to get out of the predicament by simply compromising with the Konoha high-level officials."

"Status and the right to speak need to be fought for by one's own strength!"

Uchiha Fugaku had compromised with the Konoha high-level again and again, but the result was more distrust.

You keep showing goodwill to others, but others think you are being attentive for no reason!

Isn't this courting disaster?

Just because he was worried that the Konoha high-level would be afraid of the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Fugaku refused to act.

Even if you want to hide your shortcomings, there should be a limit.

What kind of person is the fourth generation Namikaze Minato?

He has no prejudice against the Uchiha clan!

If Fugaku can assist Namikaze Mizuki to take control of Konoha, How could the Uchiha be so embarrassed?

Facing Yusuke's question, Uchiha Fugaku looked gloomy, not knowing how to answer.

He opened his mouth, but in the end could only let out a helpless sigh.

Uchiha Yusuke was right, he was too weak at the beginning!

He always thought that he should not expose himself and should not be too strong, so as not to be feared by others.

However, the Uchiha was still included in the key focus list by the Konoha high-level officials.

Yusuke was right... he was really not a qualified clan leader!

Uchiha Fugaku sighed dejectedly.

"It was my fault that Uchiha got into trouble because of a momentary thought!"

"Now that you are the new clan leader, the task of correcting the wrongs is handed over to you, Yusuke!"

Uchiha Fugaku gently patted Yusuke's shoulder. He believed that Yusuke had the ability to correct his mistakes.

Uchiha Yusuke chuckled and said

"I won't let my people down."

"But I won't let you become a deserter just like that!"

Yusuke paused and continued

"You need to correct the mistakes you made."

"I will give Uncle Fugaku this opportunity, and I hope you can stay and help me!"

Since Yusuke intends to revitalize the family, he will certainly try his best to fight for Uchiha Fugaku, a Kage-level strongman!

The Uchiha still has a long way to go in the future, and it will definitely not work without the support of everyone.���

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