114 – You’re a Padrip (8)

Lubern When Alroy first encountered the warlock, he had been in this world for less than half a year.

The world in the novel, which fell apart unexpectedly, was harsh on strangers.

Heroine? A romantic trip?

To save the world by learning the skills of the original protagonist first?

Unfortunately, in Lubern’s situation, it was just a sham word.

To meet the heroine, you had to have at least enough reputation to reach the journey.

Because she had to have that much skill to get a chance.

The mysterious dark-haired stranger, who had no proof of identity and lacked the funds to stay at an inn for the night, was never given such an opportunity even in death.

Because of this, Lubern lived a life of earning and eating every day by doing a job that went back and forth for his life.

Of course, that’s only when you’re lucky. A miserable life full of starvation all day long.

In the process, he finally met a relationship called ‘teacher’.

Lubern’s mission that day was to deliver a series of ‘parcels’ across the Empire’s sewers, teeming with all sorts of nasty bugs and rowdy criminals.

Of course, the sewage system, which was a hotbed of all sorts of crimes, was used a few times, and in the process, I had the experience of being robbed.

Lubern walked out of the basement as stealthily as possible, holding a dagger in one hand.

It was an image that if a robber or a robber showed up, he would shove a dagger into his neck and run away.

Because that was the best counterattack that the thoroughly underdog Lubern could do.

However, it wasn’t a duo of robbers who stood in the way of Luvern, nor was it a human trafficker who kidnapped an unidentified suitable person and sold them into slavery.

“Wouldn’t you like to hand over that package?”

He was an old man who was about to collapse and die at any moment.

If it was on the street, even myself in the gutter would feel sympathy.

However, she thought her existence even more suspicious because she had learned a realistic sense through months of prenatal battles.

There’s no way a defenseless old woman would fall into such a dangerous place, right?

Originally, in the world of fantasy and martial arts, there was a saying to be careful of children, women, and the elderly.

“… ….”

Lubern kept his vigilance and opened the distance slightly.

Because the visceral alarm bells echoed in her head.

“Oh ho?”

And her intuition paid off.

A sharp swordsman cut her in front of her, terrifyingly widening her distance.

If she hadn’t moved first, she would have not only cut through the air with her sword.

However, even if it was good that she avoided it, her body was not as sensitive as her senses.

Her whole body froze at the moment she moved in the blink of an eye.

However, the old woman inserted her own sword instead of killing the incapacitated Luvern.

“You have a good natural sense, dear. What is your name.”

“Lou, this is Luvern.”

“Lubern? Her hair looks like it came from the Eastern Continent, but her name is ours. Seeing that he doesn’t have a last name, he doesn’t seem like a member of the Empire again.”

That was her first meeting with her teacher.

While she saved Lu Bern’s life, she took him under her own hands, as if she had sympathy for him, who had no connection whatsoever.

She added ‘Aloy’, her last name, which allowed her to have the name Lubern Aloy.

Of course, it was a little later that I realized that she was actually the grandmother of the strongest ‘assassin character’, one of the main character’s colleagues in the original novel.


From noble mtl dot com.

I realized long ago that the whole story was twisted from the beginning.

In this world, there was no ‘main character’ to lead the stage of the original novel.

The main character who must lead the world’s outstanding powers, including Levia, the leader of the gourd knights, and lead the grand expedition to victory.

The problem was that I couldn’t pinpoint the location of the main character.

Since it is a world where the protagonist does not exist in the first place, the sage girl who met the protagonist as a colleague at the beginning of the journey and who will remain in history at the end did not survive the attack of the orcs.

The weapon master, who will accompany the main character to the final battle as a good-willed rival, lost his arm and became a wandering mercenary.

Assassin who became the shadow of Alroy and made the world’s leaders tremble just by mentioning his name, the family’s vision was not passed down.

After adapting to life here to some extent with the help of his teacher, by the time he realized the contents of the original story, it was already too late.

Even as the powers of different demon lords were already turbulent all over the continent, many countries, including the Empire, were talking about an extended ‘great expedition’.

Isn’t it natural that it would be unreasonable in many ways to grow the characters of the original work that have already been retired at such a point?

As I said right away, some of the main characters, including the wise candidate, had already passed away.

So I followed in the footsteps of the ‘knight’ Levia, who had grown to a level close to her original position, and participated in the great expedition as an administrator of the Black Lion Knights.

Of course, he didn’t forget to maintain a close relationship with quasi-regular characters, such as the adventurer Pyrhak and the space wizard Bernard, who often appeared in the original work, as well.

Unfortunately, since they didn’t have a main character, they were much stronger than they were described in the original.

Based on the vague contents of the original novel, he led the expedition to victory at the end of all sorts of crap…….

As you can see, I couldn’t return to the original world.

I won! Part 3 is over! Even if I shout out words like that, nothing comes back.

Status? Status window? If there was such a thing, I would have been the main character, damn it.

So I had no choice but to become a slave administrator for the Black Lion Knights, which had grown into a great black company for the price of a nickname.

We have reached this point.

‘At that time, I was wondering why I couldn’t go back. Are you saying there are still quests left?’


In the original work, it only appeared briefly in the middle, and it wasn’t an organization that was treated so heavily, so I didn’t pay much attention…….

If this was a problem, I should have eradicated it from the beginning.

I stepped on the corpse of the black magician who had fallen under my feet and glared at the face of the cub that seemed to be the boss.

It’s the face, the body, and the skinny anchovies.

If this were Canada, you’d already be the target of a f*cking Asian race crime, you bastard.

“Luvern Eilroy… …. I heard that you are the administrative officer here, but did you really hide these skills?”

The guy opened his mouth. The unevenly spaced teeth were clearly visible.

True contemplation is science.

“But that ends…… !”

As he flicked his fingers, something strange scattered around his corner moved his body. Is it armor made of bone?

At first, I thought it was Dullahan, an intermediate undead that emerged as a headless knight.

As soon as I saw blue flames rising from where my neck was supposed to be, I felt that something was twisted.

‘The Overlord was left behind?’

Overlord was an undead that was considered to be a very difficult opponent even among the advanced undead.

The ruler of the Underworld, who descended using humans who had accumulated numerous reputations and abilities in his previous life as materials.

Even a paladin who uses divine power was a powerful being who could not hastily predict the odds of victory.

I thought they would have deployed at least a Death Knight for escort…… Wasn’t that

“hahahahaha, you can clearly see the embarrassment!!”

The warlock shouted in a boiling voice.

Unfortunately, that was the correct answer.

I don’t know if it’s a person-to-person battle, but I’m extremely vulnerable in a large-scale battle.

In the first place, my assassination technique is an effective technique for humans who rely on sight or basic five senses.

I learned the best assassination technique from my teacher, but that was half the story.

In other words, my technique does not work for beings that do not rely on their five senses, such as monsters.

This is the reason why I was able to defeat warlocks easily, but was swung by Arachne, who was only a high-level monster.

I turned my head slightly to check the number of the remaining warlocks.

Three people including the boss.

I thought it was shortened a lot, but as long as they are clearly vigilant, it will be impossible to take a matchless picture like before.

‘Then I have no choice but to pass the time.’

Under normal circumstances, I would have run away from here without even looking back, but honestly, the red patterns covering the entire nest made me crazy.

I don’t even know what those bastards are aiming for, so I can’t get out of my head that an irreversible tragedy might happen if I leave prematurely.

In the end, all that was left was Mak’gora who had exhausted himself.

“Fall down before death…… !!”

The Overlord roared and charged.

The twin swords in both hands flashed fiercely.

Kagak!! Kang!

It’s just sewage here. I twisted my sword and rolled my body between his legs.

Unsurprisingly, black magic that shoots straight away.

The moment you stay in one place even for a few seconds, the Overlord is not the problem, but you are exposed to the attacks of the black magicians like flies.

Continuously stepping on the steps.

Black magic has its own unique tingling sensation right before it hits. It’s similar to lightning magic, but it feels distinctly different. If you focus, you can avoid it without even looking.

With my gaze fixed on the movement of the Overlord, I drove all my senses into my skin.

Kang! The extreme!


An unclean magic that crumbles upon impact with the ground.

After a quick evasion, he hurled a throwing dagger in the direction where the demonic energy was fired.

In the blink of an eye, there was a guy who fearlessly aimed at the rear, grabbing my arm and screaming.


“What, what a monster…… !!”

“Ronald!! You must proceed with the ceremony! As the knights join in, the undead are gradually being pushed back!!”

It is clear that even those who were relaxed at first are now getting scared.

Since the number of heads has decreased, there must have been problems with the fine control of the undead forces.

“No matter how much a hero played an active role in the Grand Expedition, what kind of insolence is this when he can’t handle a single administrator!!!”

In the end, the boss who stood by with his arms folded passed away.

Just as I was about to dodge the overlord’s massive slash, the ground I was standing on dug into a hollow.


Because I couldn’t react quickly and stumbled, my body lost balance.

Just then, the Overlord’s twin swords rushed in front of me.

Kakaan!! That’s it!!


I managed to block it, but it wasn’t a situation to let go of the shock.

The heavy hitting feeling puts strong pressure on the muscles in the wrist. It was to the point where a catastrophe of missing the sword occurred.

Even in the midst of that, I tried to stay alert and recover my posture, but I’m not a warlock kid who just stares at the gap.

A solid black line runs through the thighs.

The hem of the trousers made of rather sturdy leather is torn like paper, and black spots are engraved on the skin underneath.

Curse of corruption.

‘Of course!’

After that, pain like sharp nails tearing my skin to shreds began to hit my nerves.

“Mr…. Eight…… !!”

I gritted my teeth and endured the scream that leaked out, but at the point of allowing one blow, I couldn’t make the same movement as before.

I wonder if they even know about that?

A warlock named Ronald smiles disgustingly and bites the Overlord in the back.

“You’ve been hopping around a lot, and that’s it.”

“Hey…… Anyway it is It’s a bit of a joke against one person like this…….”

“I want to see if I can tell a joke like that while seeing and feeling the decay of my body.”

I leaned against the wall of the cave.

The curse that spread from the thigh was gradually spreading to the entire leg.

Before rushing in, I took the purification potion made by Compton, so it was this much, I didn’t want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t drank it.

A truly warlock-like force that is on a completely different level from the idiots encountered in Kirten’s territory.

However, the trump card has not yet been drawn.

I deliberately put off being completely incapacitated and slowly waited for Ronald to come closer.

A chance is given only once. If I die this way and that way, it would be better for me to at least take all of these bastards and die.

He fidgets with the ring on his finger.

Just one step. One more step…….

“Lubern, Luvern Alroy—!!!!”

That was the time.


A single flash of light emanating from the aisle turns one of his subordinates who was dazed in front of him into ashes.

From noble mtl dot com.

Golden hair fluttering behind a warlock who had been annihilated before he could scream.


A name he spat out as if possessed. There, even in the dull darkness, there were sparkling blue eyes.

Sianne Valeos.

The leader of the Snow Leopard Knights.

“You idiot!!”

She yelled at me.

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