
Tartarus, Diablo, and Titan had discussed a plan to have Belia take the initiative to intercept Caesar and his group who were looking for the Paraji Shield.

They deliberately did not reveal too much information about Caesar, but just said that he was very strong, in order to defeat Belia.

Because so far, their cooperation with Belia was not very pleasant.

Most of the time,

Belia looked high and mighty.

How could the three Absolutians, who thought they were the highest level of life in the universe and the ultimate life, tolerate the arrogance of others?

So, they thought of this method, intending to use the information gap to let Caesar kill Belia directly.

In this way,

Tartarus and his group not only had one less enemy, but also had time to empty the ruins of the underground temple, killing two birds with one stone.

But no one expected it, never expected it!!!

Caesar, who had the Paraji Shield, did not kill Belia!

Even if Belia was enhanced by the Absolut energy particles, it would be impossible for her to escape the pursuit of the Paraji Shield!

When the three Tartarus faced Caesar’s arrow, they were all beaten half to death and half disabled.

Belia was just one person, and it was impossible for her to escape from Caesar!

What’s more, there was also a Cero from the same universe as them.

If Caesar could let Belia go, Cero would not let her go either!


Belia suddenly rushed into the laboratory, which completely put Tartarus in a state of panic.

Even he, who was usually very calm, didn’t know how to deal with the current situation for a while, until Belia took out the switch that could detonate the entire fortress,

Tartarus suddenly woke up and quickly spoke out to stop her:

“Wait a minute!!! We didn’t mean to lie to you!!!”

Belia’s finger hovered an inch above the switch.

She stared at Tartarus with a cold expression.

“You’d better convince me, otherwise, you can do it yourself.”

Tartarus rubbed his temples.

He never thought that

Belia would resort to self-destruction.

The main reason was that the Noah ruins had just been moved to the laboratory of the fortress.

If Belia detonated the entire fortress, the three Absoluts would definitely be fine, but there would not be another

Noah ruins! Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Tartarus decided to make up two more lies.

“First of all, we don’t want you to die. We want you to attract firepower while we move some very important things.”

He pointed to the large ruins in the laboratory, especially the statue of Noah.

Belia was also slightly shocked when she saw it.

“The reason why we didn’t discuss this plan of attracting firepower with you in advance was that we were not sure whether the ruins existed at that time. If we told you about the ruins in advance, but we didn’t find them in the end, you would still blame us, right? So, for safety, I didn’t tell you about it.”

Hearing this,

Belia nodded lightly and replied:

“Well, even if that was your original plan, how do you explain that they have the Paraji Shield? You can’t be unaware of the value of that thing, right? I almost couldn’t escape!”

Upon hearing this, Tartarus immediately grasped the key point and said:

“You are right. If they have the Shield of Paraji, it is almost impossible for you to escape. So here comes the question. Last time, when Diablo, Titan and I fought Caesar, he did not use the Shield of Paraji, and we were all seriously injured. You don’t have a teleportation skill like Naraku, so how did you escape from Caesar?”Tartarus was very sure that if Belia didn’t have any special means, she would never be able to escape Caesar’s pursuit.

At the moment, this is not only a good opportunity to refute Belia, but also an opportunity to test her hidden cards! This will help them deal with Belia’s special means in advance if they have a falling out with Belia later. However, the answer given by Belia made them confused.

“Who told you that Caesar used the Shield of Paraji? In this battle, it was used by Ultraman Cero from the same universe as me, the Land of Light!”

Cero used the Shield of Paraji?

Tartarus and the other two suddenly realized that everything was explained.

Caesar must have lent the Shield of Paraji to Cero, and it was the first time for Cero to use that power, so he let Belia run away because of negligence!!!

“If that’s the case, then you’re just lucky enough, and it also proves that we didn’t lie to you. We said Caesar was very strong, right? But we didn’t know that Cero, who came from the same universe as you, suddenly had the Shield of Paraji.”

Belia was confused by these repetitive words.

Diablo and Titan looked at each other secretly, and they all admired Tartarus’s eloquence.

This person wandered around in different timelines, relying on his eloquence, so he could attract so many helpers!

“”Okay, okay! Even if you didn’t lie to me, okay!”

Belia pretended to be frustrated.

“Then you should at least give me some benefits, right? I helped you attract firepower this time, but I almost died outside!”

Hearing this,

Tartarus and the other two knew that they might not be able to enjoy the Noah ruins behind them alone, but in order to stabilize the emotions of Belia, the temporary partner, they could only hand over the Noah ruins to her for research.

However, with the scientific research level of Belia’s people,

I’m afraid they can’t compare to Helotia at all!

Thinking of this,

Tartarus was not panicked.

“Yes, you just need to send your people here. The ruins have been stored here and can be studied at any time.”

As a result,

Belia also waved her hand and said:

“No need to bother, I have brought my people here.”

As she spoke, she flipped her right palm, and

Caesar appeared in the sight of the three Absoluts in human form.

“This is……?”

“One of my researchers, haven’t you seen him?”

Belia asked back, taking the initiative.

Tartarus and the other two looked at each other and shook their heads, which made Tartarus a little uneasy.

“Is the person you brought here reliable? The Noah ruins are very important resources.”

Hearing this,

Belia sneered and pointed at Helotia who was sitting in a chair doing scientific research in the distance, and said:

“You don’t believe my people, so I don’t believe your people either. I’ve never seen this woman before, how about you explain it to me?”

Helotia heard someone calling her from a distance, and was about to answer, but was stopped by Tartarus.

“No problem, no problem! As long as you decide to let him study the Noah ruins, then let him study it!”

Obviously, he didn’t want to cause more disputes.

Now, Belia was already upset because she was betrayed once.

If he doubted her more at this juncture, it would easily become the fuse of the next dispute.

The Noah ruins are extremely important.

No matter who it is or what it is, they cannot be disturbed during this period.


Tartarus chose to take a step back.

“”Oh, that’s more like it.”

Belia turned around and gave Caesar a look.

Caesar immediately jumped down from her hand, landed on the ground, and came to Helotia’s side. He began to look around for the research equipment he needed. His posture was very professional, which once again dispelled some of Tartarus’s doubts.

“Then let’s go first and give these scientists some time.”

Belia snorted coldly, no longer paying attention to Tartarus and the other two, and returned on her own.

And the Absolut trio, after hesitating for a while, finally chose to leave the laboratory.

In the silent room, there were only two people left.

After Helotia typed on the keyboard for a while, she secretly looked at Caesar. When this man was taken out from Belia (to read the violent novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!), she noticed that his too superior appearance and cold and indifferent temperament instantly attracted Helotia, who was also a scientist and science student.

However, seeing that Caesar was always immersed in research, she didn’t find a chance to speak.

However, there is still a long time to come, and I believe there will be a chance. In the imperial fortress, in the palace hall that belongs exclusively to Belia,

Emerana was imprisoned in a transparent glass ball in the form of a human body.

This glass ball is made of a special material.���, which can suppress the plasma light energy in the bodies of the Ultramen, [] which means that the Ultramen fused with Emerana cannot break the sphere from the inside.

It was specially made by Belia for Ultramen.

“It’s been a long time…….”

Belia put on her blood-red cloak again and sat on the throne not far away.

In her hand, she held the fragment of the Paraji Shield that had belonged to Emerana.

She looked at Cero in the glass ball and said with full of sarcasm:

“I never thought that when we meet again, you would be imprisoned by me like an ant.”

Sero sneered while using Emerana’s body.

“I was imprisoned by you voluntarily! Don’t talk as if you defeated me!”


Belia jumped up from the throne and came to Sero, looking down at her with a meaningful expression.

“Do you know that there is an old saying that goes,”All is fair in war?”

Sailo’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Belia’s smile made Sailo feel uneasy.

“What are you going to do now?! I have already promised you that you will never destroy the planet Esmeralda again!!!”

Facing Sero’s rebuke,

Belia laughed out loud.

“Hahaha!!! Yes, yes, yes, I did promise you! But do you really think I still need to threaten you with that planet? You have become my collection now, you have no chance to fight me!!!”

Sailo became more and more uneasy and emotional.

“You crazy woman, what on earth do you want to do?!!”

“I’m not crazy!!!”

Belia suddenly roared,

“I have always known what I need and what I should do!!! Look at this mark on my face, I will never forget it because of you!!! You are a rookie, a little girl who has not even grown all her hair yet, and you dared to scratch my face, how could I not make you pay the price?!!!”

Sailo kept hitting the protective wall of the glass ball, trying to break through from here,

“First of all, I don’t have hair, I never did, and I won’t have hair in the future! Secondly, you betrayed the Kingdom of Light, and you’re lucky that I didn’t kill you! Finally, if you dare to do anything excessive, I will definitely defeat you with my own hands!!! I will watch you explode right where you are!!!”

Belia’s mouth twitched,

“The little girl is indeed a little girl, she is very sharp-tongued! I can’t argue with you, but I have a way to make you regret it!”

She smiled grimly, turned around and snapped her fingers.

In an instant, a surveillance screen rose from the ground.

Sero looked over in surprise, only to find that a large number of Belia Empire troops were assembled on the screen.

They were wrapped in green light emitted by the imperial fortress, and then passed through the dimensional cracks and headed for the unknown universe!

“See? The one just now was exactly the one millionth. This time, I must completely destroy the Kingdom of Light!!!”

Hearing this,

Sero’s face turned pale in an instant.


The monitor screen showed���In a flash, the Imperial fleet that was launched across the dimension arrived at the M78 galaxy, the outskirts of the Kingdom of Light!!!

The densely packed spaceships, Imperial mechas, Dark Lopus and other mechanical creations surrounded the Kingdom of Light so tightly that the pale green planet could no longer be seen!!!

“Impossible! You won’t succeed!!!”

Sailo was completely panicked.

“My father is over there, as are my uncle and many other friends. They will never lose to your army!!!”

Hearing this,

Belia laughed even more fiercely.

“Do you want to guess how many Dark Lopus corps I have created? The show has just begun!!! Hahahahaha!!!”

On the monitoring screen, countless Dark Lopus robots, like stars in the sky, all entered the spaceship, one, two, and three…….There was no telling how many ships were teleported out.

Just looking at this, Sero felt her scalp tingling!!!

This number was a number that would scare her too!!!

“No matter how powerful an Ultra Warrior is, he would be helpless against such a large number of people, right?”

“Belia, you are so shameless that you have no bottom line!!!”

Sero pounded the glass cover with his fist, his trembling eyes oozing blood.

“You made a promise with Caesar, but you did such a shameless thing behind his back!!! You deserve to die!!!”


Cero didn’t know that the angrier and more powerless she was, the better Belia’s mood became.

What she wanted to see was the scene of Cero being tortured.

“You mentioned Caesar, and I remembered that in addition to torturing you, he must not be let go either!”

When Belia thought of the humiliation she had suffered before, she suddenly felt her lower abdomen burning, no, it was her heart that was raging with anger!!!

That bastard!!!

He actually dared to let her have that kind of strange mentality, absolutely, this time he must pay the price!

Yes! Just like he treated me, step on him and let him lick me hard!!!

At the same time, in the laboratory, the quiet scientific research atmosphere had lasted for almost a day.

Helotia had been looking for an opportunity to say hello to Caesar, but she failed many times.

Finally, she saw Caesar had been tracing the wings behind Noah.

She was curious, so she took the initiative to move over.

“Hello! My name is Helotia, may I know your name?”

Caesar did not respond immediately, but after completing the process at hand, he replied with two words faintly,



Helotia also found that he was very cold, and couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.

It seemed that this person had no interest in her.

Thinking of this,

Helotia planned to go back and not disturb Caesar anymore, but unexpectedly, Caesar took the initiative to ask,

“What do you want to talk to me about?”

Helotia didn’t expect this unexpected surprise, so she quickly came over and continued to look for topics.

She pointed to the wings Caesar was painting and asked:

“What are you planning to do?���?”

Caesar answered without hesitation:

“Noah’s Wings.”

Herodia: Oh, Noah’s Wings…

No buddy, wait!!!

You want to build Noah’s Wings?!!!…..evening..

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