King of Black Mist

Chapter 430 Meeting

The spacecraft is enveloped in four red lights.

The bright light of the star's prominence, the bloody light of the general's formula ring, the fire light of the spacecraft itself due to the high temperature, and the light of the warning light.

{high temperature! high temperature! high temperature! }

{high temperature! high temperature! high temperature! }

Every corner and every part of the ship was wailing, and the sound was both shrill and sickeningly complicated.

You could only see the baby crying with his mouth wide open, but the sound of crying could not reach his ears as if it were separated by the best soundproof glass.

"General! The temperature is too high and the hull material will not be able to support it!" Kurt, who was always staring at the screen, shouted without looking back.

Even so, the general who was chopping through the waves in the sea of ​​fire couldn't do anything.

"Xia." The person in charge handed over the baby in his arms.

"Huh? Huh? Ah!" Xia reacted, and then hesitantly, as if spreading his hands to show others, caught the baby.

"One missing hair will kill you."

"kill me?!"

The person in charge ignored the stunned guards and walked to the center of the bridge, stretching his arms forward.


A blood ring lit up behind her.

The low temperature came with the help of the blood ring and silently caught everyone and everything. Starting from the feet of the person in charge, the ice began to spread.

Taina subconsciously said: "You will freeze if you do this-"

"Don't disturb me." The person in charge closed his eyes.

Just rely on your feelings and human hands to mix a cup of boiling water and cold water into a cup of warm water that is exactly 40 degrees Celsius.

Not only can it relieve the heat of the solar prominence, but also ensure that the spacecraft will not be frozen. It is a delicate operation like surgery.

The terrible high temperature was gradually alleviated, and the high temperature alarm inside the bridge was reduced by less than half. Everyone felt that their brains were finally coming back to life.

Without waiting for a breath.

"No!" Kurt shouted, "The spaceship is too big and the temperature is uneven!"


The hull shook suddenly, and a part of the stern began to spontaneously combust.

The person in charge looked attentive and sweat was pouring from his temples.

"Yao!" The general's god-like voice came from outside the cabin.

The princess glanced coldly at the person in charge, and a blood ring also lit up behind her tall and graceful body.

A huge blue bird broke out of the bleeding ring and flew out as if the spacecraft didn't exist.

The size of the blue bird instantly surpassed the spacecraft about 10 kilometers long. It folded its wings and held the spacecraft in its arms.

The high temperature warning disappeared by half in an instant.

"Ah! Ah!" The baby's cry reached everyone's ears.

The general laughed: "Male or female?"

Xia held the baby with one hand, and put the other hand into the soft animal skin to feel it: "Female."

The looks in the eyes of the person in charge and the princess were murderous, but the baby stopped crying. I don't know whether it was fun to be carried, or it was itchy to be touched, and he kept laughing.

The surrounding solar prominences flowed like lava, and the spacecraft drove smoothly among them.

The general let go of his hands and feet a little, turned around and grabbed the sacred tree that was pulled by gravity and always followed behind him.

Except for the sacred tree, all the material that left the planet due to the mass of the spacecraft has disappeared.

The sacred tree was burning, and most of it had been carbonized. When the general took it, it turned into a large handful of black ash.

Compared with the main body of the sacred tree, the remaining part is very small, but in the hands of the 10,000-meter-tall general, the size is just right, like an umbrella.

What burned in the raging fire did not look like the remains of the sacred tree, but more like the extracted crystallization.

The general looked in disbelief, the roots of the sacred tree had actually taken root!

Rooted in the prominences!

What kind of tree is this? The blood power of the Huan Clan and the Great Wall of Divine Will cannot be untied, but a tree can capture it.

Now even invisible flames can be used as soil.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The tree roots suddenly came to life and wrapped around the general's wrist like a snake. The root tips tried to pierce his skin and penetrate into his flesh.

The tree roots are very strong, like sharp arrows, hitting the steel plate-like skin of the god's body again and again, leaving faint scratches.

The general looked at him coldly, his expression thoughtful.


There was a crack in the remains of the sacred tree, and one of the only six leaves fell off.

The general relaxed his wrist muscles, and the tree root seemed to know it and couldn't wait to get in.

The roots of the tree propped up the bulging surface of the general's body, and their slender roots directly entered the blood vessels and spread all the way.

The sacred tree was trying to replace the general. While absorbing his blood, it kept drilling into his body.

The trunk and leaves become energy and merge into the roots.

Soon, all the remains of the sacred tree entered the general's body and took root in his heart.

The limbs are no longer able to move, and are all controlled by the roots of the sacred tree. This sacred tree, which was almost completely destroyed a moment ago, is now powerful enough to control the body of a general who has reached the second level of peak.

Not only the general's power, but also the power of the prominences of the surrounding stars are also being extracted by it.

The skin on the general's neck bulged, and tree roots were spreading toward his head.

Everything is instinctive action without any awareness.

The general was relieved, and the bloodline talents belonging to the Huan clan unfolded.

The roots spreading on the neck became slower and slower. When one of them happened to climb up the general's face, all movement stopped.

Be quiet for a moment.

The sacred tree suddenly shrank and tried to withdraw all its roots, but it was too late.

Under the power of the ring clan, especially in the body of the extremely special general, it cannot escape or protect itself, it can only be tamed, melted, and assimilated.

Buzz! ! !

A new formula ring unfolded behind the general. This was also the general's fourth formula ring. A sacred tree stood in the center of the blood ring.

The new formula ring is dull, like long-dried dead blood.

The general activated this formula ring, and the sacred tree with five leaves swayed, its roots surged like a flood, and plunged into the surrounding sea of ​​fire.

From the sacred branch in the center of the formula ring, a fruit the size of a fingernail slowly grows.

Blood fruit, a magical fruit that can enhance the ring family's formula ring.

When the spaceship dashed out of the sea of ​​fire without any danger, everyone was startled to see a single crimson eye staring at them ferociously.

After being frightened, they realized that this was the culprit that destroyed the sacred tree planet - the star.

Under the scale of a huge celestial body, the spacecraft was extremely small. It carefully turned its bow and flew towards the distance as if it was slipping away.

Just like an ant passing by a human being who is meditating on the scenery, thinking that the human being will take action against it, it carefully avoids it by a few centimeters and escapes at a ridiculously slow speed.

The spacecraft finally sailed out of the direct range of the star, turned its back on the one-eye, and plunged into deep space.

"Okay!" Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. With the will of a second-level warrior, he felt tired at this time.

"Next, enter the autopilot mode." Taina flipped a few levers and pressed complicated buttons. "This ship is very backward. It can only use light pressure and the gravity of major planets to accelerate. It will take about two hours to Completely separated from the gravity of the star."

The general put away his huge body, walked into the spacecraft, found a space suit and put it on.

He held a blood-red gem the size of a fingernail in his hand. When he looked carefully, he discovered that it was a fruit. There were exquisite flame patterns on the fruit's skin.

There is light flowing on the pattern.

Perfect work of art.

"What is this?" The princess glanced at the thing in his hand, her tone still cold.

The general was about to speak.

"Ah! Ah!" The baby shouted meaninglessly in this direction, grabbing it out of thin air with both hands.

The general glanced at the fruit in his hand and walked towards the baby.

The baby stared at the fruit with its big eyes locked, and glistening saliva flowed from its pink lips.

"Tsk!" The guard carried the baby a little further away, disgusted with her saliva.

"Give it to me." The spacecraft did not need to cool down, so the person in charge had his hands free.

The guard quickly handed the baby to her.

The person in charge held the baby in his arms and took away the fruit from the general's hand. The general did not resist.

The baby grabs the mother's hand like a branch, trying to reach the fruit on the branch.

"Ah, ah!"

The baby gives a final warning sound that if you don't give it, it will cry to you.

Buzz! !

The formula ring unfolded, and a strange vessel was suspended in the center of the formula ring. The person in charge ignored the baby's anxious cries and put the fruit into the vessel.

The pure white vessels turned blood red.

"Ah——" the baby cried.

"This." The general hesitated.

The person in charge pointed his slender index finger at the baby's bangs, and a slow stream of cool air blew out from his fingertips, blowing the baby's bangs.

The baby giggled again and reached out to grab the person in charge's finger, tears as big as beans still hanging on his face.

The general nodded, showing an expression of admiration for the warrior.

Suddenly he felt a chill in his body. He turned around and saw the princess staring at him coldly.

The general smiled: "This is the first time I see a baby outside the culture tank."

"Do you intend to keep her?" asked the princess.

"What does 'stay' mean?" the general asked.

"You were willing to destroy me and your child. What happened now?"

"It was just an embryo without flesh and blood, without a mind, and it was said that it was going to be destroyed because it got in the way of you."

"." The princess took a deep breath and calmed down before continuing, "So, you want to adopt this child?"

"Adoption? The child was originally mine."

".Are you attracted to that woman?"

"It has nothing to do with who the child's mother is. I will naturally keep my child. When it comes to women, my only woman is you."

"Then why did you have a child with her?!" the princess asked.

"It's not me, it's me in another possibility, and her in another possibility. As for me, Hiroshi, the youngest general of the Huan clan, I will only be with the princess."

The princess's anger subsided slightly: "I don't like that child, and I will never allow her to stay with me."

"Aren't you too self-righteous?"

The general and the princess followed the sound and saw that the person in charge was looking at them coldly. The baby was in her arms, still trying to grab the mother's fingers.

"This is my child, I will take her away," the person in charge said.

"If you can do it." The general smiled.

The general's smile flashed away, and he spread his hands: "Give it to me."

Taina and Kurt slowly approached the person in charge and the guards like hunting wolves.

The guard took a step forward and stood in front of the person in charge.

The princess's eyes flickered, and she quietly watched the tense situation in front of her.

The general put down his hand and his voice became cold: "Move"

"Ah, ah!" The baby, who had been unable to grasp his fingers, suddenly cried and suppressed the general's order.

The person in charge also stopped looking coldly.

She didn't pass her finger to the baby.

The strange vessel that lit up red behind her turned back to cold white, and some blood-red liquid flew out of the vessel.

The person in charge took out a strange bottle from the animal skin coat. As soon as the bottle was taken out, the baby stopped crying immediately, and eagerly reached out to grab the bottle, sipping it in his mouth as if he was eating something.

The Huan tribe had long ago eliminated milk bottles, but the person in charge had read ancient documents on this subject.

She filled the bottle with blood-red liquid and carefully placed the spout near the baby's mouth.

The baby immediately hugged the bottle, opened its mouth wide as if it was aimless, and struggled to put the mouth of the bottle into its mouth.

For a moment, the only sound in the spacecraft was the gurgling sound of a baby swallowing liquid.

The general looked away from the person in charge and looked at Kurt: "Can you still find the transport ship?"

"Okay." Kurt nodded, "I have the coordinates of that ship."

"General," Taina said, "If we want to continue to pursue the target, we must have a ship that can jump. The efficiency of the general's 'random equation' is too slow. I suggest going to the nearest planet to grab one."

Efficiency is too slow is a euphemism for superiors from subordinates.

The general said: "Then go to the nearest planet. I will destroy that ship!"


The two returned to the console, and Kurt unfolded the formula ring. One of the formula rings was like a lake, with water ripples appearing in the lake.

After the water mark passes, two blue dots and one red dot appear in the formula ring.

"The nearest civilized planet, coordinates. k2671, N558, S4457, D455." Kurt reported.

"Roger." Taina said lightly, entered the coordinates on the spacecraft, and pushed the power lever.

The power of the spacecraft slowly increased, and even in the vacuum, it seemed that one could hear the roar that cracked rocks and collapsed clouds.

boom! !

The nearby stars disappeared instantly.

But as long as the perspective is slightly further away, the spacecraft seems to have not moved in place.

"At the current speed, we will arrive at our destination in about eight hours." Taina said.

"Take a rest for a while," the general said to the princess.

Star Saco, the Protoss main ship, and the Sacred Tree Star had fought continuously, and everyone was mentally exhausted.

The princess crossed her arms and left the bridge.

The general glanced at the person in charge and the child in her arms, and followed the princess.

The person in charge and the escort also left the bridge.

This huge spaceship has no independent ecosystem and is a "bring your own dry food" type of spacecraft. Despite this, the dining room and bedrooms are very luxurious.

There's even a recreation room.

"We'll leave when we get to the next planet." The guard said softly in the empty automated restaurant.

The person in charge shook his head and answered equally softly: "The life ring spacecraft we were responsible for disappeared, and we must take back the stolen incubator."

"You plan to stay? Don't you see it? The general is determined to win this kid!"

"Because of this, he didn't dare to do anything."

The person in charge lowered his head, and the child in his arms fell asleep at some point.

The general was very tired, and he was going to "revenge" the transport ship that stole the hatching cabin. He even put the sacred tree formula ring aside and did not study it for the time being. He had a good sleep.

When he woke up, exactly eight hours had passed, and he and the princess walked into the bridge. Only Kurt and Taina were there.

"General," Kurt stood up, "The destination of that transport ship is also this planet!"




"However, this planet seems to be the territory of a Parsec." Kurt said with difficulty.

At this time, the Shenyi Star has not stopped its pace of expanding its territory. It is far from the time for enjoyment, and there is no law that "as long as the Shenyi people reach adulthood, they can allocate territory."

Those who can obtain the title of "parsec" in the war era are naturally all war lords and princes.

That is, a third-level divine warrior.

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