The two men came out with a sword and a spear.

The two men's weapons kept hitting the virtual soldiers, and within a moment, all the virtual soldiers were wiped out.

However, when the last virtual soldier was eliminated, the scene in front of the two men suddenly became dark.

In the darkness, there was a pounding sound that became louder and louder.

The sound seemed to come from all directions, making it impossible to determine its specific source. Kiana and Xing looked around vigilantly, trying to find the source of the sound. However, it was pitch black around them and nothing could be seen clearly.

Suddenly, the sky turned amber, and countless copper ores, amber, and opals fell from the sky. This was a world-renowned mineral rain. In the steaming melting, the huge thing stretched out its spine from the mantle, and its broad palm tightly grasped a huge hammer. Compared with it, the two were so small, like ants and giant elephants.

"Is this... Star God?" Xing looked at the huge thing in front of her, with surprise and curiosity in her eyes.

"It looks like it." Kiana tightly grasped the long sword in her hand and vigilantly observed the movements of the Star God.

"He seems to be angry?" Xing said tentatively.

"It should be, he seems to be beating something." Kiana replied.

Yes, the roar of the huge thing seemed to warn the two, but in the next moment, the huge thing disappeared from their eyes.

"He... Where did he go?" Xing asked nervously, her voice echoing in the empty space, which seemed to highlight the silence and mystery around her.

Kiana did not speak, she stood quietly in place, trying to sense the existence of the Star God. However, everything around seemed to have returned to calm, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

"Our calculations were successful. The star god Klipper of "Cunhu" really showed up." Heita's voice suddenly sounded, and she chuckled incomprehensibly, "The star god of "Kaipei" reappeared from the dead and attracted old friends."

"Just now... such a strong sense of oppression... Is this the star god?" Xing swallowed her saliva, her heartbeat seemed to be still accelerating, unable to calm down. "Why did He show up and run away?"

"Oppression? Why does the virtual world have a sense of oppression? Are all star gods so huge?"

"It's different." Heita replied. "The star god Akivri of "Kaipei" is the star god who travels with humans... Your train think tank should have this point, right?"

"Ah? I didn't see it because I was in such a hurry." Kiana scratched her head awkwardly. "But this star god looks like a big stone block."

"It seems that there is a saying that "Cunhu" was upgraded from a piece of amber to a star god. But the Star Gods you see now are all simulated Star Gods carefully cultivated by Ruan Mei and Screw Gumu. "


"Yes, the real Star Gods will not pay attention to us, and the simulated Star Gods are also like this. So I set your identity to be the "pioneering" Star God Akivali to attract them."

"But it seems that my judgment is correct. If you meet simulated Star Gods next time, you have to get closer to them."

"Ms. Black Tower, I don't think it's a good idea to get close to such a big rock that may tear us into parts at any time." Xing said with some concern. "

"Oh, don't worry, I'm here." Kiana suddenly patted Xing on the back, "If I really encounter such a thing, I will take action directly... I also want to know who is stronger, my end power or the Star God."

After seeing Kiana's ability, Xing felt a lot more secure in her heart when Kiana said this.

"To be honest, I also want to know what the difference is between the end of the other world and the star god." Heita's voice sounded again, and her words revealed a hint of cunning and expectation. "Okay, I will give you some "protection" blessings, and see if we can meet Him again in the next battle." "Then when we meet the star gods again, what should we ask them for?" Xing suddenly asked her own question. "Tsk, like some star mysteries, anecdotes, love and hate, or the origin of the universe, anything is fine." Heita said a little unhappily. "Just think about it yourself!" After that, the virtual screen in front of the two people became larger, and the three grids displayed on it corresponded to three different "protection" blessings. Kiana looked at the blessings in front of her and was slightly stunned. "Isn't this really a game? Picking buffs to fight monsters..." "I have used my authority to give these blessings to Qiang

"It's melted, don't ask why, just thank me directly, go and choose." Heita urged impatiently.

"Since it has been strengthened with authority... can't all the blessings be given? Hehe~"

Kiana's words made Heita slightly stunned, and then she widened her eyes and looked at Kiana speechlessly. "You little brat, you really dare to think! Go fight monsters, and give me a choice after each fight!"

"Oh, just kidding." Kiana laughed, then looked at the three blessings in front of her seriously, and then looked at Xing again.

"Xing, you can choose it, it should be a great enhancement for you, but it's not very useful for you."

Xing nodded, she also knew that Kiana suppressed her power, but she didn't have any hidden power, so she should choose it carefully.

After Xing finished choosing, the two went to the next scene.

And this time the scene is no longer a space station but...

"St. Freya Academy? ! "Kiana looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

"St. Freya Academy?" Heita looked at Kiana's reaction and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression. "I've never heard of the name. The school in your hometown?"

"Well, yes, I used to study there." Kiana nodded, her eyes revealing deep nostalgia and emotion. "That was the best time in my life and the most precious memory."

"That's not surprising. As I said before, the simulated universe is a scene constructed based on your memory... I see that those monsters in front are also unseen. Did they also appear in your hometown?" Heita nodded slightly. She looked at Kiana's expression and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"Yes, in my hometown, they are called Honkai beasts. Honkai beasts will evolve into Honkai beasts according to the development of human civilization."

"Interesting... You come to deal with them, and I'll record the data by the way. "

Kiana responded. Then she took the long sword and went straight to the Honkai beast.

Her movements were swift and sharp, leaving traces in the air. After a few encounters, three or four tank-level Honkai beasts were killed by Kiana's long sword.

When the last Honkai beast was destroyed, the screen for selecting blessings lit up again. There were still three "preservation" blessings, and the blessings were still chosen by Kiana.

"Hey~ It seems that Klipper didn't come, so you can choose the golden blessing and continue."

Heita was a little disappointed, although she didn't expect to meet the Star God again so soon.

Heita used his authority to open the barrier in front of the two people, and the two went forward together this time.

And Heita kept muttering in a low voice: "Come on..."

But until the monsters outside the barrier were defeated, there was still no sign of any Star God.


Heita scratched her hair in annoyance, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes.

"Well... it seems that He probably won't come."

After Xingxuan finished blessing, Xing and Kiana suddenly felt that they couldn't move.

Kiana thought that there was something wrong with the simulated universe. Just as she was about to use her power, she found that the voice of the black tower came out again.

"Sorry... I temporarily blocked your action permissions - uh... I have to apologize to you."

"I admit that I am a little eager for quick success... I won't interfere with the system anymore, you can play as you like."

"The appearance of Klipper is probably just a coincidence. I won't say it anymore, anyway... I'm sorry."

After speaking, the black tower cancelled the action blockade of the two.

The two saw that they could move freely and looked at each other. Good guy, why did the black tower suddenly blame himself?

"Then let's... continue forward?"

Xing asked tentatively.

The black tower didn't reply, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that the black tower didn't respond, the two continued to move forward.

Along the way, Honkai beasts and hollow soldiers kept appearing, and they were all killed one by one by Xing and Kiana, and they also received a lot of "protection" blessings.

Finally, they arrived in front of the gatekeeper BOSS.

"How could it be her..." Kiana looked at the BOSS in front of her and muttered softly.

Xing looked at the BOSS, then looked back at Kiana, and then was confused. "She looks like you! Is she your sister?" Then he looked at the Sub-Sky Spear in his hand and the Sub-Sky Spear behind the BOSS. "She also has this behind her?"

"Not a sister, but in a sense, she is indeed a part of me." Kiana sighed, with a hint of complex emotions in her eyes. "Her name is Xilin. Because of the various inhuman human experiments she suffered in her childhood, her playmates also died because of those experiments, so she hated humans and awakened the law

Later... um... after Sirin was killed, Otto extracted her genes and Kiana Kaslana's genes and created me..."

"Ah? Then you..." Xing was a little unbelievable.

And Kiana just smiled faintly and continued: "... I am actually a copy of Sirin and Kiana named K423. Sirin's Herrscher personality did not dissipate because of Sirin's death, but was inherited by me and has been dormant. Later, because Kiana Kaslana disappeared, I was adopted as a daughter by Kiana's father because I looked like her. For several years, I didn't have my own name until one birthday, when my father gave me this name as a gift. "

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