Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 70 Hibernation (seeking for further reading)

In the refining room.

Chen Shan is writing the secret book for refining the flame gun. In another month, he will be able to copy the secret book for refining the flame gun.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, opened the rosewood box, and took out the array plate and array flag, as well as a refining instruction.

The formation plate is circular, with formation runes engraved on it, which is extremely complex.

The formation disk is the control center of the formation and the eye of the formation. Only by holding the formation disk can one control the formations in the formation.

The formation flag is the formation foot.

Twenty-seven formation flags, twenty-seven formation foot positions, nine formation flags are gold, and are the formation flags that constitute the three-star sword formation; nine formation flags are white, and are composed of the water-covering formation; nine formation flags are red, and are the formation flags that form the three-star sword formation; Formation of fire and rain array.

Therefore, this formation is a three-pole water-fire sword formation.

Time was precious, so Wu Tao took out the refining instructions and immediately read them carefully.

After reading through it and having the refining steps memorized in his mind, he picked up the array plate, entered the spiritual energy, and started refining.

In the blink of an eye.

Just five days passed.

Refining the formation is a huge project. Wu Tao successfully refined the formation disk in one day, and spent the remaining four days refining the formation flag. The refining speed of the formation flag is faster than that of the formation disk, but it also requires a certain amount of time. time.

On this day, the last red formation flag was suspended in front of Wu Tao, wrapped in his spiritual energy, and his own spiritual energy was slowly imprinted into it.


Suddenly, Wu Tao shouted low, withdrew his spiritual energy, and took a shot with his hand, and the Fire Rain Array flag fell into his hand.

"Done?" Chen Shan stopped the ink pen in his hand and looked at Wu Tao.

Wu Tao picked up the formation disk, and with a thought, the twenty-seven formation flags fell into the flag slots of the formation disk one after another. He turned to Chen Shan and said: "Master, the refining is successful."

"This three-pole water-fire sword formation is really powerful and consumes a lot of spiritual energy. With my cultivation, I can only hold on for thirty breaths when the water-covering formation, fire-rain formation, and three-star sword formation are operating at full strength."

"In this case, you still need to buy some Qi-recovering pills. As long as the calamity cultivator is trapped in the water-covering formation in the future, if there is a supply of Qi-recovering pills, and then attacks with the Fire Rain Formation and the Three-Star Sword Formation, he will be able to kill him."

"Moreover, these three formations can also operate independently."

"Okay, okay, with this formation here, even if the robbery cultivator comes, we can wait until the patrol team arrives for help." Chen Shan had a reassuring smile on his face.

Wu Tao had spent the past five days refining the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation with all his strength. He was completely blind to the situation outside. Master Chen Shanhui went out to inquire, so he asked: "Master, have you caught the Three Tribulations Cultivator?"

Chen Shan shook his head and said: "Not yet. The patrol team searched vigorously for five days but found nothing. They probably left Xicheng long ago. In the past few days, the storm of Jie Xiu has passed, and those shops have begun to open again. .”

"However, shops with rich backgrounds have hired immortal cultivators from the ninth level of Qi Refining to guard them in case Jie Xiu comes to rob them again."

"I'm thinking that after the formation is refined, we should also open the store, otherwise there will be no income."

Chen Shan invested basically all his wealth in the Three-pole Water-Fire Sword Formation. He had to practice and pay shop rent. If he didn't open the shop, there would be no spiritual stones to support these expenditures.

Wu Tao pondered for a moment and said: "Master, just wait for two more days. I will refine the lightsaber and open a shop first."

Hearing this, Chen Shan nodded: "That's OK."

So, the next day, in the refining room, Wu Tao was sitting at the refining station. The spiritual materials for refining the light splitting sword were all ready and put aside. Chen Shan was watching from the side. If Wu Tao made any mistakes, , it’s also a good idea to mention it in time.

A first-level and sixth-level split lightsaber, combined with restrictions, is refined from four first-level spiritual materials.

"Master, I'm starting!" Wu Tao had already swallowed the Qi Condensing Pill and had fully recovered his energy. He said to Chen Shan, then picked up a piece of ore as big as a football next to him and started refining it.

This iron ore contains first-level and sixth-level refined iron, which is the main spiritual material of the lightsaber.

The existence of a sword body.

The reason why we do not directly use smelted refined iron, but use iron ore to smelt it by ourselves, is to reduce costs. Secondly, if we smelt it ourselves, we can have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of refined iron and have a better understanding of refining. Very helpful.

Wu Tao used the Xuanyuan weapon refining method to smelt iron ore.

At this time, Wu Tao's Xuanyuan weapon refining technique was already half as good as Chen Shan's.

In a few months, Wu Tao will definitely surpass Chen Shan. After all, Chen Shan has only practiced the Xuanyuan weapon refining technique to the introductory stage and is not fully proficient.

Chen Shan liked his beloved disciple even more.

I just hate myself for not meeting him earlier.

Wu Tao concentrated on refining the light splitting sword and was unaware of Chen Shan's mental activities at this time. As time passed, the sword embryo had been initially formed. The next step was to carve the combined prohibitions into the sword embryo and then smelt it into the finished product. Magic sword.

"Combined prohibition, the drawing is completed!"

Wu Tao felt happy and continued to stabilize the spiritual energy and continue the final refining.

"You have triggered the luck bonus of the weapon refiner profession. The current bonus is: 50%."


As a mechanical prompt sounded in his mind, Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual energy, and the three-foot light-splitting sword suspended on the flame of the spark stone immediately flew into Wu Tao's hand.

‘The Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique is well-deserved. In addition, I actually triggered the lucky bonus that had not been triggered for a long time, and I actually refined the light splitting sword in one go. ’

Wu Tao held the light splitting sword and felt the aura of the magic weapon on it.

Chen Shan said happily: "It's done in one go, Wu Tao, you are really a genius in refining weapons." After saying that, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Wu Tao cupped his sword in his hand and said, "I would also like to thank Master for teaching me the Xuanyuan weapon refining technique. Without this weapon refining technique, it would have been impossible for my disciple to succeed in one go."

"Try refining quickly."

Wu Tao nodded and immediately refined the light-splitting sword. After the refining was completed, his spiritual energy was poured into it to restrain it. At the end of the day, another white and transparent light sword with spiritual energy appeared next to it.

The lightsaber lives up to its name.

Wu Tao took back the spiritual energy, dispersed the light sword with the light splitting sword, and thought to himself: "It's a pity that I'm not a swordsman, so I can't use it."

The next day.

The father and daughter, master and apprentice, went to the shop on Anning Street. They planned to open the shop today. If they did not open it, they would not be able to pay the rent for the shop next month.

Not to mention the resources needed for practice.

It was already the eighth day since Jie Xiu robbed the magic weapon shop, and the patrol team had never found Jie Xiu. Gradually, even the patrol team became lax.

However, the gate to the west city gate is still under unusual martial law.

On the streets, there were posters offering rewards for the three robbery cultivators.

Zhou Du is at the ninth level of Qi refining, and his real age is about forty years old; Chen Li is at the eighth level of Qi refining... Fang Xiang is at the eighth level of Qi refining...

Wu Tao shook his head after reading the reward order.

This reward order is as good as not being posted. The robbery cultivator must have a way to change the face. The magic weapon that masks the aura cannot be recognized by ordinary cultivators in person, unless they take out the specific magic weapon for inspection.

But whoever would do this for nothing would be seeking death.

Only the patrol team has the power to conduct inspections.

As soon as he opened the shop, Wu Tao immediately set up a three-pole water-fire sword formation, with twenty-seven formation flags covering the entire shop. As long as he stepped into the threshold of the shop, he was equivalent to entering the three-pole water-fire sword formation.

After that, Wu Tao bought five bottles of Qi Restoration Pills for later use.

The Qi Restoration Pill is really expensive. One bottle costs three medium-grade spiritual stones. One bottle only costs three pills and can only restore Qi three times.

West Inner City.


Even though there are casual cultivators who come to collect the night incense, the street is still filled with the smell of urine and feces.

Fang Xiang walked through the narrow street and looked at the houses on both sides, holding hands and hugging each other. A trace of impatience appeared on his face, and he thought to himself: The female cultivators here are really bad.

Walking through the streets, he finally came to a door and opened it.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw two faces looking at him gloomily.

"Chen Li, brother, why are you looking at me like this?" Fang Xiang's expression was unnatural, and he was still a little scared.

Zhou Du looked at him with a gloomy face and said, "Fang Xiang, I have warned you once before. If you can't control your lower body and go out privately again, don't blame me for not honoring our long-standing friendship."

With that said, Zhou Du stood up and walked towards him slowly.

When Fang Xiang heard this, cold sweat oozed from his back. He quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Brother, please forgive me. I will never dare to do it again. I promise, this is the last time."

"Is it really the last time?" Zhou Du's tone became calmer.

"Really, brother." Fang Xiang begged.

"Okay, I believe you again." With that said, Zhou Du went to help Fang Xiang up.

"Thank you, brother, go to hell..." Suddenly, as soon as Zhou Zhou came into contact with Fang Xiang, he saw Fang Xiang's gloomy face raised, and a blood arrow in his hand shot towards his throat.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Du's mouth. The magic sword that had been prepared for a long time was struck earlier than Fang Xiang. It pierced Fang Xiang's heart. With a stir, the spiritual energy exploded, directly destroying Fang Xiang's vitality.

The blood arrow only made a clanging sound, but was blocked by a black shield emerging from Zhou Zhou's throat.

"Zhou Du, you are so cruel. You have been preparing to kill me for a long time. You want to take those magical weapons for yourself... Haha... Chen Li, you are watching my life and death with cold eyes today. In the future, you will follow in my footsteps." ..." After saying that, Fang Xiang's life was completely cut off.

Zhou Du used a fireball technique to burn Fang Xiang to ashes.

Then he looked at Chen Li, who was silent on the side. Chen Li seemed unmoved. He asked, "Brother, what should we do next?"

Zhou Du said slowly: "Wait, wait, when this storm has passed and the city gate security is lifted, we will look for an opportunity to go out. However, before we go out, we will fuck him again to catch them off guard."

"Listen to big brother."

Thanks to book friend 20210328215601032 for the 100 starting coin reward. I haven’t seen the reward in the past few days and I forgot to thank you. Sorry!

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