I have a room at Meiman Mental Hospital

Chapter 92 No one can lie in front of me

At this moment, Deadpool took the communicator out of his ear and handed it to Andrew. .

Du Wensen's voice rang out: "Andrew, go to the lobby and prepare to receive guests. Whatever I say, you just follow suit!"

"Didn't you say that contacting you now will expose you?" Andrew asked hurriedly after putting on the communicator.

"Because you need me!"

With Peter guarding the hostages, Andrew and Deadpool came to the hall, when Madeline was already standing outside the door waiting.

Deadpool went to open the door, and when Andrew put on an expressionless expression and adjusted his mood, Madeline was already in front of him.

Andrew crossed his arms and said coldly: "Why do you think I need help?"

"There are more than a hundred police officers outside, and the entire building is under strict surveillance." Madeline replied.

"This is not a problem!"

Madeline looked at Andrew: "They won't get you a car or a plane. You can't be so stupid. Only I can help you."

"My idea is, if you surrender, I guarantee you will only have to sit in jail for a few years, and then you can get a huge sum of three million."

Andrew asked in surprise: "How can you do it?"

He asked this question himself.

Madeline smiled: "You didn't harm the hostages or steal the money. If the bank doesn't pursue it, of course it's no problem!"

Andrew repeated Du Wensen's words again: "It's really a good condition, so we only need to surrender and don't need to do anything else? For example."

"No need!" Madeline said seriously.

The hall suddenly became quiet. After waiting for more than ten minutes, when Andrew thought there was something wrong with the communicator, Madeline couldn't help it anymore.

"Excuse me, have you thought about it?"

At the same time, Du Wensen's voice came again, and Andrew breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me the purpose of your coming here. Don't lie to me. I may not know the real answer yet, but I definitely know whether what you said is panic."

Madeline shook her head directly: "Sorry, you are not qualified. Let the real planner talk to me!"

Andrew was stunned, was he seen through so quickly?

At this time, there were footsteps behind him, and when he looked back, Du Wensen walked out from behind the door unhurriedly.

"Then let me guess what?"

"Sure enough, it's you! The real mastermind is always beside the police chief. It's really interesting. It seems that I have to talk to the market if I have a chance. How can the police in Washington protect the safety of citizens if they are all such idiots? ." Madeline stared at Du Vincent with bright eyes.

"Yes!" Du Wensen shrugged and said, "I gave obvious hints several times, but unfortunately those idiots didn't notice at all. If it weren't for your arrival, I would have almost fallen asleep out of boredom."

Madeline looked at Du Vincent carefully and asked puzzledly: "With your IQ, it is impossible for you to just rob a bank. So what is your purpose?"

Du Wensen came to Madeline's side, suddenly opened his arms to hold her in his arms, and spoke slowly in her ear.

"Origined from the Crown Perfume Shop in 1872, it is known as a legend in British history. It was decorated with a crown pattern by Queen Victoria. It is known as the most expensive Clive Christian men's perfume in the world."

"An hour ago you were held in the arms of a noble man as you are now, wasn't it?"

Madeline pushed Du Wensen away angrily: "Asshole! What do you want to do!"

"Madeline Weit, 32 years old, has dual identities as a lawyer and a political broker. She is good at solving various problems for all kinds of people. You can arrange a suitable identity for terrorists in the United States, and you can also help the mayor through charity auctions and other activities. He has never failed in money laundering in the industry, and he is also recognized as the most professional person in this industry, am I right?"

"Are you investigating me? I'm not easy to mess with." Madeline threatened.

"No, I just checked it out. Let's talk about business."

Du Wensen lit a cigarette and said: "An hour ago, I happened to smell the same perfume on the chairman of this bank, so you came here on his behalf, right?"

Madeline remained silent. She must not tell her the purpose of her visit, otherwise she would fall into passivity.

Du Wensen looked satisfied.

"Then the following is the guessing part!"

"Our Chairman, why are you so anxious to invite you to negotiate with us? Before the vault was opened, he had a very tough attitude and did not care about the life and death of bank employees. It was not until we opened the vault that his attitude changed The child has changed."

Du Wensen was walking up and down the hall with a cigarette in his mouth, and suddenly stopped and glanced at Madeline.

"Obviously the problem lies in the vault. Although there are tens of millions of dollars in the vault, it is impossible for him to care about it. Let us think about it, what exactly does he care about?"

Du Wensen was happy, while Madeline looked cold.

"What is more important than money is, of course, secrets, which are shady secrets. So the chairman keeps something in the vault that he cares about but doesn't want anyone to discover, right?"

"My purpose is to make you surrender, and I don't know anything else!" Madeline remained calm.

Du Wensen shook his head: "No, no, panicking is useless to me, and I already know the answer."

Madeline said hurriedly: "No, you can't know!"

If Du Wensen knew her purpose, it would be difficult to deal with it, but damn it, she didn't say anything or show too many expressions, but why was so much information inferred.

"Of course I know, no one can hide the truth from my face!" Du Wensen raised the corners of his mouth.

After saying that, he pulled out a file book from his back, flipped through it and said: "There are a total of 782 items in the vault, and more than half of them have no record of what is inside, so I want to find clues through the names of the people who put them. It’s impossible, so it seems really difficult to know which of these things our chairman cares about in a short period of time.”


Du Wensen threw the file aside.

"I think the safest and most effective hiding method should not have records. However, our chairman can enter and leave the vault at will. So will he think the same as me?"

Du Wensen looked at Madeline with a wide smile.

Madeline panicked. This was the first time in her life that she had met such a terrifying person. It was as if she was transparent under Du Vincent's eyes.

Du Wensen turned around and ordered: "You two go to the vault and search for the storage cabinets without records. If one of them is locked, open it and take out the contents."

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