Allard Gunslinger in Marvel

Chapter 19 The Hulk Out of Control

Ultron heard the angry cry, and as soon as he looked down, a bullet with arcs and flames suddenly penetrated its body.

Flames and arcs of electricity flashed around Ultron's body, instantly staggering Ultron in the sky.

Before Ultron could react, another bullet came.

Although this bullet did not carry any elements, a huge shock wave clearly appeared in the front part of the bullet, refracting the surrounding light into a large cone, like a fast drill bit, hitting one of Ultron's on the legs.


One shot shattered one of Ultron's legs in mid-air.

Steel parts fell to the ground one after another.

Ultron lost his balance and staggered, and was finally blasted down from the sky with a hand cannon by Iron Man Tony, who was chasing closely behind him, and hit the ground, making a big hole in the muddy sand after the tide receded.

Lying in the dirt, mixed with water and sand, Ultron was covered in sparks of electricity.

"You can't escape this time!" Neil's voice sounded outside the pit.

Ultron's pronunciation system was obviously damaged, and the intermittent low electronic sounds did not appear panicked or frightened. He was just a little surprised by Neil's appearance. "Ah, it's you, hello Neil, have a good time in S.H.I.E.L.D. ?"

Hearing Ultron call his name, Neil's brows tightened together.

"Who are you? Free's new Superboy?" Tony landed steadily next to Neil.

Neil didn't answer Tony, but just raised the two guns in his hands. Two black shadows flashed past, and three more shots were fired, breaking off all the remaining limbs of Ultron, leaving only the torso and head.

"It's not here anymore, damn, I forgot about the Internet!" Neil clenched his fists.

Tony on the side also seemed to suddenly remember something. His face behind the steel mask was extremely ugly. He walked forward quickly, raised his arm and pointed it at Ultron, with a missile launcher rising from his arm.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Oh! Tony, Tony, you know what I want to do, protect the earth, protect the world. This is what you told me to do, isn't it?"

Tony's face was gloomy and he said in a cold tone, "I didn't teach you to kill!"

"When a bug parasitizes a person, everyone will choose to kill it, otherwise the person's blood will be sucked dry by the bug. So in order to protect the earth and human beings, I will help humans escape In a low-level vampire state, I can make everyone evolve!"

Ultron made two nervous noises, then tilted his head and said in a serious tone, "You will understand, Tony, you are so smart, but first, you have to let Dr. Banner understand."

Tony suddenly thought of something, his face darkened, and just as he was about to launch the missile to reduce Ultron, Neil on the side reached out to block it. Thousands

"Don't kill it yet, I will make it regret what it has done, but before that, we have to stop a big green guy."

Neil said to Mei and the agents who arrived quickly, "Watch it, I'll follow Stark to kill the big guy."

"No, young man, you stay here."

Tony Stark turned around with a livid face and said something, then jumped into the sky and flew quickly towards the city.

Ultron on the side saw this and let out a sneer, "Did you see it? Neil, you are a powerful being. You should not be complicit with fragile and stupid humans. SHIELD does not trust you, and the Avengers reject you." , you should join me! Join the great evolution!"

Neil cast a ferocious look with cold eyes, raised his hand and shot the gun on the mud beside Ultron, splashing sand, gravel and muddy water.

"Wait for me to come back and clean you up."

Neil turned and ran quickly towards the city.

"Hahahaha, Neil, think about it carefully! The people on earth are afraid of your power. They are afraid of you, and they even want to imprison you, lock you up, and never see the light of day for the rest of your life! Then when they need you, they will Forcing you to work for them, like a slave! I can turn this world into one, without doubt, without distrust, with extraordinary unity of all people."

Ultron's voice gradually became smaller in Neil's ears. It was still shouting and screaming, as if explaining his lunatic behavior to a person who doubted his ideals and goals.

"Search news keyword Hulk."

Several videos popped up in Tony's visor, recording the furious Hulk wreaking havoc in the city.

"Natasha, it's time to sing the lullaby." Tony shouted into the Avengers team's communicator.

Hawkeye quickly replied, "Ah, that's impossible, not possible for the time being."

"The whole team collapsed and you have no backup," Captain America said.

Tony gritted his teeth and said, "I'll call Veronica."

In orbit, a satellite dropped a huge aircraft, quickly entered the atmosphere, and then quickly approached Tony. Countless parts separated from the aircraft and were assembled on Tony's armor to form an even larger Iron Man.

The Hulk in the distance is still destroying cars and streets.

Several sword-like metal steel fell from the sky and suddenly inserted themselves around Hulk, surrounding him and emitting silver arcs. Then the sword began to expand and turned into a metal cage, trapping Hulk.

The Hulk inside furiously smashed open the ground and emerged from under the street on one side.

Seeing the huge Veronica, Hulk let out a violent roar.

Just when the two behemoths were about to abandon everything and fight, a stream of light slammed down from the sky, smashing the Hulk's figure straight to the ground, and all the surrounding faces cracked into rubble.

"It actually has such powerful destructive power. I'm very angry, Dr. Banner."

The figure gradually appeared in the stream of light. It was a figure, the strange man Tony had just seen at the dock.

"Come on, big guy, I'll take you to another place to play." Neil grabbed the back of Hulk's neck, controlled him tightly in his hands, and then quickly ran away from the city.

The furious Hulk couldn't bear to be controlled by others, so he punched Neil hard, but he suddenly felt a soft and powerful reaction force, which bounced his fist away and hit him. on the face.

But the pain did not make him quiet, but made him even more irritable.

He punched Neil again and again, and in the end he was either bounced away or felt like he had hit an impenetrable wall.

The Hulk lost control and struggled wildly in the air, destroying all the ground around him with his hands and feet. His legs flew in the air, kicking the surrounding cars aside and almost hitting passers-by. Fortunately, Tony was following closely behind him. Caught them.

"Thank you Iron Man, this guy is not very honest." Neil's voice came from the front.

Tony, who was following closely behind, looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"This bastard Fury really has a secret weapon."

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