I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 367 Chapter 366 Self-replenishment ability

After returning home, Lloyd played with the black fire stick all night.

So much so that Everol, who was lying on the desk working overtime to fill out forms, would always turn around from time to time, frowning slightly, with a look of worry on her young face that didn't match her appearance, and asked:

"Xiao Yi... is this stick... really just a weapon?"

"Of course...sister, what are you worried about?"

"No...it's nothing...as long as Xiaoyi don't use it to do weird things..."

Everol spoke softly, her face quickly turning red, making her look particularly delicious.

"Don't worry, sister, I'm still studying how to use it."

Lloyd explained casually, feeling a little strange.

What are you thinking about, sister? What weird things can I do with this? And why are you blushing for no reason?

But talking about this fire stick, it seems like it can really do a lot of weird things?

It has now been renamed the [Almighty Spin Stick], and it is indeed very versatile. It only needs to be controlled with inspiration and spiritual power, and it can be transformed into various weapons that one needs like a ball of plasticine.

From the killing stick, to the butcher's knife, to Lloyd's most convenient dagger scalpel, a hammer screwdriver for cooking, and even fishing rods and walking sticks, they can all be transformed.

What's even more exaggerated is that even weapons from the earth can be transformed, such as the Staff of Humo, the Old Self in the Mirror, the Emerald M9, the Scepter of Eternity, etc., but they are all high-end weapons that cost several 648 to acquire.

It's a pity that it only has a rough appearance and does not have corresponding functions. Even the counterweight and feel are still the same as before. It is basically just an appearance effect.

That's okay, at least there's no need to draw from the weapon pool or buy accessories for the weapons.

Lloyd could only comfort himself like this.

As for the specific practical functions, it seems that apart from being extremely hard and being able to be used as a psychic blade, there seems to be nothing else?

Although the shape and color can be changed at will, the maximum length and width are only 1.5 meters. No matter how long or wide it is, it cannot be changed...

It can be transformed into a bow, crossbow, or even a gun, but it does not come with arrows and bullets, so you have to prepare them yourself...

So Lloyd briefly thought about it. In addition to replacing his dagger-shaped psychic blade, the most reasonable application of this thing is to use it as a shield?

This thing is really powerful when used as a shield. At least I tried it briefly. I couldn't cut it with a psychic blade. Cutting it would only cause a burst of metal sparks, but in the end no scratches would be left.

He also opened the portal and went outdoors to test the effect of deflecting bullets. After a few shots, the bullets all deflected, indicating that it might have some kind of ballistic deflection effect?

Moreover, this function that can change the color at will is very practical when used as a shield. It can be turned into a transparent color to paralyze the enemy; it can also be transformed into a colorful kaleidoscope to dazzle the enemy; it can also be used to inject spiritual power. Its slightly luminous properties flash like a neon light, making the enemy dizzy.

Anyway, Lloyd had already imagined this scene in his mind. He was being pointed at a gun by a group of criminals, and then he set up a shield turned into a fire stick, controlled its rapid flash and color change, and triggered the enemy's flash epilepsy, killing him without any death. Defeat your opponent.

Well...the above are all for him to comfort himself. In fact, it would be more direct and effective to open [Distortion Realm] directly...

Anyway, the exchange price for this thing requires 150 precious points. It is impossible for Lloyd to admit that he is good at it. He can only find ways to make up for it on his own. Why is he not proficient in it yet, has not mastered its essence, or the focus is not now. But what it looks like after repair.

But in any case, regardless of the power and special effects, it is really fun. Just the changing function is enough for Lloyd to play with it for a long time. As a toy, it is really invincible.

At this moment, he was trying to turn the fire sticks into robot models that he couldn't afford before, and he couldn't put it down and played with them.

Hehe, I can be considered a glue guy now.

Lloyd played like this until it was time to go to bed, and then he returned to the room still unsatisfied.

He lay down on the small bed and was about to enter the [Thinking Realm] to have a tryst with Eloro when he suddenly saw a bright flash of lightning outside the window, and a few seconds later there was another roar of thunder.

Is it going to rain heavily?

Lloyd couldn't help but shudder.

Because of his childhood wandering experience, he was very afraid of rain...

I wonder if my sister is still afraid?

While Lloyd was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door of his room.

When I got up and opened the door, Ivorol was wearing cartoon pajamas, with a pair of bare feet, holding a hammerhead shark puppet tightly in her arms. She showed a pitiful expression and said timidly:

"Xiaoyi, it's thundering outside, it's so scary..."

Lloyd nodded solemnly, then picked up his sister's petite body with understanding, put her on his bed, and wrapped her in a thick quilt into a silkworm baby.

Then he quickly retreated into bed.

"Xiaoyi, come closer."

Everol said softly again.

Lloyd quickly moved closer to his sister, rubbed his forehead against her sister, and comforted her:

"It's okay sister, we don't have to be afraid of rain now."


Everol nodded and forced a smile.

During the years when the two lived on the streets, what they feared most was rain.

Rain means cold and wet, and with it, disease...

It will even destroy the cardboard hut that was built with great effort, or turn the original shelter into a small puddle under the eaves.

So at that time, whenever it rained, the siblings could only squeeze together tightly and use their body temperature to bring limited warmth to each other.

Although they are living a good life now, looking back, the siblings still have lingering fears.

Perhaps it was because having her younger brother by her side made Everol regain the sense of security she felt as a child, and she quickly fell asleep.

Lloyd then felt relieved, entered the [Thinking Realm], and then [sneaked] into Elolo's boudoir.

At this hour, Elolo is still not asleep. Instead, he is lying on the table working on some plan?

But Lloyd took a sneak peek and saw only '1, 2, 3' written on it, which was roughly equivalent to creating a new folder.

He couldn't help but be amused, and stretched out his invisible hand, picked up Eloro's delicate body, put her back on the pink bed, and then took off the cartoon animal slippers on her feet, revealing her beautiful feet. .

Then while playing with it, he helped her share the mental pollution; at the same time, he wrapped her in a blanket like a silkworm baby, and finally raised his head and looked out the window.

Why is it raining heavily here in the City of Joy?

It seems that the coverage of this rain is quite large? Something unexpected?

Lloyd thought about it casually, without going too deep. Instead, he turned to another question.

I just had sex with Hiltina during the day and came to Elolo at night. Will I be misunderstood as a scumbag?

Then, he compared the two girls Hiltina and Elolo in his mind...

Hiltina is a saint; Airolo is also a saint.

Hiltina has short hair, is pretty and cute, and has a pretty and charming appearance; Airolo also has short hair, is pretty and cute, and has a pretty and charming appearance.

Hiltina's jade feet are small, fragrant, soft, sweet and delicious; Airolo's jade feet are also small, fragrant, soft, sweet and delicious.

To sum up, I am not a scumbag!

After making amends like this, Lloyd felt that the guilt in his heart suddenly disappeared.

In this way, he spent the night peacefully, and then helped Hiltina share the mental pollution as usual the next morning.

Hiltina didn't seem to know what Lloyd did last night, but she was still as close as ever. She threw herself into Lloyd's arms as soon as they met, and kept rubbing her cheek against his chest.

In this state, the two of them could not communicate effectively, so Lloyd could only talk about what happened at the 'Dream Theater' yesterday, and then ask his childhood sweetheart what he thought.

Hiltina did not give a direct answer. After thinking for a while, she tilted her head and gestured with her hand, indicating that she would go find someone to ask.

In this way, when Lloyd left the [Thinking Realm], he shared the mental pollution from Hildina and Elolo, plus a little accumulation before, he upgraded two more levels, adding 5 points of [Spiritual Power] respectively. ] and 5 points of [Cognition], pushing these two attributes to 535 points.

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