I upgraded and added points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 350 349 The ridiculous answer (page 12)

"Huh... let's get started."

Lloyd held the portal in his hand that had been brewed and could be deployed at any time, and then nodded towards little Olga.

The half-ancestor of Little Olga nodded, then raised the tower shield and lance in his hand, and began to wreak havoc on the surface of the ruins, like a demolition team, attacking the ruins.

But he is not like a headless fly scurrying around, but retreating from the inside out, layer by layer, towards the outermost edge area.

And with such a fuss, the mysterious force that had been relatively quiet before suddenly became alert and began to flow and gather silently.

Hiltina's voice also floated from a distance:

"I can see that the central area has begun to become restless. The power all over the ruins has begun to surge there, like a spider gathering its web. If it continues at this speed, in about three minutes, the power you encountered before will begin. Too 'restored'."

"Faster than last time we met?"

Lloyd remembered that he was with little Olga before, but after staying in this ruins for several hours, he suddenly encountered the 'restored' one.

"This shows that this force has a simple threat assessment——

You were just walking around cautiously before. Although you would disturb them, you would not be able to fight back immediately. You had to wait until you went deep enough before you would be considered a threat by them and must be cleared;

But this time it's different. If your friends make enough noise, their reaction will of course be more intense. "

Hiltina helped summarize it, continued to pay attention to the changes in the central area, and then comforted her softly:

"Don't be afraid, I will definitely protect you."


Lloyd nodded, breathed a long sigh of relief, adjusted his mood, and waited for the 'perfect opportunity' to arrive.

Hopefully, deep in the center, there will be rewards worthy of our adventure.

There should be a [Bright Gold] there, right?

I wonder if he will be as easy to talk to as the historical commentator?

But having said that, since [Brilliant Gold] is stronger than the Saint, does it also enter the category of the 'Supreme One'?

After playing the Supreme Being a few times, am I actually lucky enough to meet a Supreme Being who might still be alive?

These short three minutes, in this extremely tense state, suddenly seemed to be extremely long, giving Lloyd enough time to have all kinds of random thoughts pour out of his mind.

But time seemed to pass quickly. Before his thoughts could spread further, he heard Hiltina reminding:

"Restore has begun, get ready!"

Lloyd quickly put his thoughts back together and concentrated on waiting for her next reminder.

Without being disturbed by the dissipated inspiration, he could already clearly feel that a force had condensed into a thin sphere and was beginning to spread from the depths of the ruins, just like a ball that was being blown continuously. The expanding bubbles will quickly fill every corner of the ruins.

He didn't even need to use inspiration. He could see with his naked eyes that the weird 'erasure and restoration' process had begun in some of the areas that had been destroyed by little Olga in the deeper areas, and the smashed ruins began to rebuild. Returning to their original positions, the ground that had been plowed into ravines was rapidly recovering.

And this 'restoration' process was approaching at a very fast speed towards where he and Hiltina were.

And his inspiration and strange intuition, after sensing this power, began to beat the gongs and drums crazily, and couldn't wait to take a seat.

"It's now!"

Hiltina's voice suddenly came over.

Lloyd immediately threw the portal he had prepared in his hand, and then rushed in with Hiltina.

The next second he entered the portal, the area where he was standing was swept by that force, and the space rift and portal that would have lasted for a while disappeared into the air in an instant.

This power can even 'restore' the portal...

And little Olga, who had already asked her ancestors to retreat to the edge area in advance, could summon the [Projection] back to her side more calmly, then breathed a long sigh of relief and whispered:

"I wish you good luck, my friends, and Your Majesty the Holy One."


After Lloyd passed through the portal, he felt that there was only darkness in front of him, as if he had fallen into a dark quagmire. His whole body was sticky, as if he was covered in some liquid.

It was more like his body had completely lost consciousness, and he couldn't even move his fingers. He could only watch himself slowly sinking into the unknown abyss as the liquid around him squirmed.

Fortunately, at this moment, a gentle force gently hugged him from behind, and then Hiltina's voice floated from a distance:

"Right...in front...there is rejection here...I can only...help you...clean it up...then...just...be careful...must...come back..."

Her voice had become intermittent, as if she was getting farther and farther away from her.

But she still used her last strength to support Lloyd's hand, then raised her right hand forward with her fingers slightly spread, and said:

"In the name of No...!"

The next second, Lloyd felt that one-third of the spiritual energy in his body was suddenly drained.

The darkness in front of him and the sticky feeling that enveloped his whole body suddenly dissipated with the spiritual power.

He also regained control of his vision and body, and found that he was standing exactly where he was, unscathed.

The inspiration and intuition that were beating in my head also temporarily died down, indicating that my current situation was quite safe.

It was just that the [projection] carrying Hiltina turned back into an invisible dough state, indicating that her 'childhood sweetheart' had left her.

It seems that deep here, there is another layer of defense besides 'reduction'. Hiltina was forcibly driven away by this layer of defense?

You really can’t underestimate [Brilliant Gold]’s methods...

"Huh...well, now that we're here..."

Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head again, and looked around, his eyes widening slightly.

He had imagined many scenes inside, such as gloomy tombs, holy temples, magnificent halls, gorgeous opera houses, and even an empty room with only a 'Lord God's Light Ball' floating in the middle.

But I never imagined that it would be the scene in front of me——

This is actually a lakeside with beautiful mountains and clear waters and pleasant scenery?

Can you feel relaxed and at peace just by looking at it?

A piece of nature deep underground?

Why is it like this?

Lloyd tried to search for traces of human activities around him, but except for a solitary stone tablet and a rectangular pit on the edge of the pearl-like lake, there were no more traces.

That stone tablet should be a tombstone, and the dug hole is the reserved tomb.

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