
"Is there any mistake? Are you one of our own?"

"We've been making trouble for a long time. Are they also a foreign race that has been to Blue Star?"

"But how come we've never seen them?"

There was a brief silence.

After the shock.

Everyone immediately exploded.

After much fuss, the so-called 'alien civilization' can actually speak Chinese?

what does this mean?

This means that so many of their past ideas...

It's probably entirely based on a wrong foundation!

The big guys in the situation room were whispering to each other;

The intelligence officers responsible for operating various instruments anxiously began to adjust the plan;

In the expert group, for some reason, an extremely fierce dispute broke out;

Only Su Xuezhang, who was standing on the stage, narrowed his old eyes:

"It shouldn't be. There are no life forms that match their characteristics in either Blue Star's database or the secret realm's database..."

The old academician was very puzzled.

Of course that's puzzling.

No matter how you look at it, this is a completely unfamiliar and unknown race.

Inexplicably, I mastered their language.

If we consider it from the assumption that 'the two parties have never met'...

It’s puzzling no matter how you think about it!

For people on earth, learning a foreign language from another country is a headache.

What's more, it's not just a matter of differences between countries and nations.

Not only are the civilizations different, but even the races may not be the same.

The opponent is a mechanical life form, maybe it is the legendary silicon-based creature!

I have to say that the Chinese language can have such a huge influence that even aliens in the depths of the universe can...

That's ridiculous.

Academician Su is not one of those fun-loving screenwriters in Hollywood.

He still has the most basic common sense.

Su Xuezhang frowned.

He didn't think of 'learning now' at all.

It's not that easy.

Don't look at them, refer to Voyager 1's 'golden record',

I made a similar gift and gave it to an unknown civilization.

But in fact, this thing has no practical significance at all.

Even Blue Star's top linguistics and cryptography experts believe it has only a symbolic role.

This thing is some kind of 'ceremonial instrument' that represents the first contact between two civilizations and has commemorative significance.

Just like when traveling to Mongolia or Tibet, fellow villagers gave tourists a hada.

This is a commemorative gift, not really for tourists to wrap around their necks as a scarf in the winter.

The reason is also very simple, as mentioned above.

The two civilizations regard each other as belonging to an 'alien race'.

In this case, the differences in culture and common sense have become immeasurable.

So what if the words on the copper plate are translations and syllables with reference?

After all, that's where the difference lies.

Not only do your words look like meaningless images to the other person,

Translations and syllables are also 'mysterious symbols' that cannot be parsed in other people's eyes.

Language barrier has always been a problem in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Scholars certainly expected this.

Compared to copper plates as 'ritual vessels'.

They have prepared a special database equipped with pictographic interpretation charts for all human languages.

According to the plan, after completing the "self-reporting" link of the first contact, the robot will give it to the other party.


Who would have thought that this thing would never be used.

It’s also very head-scratching.


Su Xuezhang and others have no clue.

A group of people engaged in research cannot let go of their imagination.

I don’t think unknown civilizations can be so awesome that they can be ‘learned now’.

Wu Gangting came up with this bold idea.

"Could it be that...they learned our language directly on the spot?"

He said somewhat uncertainly.

How else to put it, people engaged in intelligence work do have richer imaginations.

He dared to put forward things that others dared not think of.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the situation room looked at each other in shock.

People who were still thinking about other possibilities stopped discussing.


"Theoretically, it's not impossible."

"Considering that the other party's progress in physics and engineering far exceeds our technological strength of thousands of years,"

"There is also reason to believe that their sociological attainments are also not low."

"It is not impossible to analyze the meaning, grammatical logic and usage of Chinese characters on the spot."

Professor Wang, who is connected here in Huai'an, said this.

He is considered to be one of the first researchers among these people to have contact with an 'unknown civilization'.

The one who is most convinced of the opponent's technological strength is him.

"But... for analysis, you have to have a sample, right?"

"Where can they find samples in such a short period of time?"

Someone immediately expressed a different opinion.

"Did you forget? Our promotional recording was played all the way."

"Just a promotional copy, only a few words?"

"Such a small amount of material is not enough to become a complete sample..."

Where there are opinions, there are objections.

Soon, everyone began to discuss how true this guess was.


After pondering for a moment, Wu Gangting came up with another, more terrifying possibility.

"Is there a possibility, and I mean possibility,"

"What if, it was more than just the promotional recordings we broadcast publicly,"

"Can they even hear the information we spread through other means?"

"For example, radio communications with the front line, and information sent over the Internet?"

Wu Gangting touched his chin,

"How about it?"

"If that's the case, then the amount of data should be huge enough, right?"

"Could it be that just like this, they directly parsed our language?"

This conjecture...

Everyone was stunned on the spot unconsciously.

Then, think about it a little bit.

There was a chill instantly rising behind him.

"If you say that...it would be a bit scary..."

Someone swallowed hard.

It seems to be able to moisturize a somewhat dry and numb throat.

"Isn't this the same as saying,"

"Our encrypted network is useless in front of others?"

"Then our frontline dispatch and specific plans..."

"Isn't it already one-way transparent and directly disclosed to them?"

——This is really scary.

Since mankind entered the electrical age, electromagnetic waves have always been a vital means of communication.

Even before the Cataclysm, scientists had not fully understood quantum communication.

It can only be said that within the scope of experiments,

A small amount of information is transmitted using the quantum entanglement effect.

There are no civilian-grade or military-grade quantum communicators that are actually in use.

As for the gravitational waves going further up...

Not to mention that.

They are just things that can be confirmed and discovered.

Most research exists entirely in theory.

In other words.

It started with Marconi's invention of wireless telegraphy in the early 20th century.

until now.

The long-distance communication methods used by human society still use electromagnetic waves as carriers.

Whether it is an optical signal or an electrical signal, they are all within this category.

No matter what encryption method is used, what hash algorithm...

They all focus on the content.

It does not affect the nature of the carrier.

And as long as there is information with a carrier, it actually 'exists'.

Although it cannot be seen or touched.

But it can be affected, it can be interfered with.


Can be captured...

"Fuck... you can't, right?"

Think of this.

Many engineers in the radio field in the situation room immediately began to sweat on their foreheads.

I felt a slight chill creeping up my back.

Immediately afterwards...

As if to prove their conjecture.

Situation rooms, data centers, and forward bases.

All the display screens began to fluctuate instantly.

Noise like screen tearing keeps surging,

The different images were all shattered and then reorganized.

It became a uniform abstract shape.

"Oh my god..."

Su Xuezhang's old eyes suddenly widened:

——They were completely hacked by each other in an instant.

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