Everyone: Are mechanics weak? I wake up and rectify the natural disaster

Chapter 42 Academician Qin who does not believe in evil

After a while.

It's not far away in the city bureau compound.

The heads and heads of the Shangjing base city gathered together.

The two leaders of the city bureau, the chief and the deputy, came in a hurry.

Vice Minister Hu from the Professional Association Headquarters.

Director Hao of the Public Security Bureau.

The total number of people sitting here is almost the head of most of the administrative departments of the base city.

Not only that.

On the seats on both sides of the long table, there were also bosses from other departments.

For example, Academician Su from the Chinese Academy of Sciences,

and Academician Qin from the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Even the military, which is theoretically the most reluctant to leave.

Two generals, one old and one young, also came.

The slightly younger one, probably in his thirties, had a gold star on his shoulder.

The one with gray hair is even more terrifying...

There are four gold stars on the epaulette, which makes your eyes dazzle just by looking at it.

This is the highest-ranking general in the Chinese military today.

He is also the only general left after the catastrophe.

Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Army, Chu Dingguo.

You know now, but during the implementation of the plan to counterattack the occupied areas.

Even so, General Chu also took the time to attend the meeting in person.

It can be seen how seriously the military attaches importance to this matter.

The gray-haired veteran was sitting upright.

Under the straight and pressed military uniform, the old body is still strong and strong.

Like a sleeping old dragon.

Every scar and every wrinkle on the face is like an annual ring carved by time.

Although he was just sitting there, doing nothing, as if he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

But everyone can still feel the military's firm determination to fight no matter what the circumstances.

Wu Gangting hurriedly broke into the conference hall door with a pile of information.

I happened to see this scene as soon as I came in.

The steps under my feet seemed to be a little lighter unconsciously.

"Old General Chu..."

"You talk about your own business and don't worry about me."

"Just think of me as a bad old man who happened to be passing by,"

Chu Dingguo opened his eyes,

"Whatever you need us to do, just tell Xiao Liu."

"If it is really critical, it doesn't matter even if the counterattack plan is called off."

The veteran's words directly stated the military's bottom line.

Everyone in the field couldn't help but tremble.

It was as if there was a cold light as clear as steel in his old voice.

Major General Liu Xun, who was sitting on the right side of Chu Dingguo, gave Wu Gangting a look of affirmation and nodded.


Wu Gangting pursed his lips.

He gave a military salute to the two of them without saying a word.

Then he calmed down a little and walked quickly to the stage.

Take out the USB flash drive, connect it, and play out the temporary ppt.

began to perform his duties.


for this incident.

Within the Shangjing Base City, a general consensus of opinion is taken very seriously.

Although different departments may not have exactly the same views due to their powers and priorities.

But overall.

The sudden appearance of this group of aliens aroused their vigilance.

To tell why...

The reason is actually very simple.

The 'sudden appearance' itself is what makes relevant departments most vigilant.

The era after the cataclysm.

It’s not that there are no alien races on Blue Star.

There are even some high-level secret realms.

The issue is...

This group of aliens in 'Stone Coast'.

It came out of nowhere!

They were accidentally discovered in the depths of a secret realm that had been designated as 'Level 1 Security' three years ago.

Although the 'Swordfish' team had the idea of ​​exploring the depths of the secret realm unintentionally.

But there are official agencies related to the secret realm.

For example, the Professionals Association and the Paranormal Phenomenon Investigation Department.

It’s not like they haven’t done in-depth exploration.


It is subject to various factors such as budget and transportation capacity.

In particular, electromagnetic interference is strong in the secret realm.

It is not easy to remotely control electronic equipment, nor can it use high-precision avionics systems, such as phased array radar.

The original method adopted by the Special Phenomena Investigation Department was to dispatch large propeller fixed-wing reconnaissance aircraft.

Mount a camera with a large lens.

Passing by at low altitude, conducting large-scale optical reconnaissance.

Somewhat sketchy.

But it was scouted after all.

It is clearly recorded in the database of the Paranormal Phenomenon Investigation Department.

At least a year ago,

The 'Swordfish' team encountered the sea area with a radius of fifty miles near the Naga Warlord.

There is no intelligent life in them.

In other words, these alien races first appeared in the 'Rocky Coast' a year ago.

This makes the big guys think deeply and fearfully:

Since I just 'migrated' a year ago.

They are not the natives of this secret land.

Since they can suddenly migrate to the rocky coast...

Is there the possibility of further expansion, or even trying to invade Blue Star through the portal?

For the big guys who have long been accustomed to thinking about defeat before thinking about victory,

This kind of logic that draws inferences from one example can only be considered as a daily operation.

——We have to guard against it!


Say something.

Although most people are aware of this and are wary of it.

But everyone present has completely different powers after all.

It is inevitable that some people will not understand the seriousness of the situation.

This in turn leads to aggressive aggression towards other people and a very confused expression...

"...Wait, I have a question."

"No matter how you say it, they are just one of countless alien races."

"At most, there are air units, but there are many alien races with spaceships and fighter planes."

"Even if they can break through the portal... they won't look like they are facing a formidable enemy, right?"

Listened to the report for a while.

Academician Qin sitting aside looked confused.

I really couldn't hold it back and said this.

The words fell.

There was silence in the conference hall.

The solemn atmosphere relaxed for a moment.

Wu Gangting kept a tense expression as he made the report to everyone.

Now he looked at Academician Qin a little funny.


Can't say I'm surprised.

It can only be said that it is somewhat ridiculous.

Wu Gangting also understood Academician Qin's confusion.

After all, that's how it is in this day and age.

This is not an era in the mid-20th century, when a single expert could conquer an entire scientific research field.

The scientific research system before the catastrophe was very, very scattered.

For example, a great expert in medicine may not be able to repair his or her own computer.

The more experts are in a certain field, the more they will devote themselves to that field, thus neglecting the level of other fields.

This is what is called every other line like a mountain.

Even in the era after the catastrophe, it is difficult to find any 'all-rounders'.

This is the case for Academician Qin.

He is a master of engineering and architecture.

By analogy, it is equivalent to the ultimate evolutionary perfection of Tumu Lao.

However, he lacks understanding of other fields that are also part of engineering, such as propulsion mechanics.

What's more, he was called out in a hurry as a representative of the Academy of Engineering.

Previously, I had been busy designing the material formula for the high walls of the new shelter.

I didn't have time to read the relevant reports...

Think about this.

Wu Gangting nodded clearly.

"This involves many reasons, but generally speaking, it is because the technological strength of this group of aliens is too strong."

"Strong? How strong?"

Academician Qin only found it a little funny.

In the three years since the catastrophe, what haven't the poor people of Blue Star seen?

He is also well-informed and experienced in many battles.

It's impossible for just any alien from unknown demiplane of Sangada,

It can scare them.

"Is it better than the Serbs who have spaceships, or the aquatic people who can control the magic tide?"

"I'm not kidding. In our current situation, we are almost surrounded by enemies.

One more is not too much, one less is not enough..."

Seeing that Academician Qin was in high spirits, he seemed to be giving a morale-boosting speech on the spot.

So that everyone should not be blindly nervous and have confidence.

Wu Gangting twitched the corner of his mouth without leaving any trace, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Just when he was about to say something, his cell phone beeped.

After a quick glance, he had a look of understanding on his face.

He turned his gaze to Academician Qin and directly interrupted the other person's unspoken words.

"...In this case, let's talk based on actual data."

"It just so happens that I have a test report here."

"It's data obtained by colleagues from the ministry after expedited analysis of the debris collected and left at the scene of the incident."

"Mr. Qin, there's not much else to say. Just take a look and we'll discuss this topic later."

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