Pokémon that goes with the flow

Chapter 62 Goodbye Badahu

"Go Badahu!"

Xiaozhi directed Bad Butterfly to rush directly to the cage imprisoning its kind, letting Bad Butterfly rescue its beloved object and its kind.

Xiaozhi and others are responsible for holding back Team Rocket.

"Go Gem Starfish! Use Crash!"


Xiaoxia took the lead in sending out the Gem Starfish, which flew towards Team Rocket while spinning, causing Team Rocket to flee in panic.

"Meow~, I won't let you succeed!"

Noticing that the bad butterflies were hitting the cage where they were kept, Miao Miao immediately turned around and rushed towards the bad butterflies, but was unexpectedly crushed to the ground by Scorpio, who had been ambushing them.


"Meow~, I don't want to see you!"

Seeing that his harvest was about to be destroyed, Musashi picked up the stick on the side and swung it towards the gem starfish like a baseball. It was a home run! ...Ah no, it was Gem Starfish that was successfully knocked away by Musashi and hit the wall.

"Go~Abo Snake!"


In the blink of an eye, Xiaozhi and his team started fighting with Team Rocket again. Taking advantage of the time that Xiaozhi and the others gave Bad Butterfly, Bad Butterfly lived up to expectations and successfully broke the cage. The Bad Butterfly inside scrambled to escape. .

Naturally, this included the pink Butterfly. Seeing the scarred Bad Butterfly trying to save them, the pink Butterfly slowly blushed, and Xiaozhi's Butterfly naturally touched it in embarrassment. head.

"That's great Bad Butterfly!"

Seeing that his big butterfly finally won the heart of his partner, Xiaozhi was sincerely happy for him.

But the noisy helicopter sound sounded again. Just as everyone gathered around Badahu, Team Rocket had already sneaked away, planning to capture the escaped Badahu again.

Xiaozhi and others naturally would not let Team Rocket go, and this time Pikachu sat on Bad Butterfly and caught up with Team Rocket's helicopter in time.

Under Pikachu's nuclear smile, an electric shock successfully destroyed Team Rocket's helicopter. As a result, Team Rocket fell to the bottom, and the plan to capture Bad Butterfly failed...

The matter came to an end, and everyone once again stood on the edge of the cliff at the beginning. With the afterglow of the setting sun, Xiaozhi and others formally bid farewell to Badahu...

After all, this is a matter of course. Bada Butterfly has found a partner and needs to spend the ocean with him to start a new family. Naturally, he can no longer continue traveling with Xiaozhi and the others.

No matter how reluctant they were to leave, Xiaozhi and others still bid farewell to Bata with tears and smiles. Seeing this scene, Hoshino realized that he had been neglecting something...

Pokémon also have their own lives... they won't always travel together, and they will be separated sooner or later...

"Scorpio, where is the end of your journey?"

Hoshino raised his head and asked Scorpio lying above his head, but this time Scorpio did not reply immediately like usual.

Because Scorpio was also looking up at the sky, Hoshino couldn't see Scorpio's expression. It wasn't until Scorpio was silent for a while that he lowered his head and smiled and slowly shook his head at Hoshino, indicating that he didn't know either...


Early in the morning, in Hoshino's tent.

It was already very late to see off Bada Butterfly yesterday. Xiaozhi and his party also felt tired because of Bada Butterfly's departure, so they did not choose to continue to the Gold City, but chose to find a place nearby to rest.


Hoshino, who was sleeping in a daze, felt a cold touch on his face, as if something sharp was touching his cheek. Normally Bobo wouldn't wake me up like this...

Confused, Hoshino opened his eyes with difficulty, and what he saw was a familiar large white needle... and a familiar yet unfamiliar Pokémon...

"Big Needle Bee!... No, is that you, Mr. Chong?!"

Seeing the giant needle bee that suddenly appeared in front of him, Hoshino suddenly woke up and sat up in fear. This also scared Bobo who was standing beside him and Scorpio who was still sleeping.

Only the giant needle bee waved its needle-like hands easily, raised an eyebrow at Hoshino who looked surprised, and said to Hoshino with a smile.

Good morning......



Seeing the giant needle bee next to Hoshino looking at her again, Xiaoxia tensed up again.

In the past, Xiaoxia would take Hoshino to eat together, but today she sat in the farthest seat. After all, Xiaoxia was afraid of insects.

Although in the process of contact with Xiaozhi's Bad Butterfly, he has gradually become less afraid of insect-type Pokémon, but the Giant Stitch is more special. It seems to be because this type of Pokémon gives Xiaozhi The group left many wonderful memories...

"Xiaoxing, your iron-shelled pupa has finally evolved into a giant needle wasp!"

"Pika pika~."

Compared with Misty, Xiaozhi was not that afraid, and he and Pikachu curiously observed the Stingy Bee. After all, although they had often encountered the giant sting wasp before, it was also the first time they had the opportunity to observe it up close like this when they were being chased.

As for the feeling of the big needle bee who is sweating coldly... Since they are the companions of his own trainer, he can only let them look at him...

"Yes, isn't my Mr. Chong very handsome~!"


Well, forget it... Seeing my trainer happy, it doesn't matter anymore...

"Okay, you guys, stop playing, it's time to eat." Xiaogang came over with the prepared breakfast and placed a bowl of remixed Pokémon food in front of the Styli.

According to Xiaogang, as the iron-shelled pupae evolved into the Styliphus, the required nutrients would also change. Today's breakfast was postponed because Xiaogang was rearranging the food of the Styliphus.

"Speaking of Xiaoxing, I've always been curious about why you call the giant needle bee Chongye? I don't think this giant needle bee is very old?"

A breakfast quickly narrowed the distance between Xiaoxia and the giant needle bee. After all, Xiaoxia was only uncomfortable at the beginning, and soon got used to getting along with the giant needle bee. She asked Hoshino this question that had been bothering her for a long time. .

"Well, well..." Hoshino was sweating coldly and felt a chill on his back. He pondered over his words again and again, "Of course it's because my admiration for Mr. Chong is like the endless waves of the river. Chong. It’s a great honor for me to be willing to join our trip! You say so, right? Scorpio Bobo!”



Seeing that their trainer actually pulled them, Scorpio and Bobo had no choice but to agree quickly. Hearing the praise from its companion, the giant needle bee raised its head proudly, indicating that this was a matter of course.

"That's it..." Xiaozhi bit the spoon and pinched the handle of the spoon with insight, "It seems that you all like the giant needle bee."

"Oh~! That's true." Hoshino nodded in agreement, "After all, we all really like Mr. Chong."



Scorpio and Bobo also sincerely thought so, and looked at the Stingy Bee on the side with a smile. On the contrary, this time the Stinging Bee blushed and turned his head away from looking at these guys.


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