Pokémon that goes with the flow

Chapter 50 Huang Liang 1 Dream


"Ah, thank you..."

Slowpoke slowly picked up a skewer of cooked tofu and handed it to Hoshino, who quickly picked up a small plate with both hands and took it.


Slowpoke nodded with dull eyes, and then looked at the oden in the pot.

In order to escape the pursuit of the giant Pokémon, Hoshino and many Pokémon had no choice but to escape deep into the forest in the dark.

I don't know how long I ran, but suddenly there was a small light in front of my eyes. The huge Pokémon behind me had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

With the idea that there might be people living there if there was light, Hoshino walked quickly towards it with the Pokémon.

As the distance continued to get closer, the light became brighter and even a little dazzling. After a brief period of dizziness, a classic Japanese oden stall appeared in front of me, and the stall owner... Slowpoke... ....


Slowpoke's call brought back Hoshino's somewhat wandering thoughts. Only then did Hoshino realize that the tofu in his hand had already gone cold.

Showing an apologetic smile to the stall owner Slowmon, Hoshino picked up the tofu and took a small bite, then looked around.

Compared to Hoshino's confusion, Pokémon seemed much more calm.

Bulbasaur's cheeks were slightly red, and he was holding a small cup in his hand. He was like a drunk uncle constantly complaining about the shortcomings of human beings. Squirtle on the side had no choice but to sweat coldly as he kept comforting the drunk Bulbasaur.

As for Meow Meow, he had already laid down on the tree stump that was used as a table and fell asleep. There were many cups staggered beside it, and it seemed that it had drunk a lot.

The orange drink they drank, Hoshino poured a little out of responsibility and curiosity and smelled it. It seemed to be some kind of wine made from fermented fruit.

Seeing Hoshino raising his glass, Bulbasaur snatched the cup from Hoshino's hand with a vine whip, warned Hoshino that minors were not allowed to drink, and then drank the cup in one gulp.

While Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Meowth were sitting in the distance drinking together, the remaining Pokémon were sitting in front of the oden stall, holding milk and eating.

"Pika pika~."

"Abo Abo~."

Pikachu kept comforting the crying Arbor, while Scorpio was responsible for comforting Gas Bomb. Looking at the two of them looking sad and crying, it seemed that what Bulbasaur said before had really hit them both hard.

"Fire~fire~." The little fire dragon was also eating, constantly comforting the two.

The night was already quite deep at this time, and the surroundings were quiet. Only the oden restaurant opened deep in the forest had some smoke and smoke.

Perhaps the rising steam was too permeable, and Hoshino looked at the Pokémon in a trance. He always felt that he had mistakenly entered some kind of secret realm that only Pokémon could enter...

"Stay~, stay~."

The stall owner Slowmon, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly looked at Hoshino and asked Hoshino how he felt here.

"Ah...it feels pretty good." Hoshino was stunned for a moment, and was caught off guard by the stall owner's question. He smiled coquettishly, "I just didn't expect that Pokémon would actually open a store, or... In this kind of forest.”

Hoshino scratched his cheek in embarrassment. After hearing what he said, the stall owner Slowpoke fell silent again, and continued after a long time.


"Um, is it weird to open a Pokémon store? Well...it's actually okay. It's mainly because I haven't seen it before, so it's a bit novel."

Hoshino turned to look at the Pokémon again, watching them talking, and smiled knowingly, "After all, Pokémon are no different from humans, and it's normal for them to be able to open a store."

Then Hoshino looked at Slowpoke again, reaching for his wallet, "By the way, how much did they spend here in total?"


After listening to Hoshino's words, Slowmon was silent for a long time again, tilted his head and asked in confusion... What is money? ...

"Well, we just ate at your place. Do we need to give you anything?"

Seeing Slowpoke's reaction, Hoshino guessed that Pokémon might not have the concept of money, and might rely on exchanging things for things. To Hoshino's surprise, the stall owner Slowmon shook his head and said that Hoshino and the others did not need to pay anything.

"Ah, this, it's not good..." Looking at this lot of Pokémon, he had eaten a lot, and he felt a little sorry for Slowpoke without giving him anything, so Hoshino bought another item from the system mall I bought two cans of the kind that all Pokémon would like, and handed them to Slowpoke.

Looking at the two cans that suddenly appeared in his hand, Slowpoke lowered his head and froze for a long time, then raised the cans and slowly spun them around, looking quite happy.

After that, Slowpoke put a lot of food on Hoshino's plate. Hoshino was so scared that he waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he couldn't eat anymore...

The rising fog is getting bigger and bigger, and as the Pokémon are talking, Hoshino's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and there is only one thought left in his cloudy mind...

...The world of Pokémon is so magical...


【Ding! Complete the hidden mission "A Dream of Huangliang". Completion conditions: unknown. Reward: Instantly restore all physical strength*1. (Just think of it as a dream~ I was still very moved when I woke up~)]


Hoshino was a little dazed when he was woken up by the system. The familiar heavy feeling came to his head again. Why did the system start singing rap, and what did I accomplish...


He found that Bobo was looking at him with a puzzled face, probably preparing to wake him up as usual, but he didn't expect that he woke up early.

"Aha~ Good morning Bobo, thank you for today too..."

He yawned and was about to get up but found that his body was quite heavy. Almost all the Pokémon were lying on his body, and Arbor used its long body to surround everyone and act as a pillow.



After Hoshino woke up, the Pokémon also woke up one after another, rubbing their eyes sleepily, except for Bulbasaur and Meowth...

"Bulbasaur, Meowth, you guys should...Eh? Why do you smell like alcohol?"


Hoshino originally wanted to wake up the two guys who were still sleeping, but he noticed the pungent smell of alcohol on them. Like two hungover uncles, he was about to go up to check. Who would have thought that Squirtle suddenly sprayed two of their faces with a water gun, and they were naturally awakened by this sudden attack.


"Meow~! What are you doing!"

Bulbasaur and Meowth angrily looked at the initiator, Squirtle, and found that everyone was looking at them. They smiled twice and said good morning to everyone.

"Bulbasaur, Meowth, what did you do last night? Why do you smell like alcohol?"

"Seed~! Seed~!"

"Haha~ It's nothing, it's nothing~!"

Seeing the two of them shaking their heads in denial, Hoshino didn't want to go into details. After all, as long as they were fine, it would be fine.

"By the way, weren't we fleeing last night?" Hoshino covered his aching head and found that he had no memory of what happened last night. The last memory he had was that they were escaping from the pursuit of a giant Pokémon.

"Why did I suddenly fall asleep?"

"Scorpion~! Scorpion~!"

"Pika pika~!"

Scorpio quickly said that Hoshino fell while escaping last night and fell unconscious. Pikachu also quickly added that after Hoshino was unconscious, they spent a lot of effort to move him to a safe place, and then rested and slept here.

"That's it..." Hoshino touched his still aching head. It seemed that he had indeed fallen badly last night. He turned to the Pokémon and thanked them: "Thank you for causing trouble to you." Anyway, let’s have breakfast first, and then go find Xiaozhi and the others.”

After saying that, Hoshino squatted down and took out cans of Pokémon food from his backpack... which meant buying them now from the system mall.

The Pokémon behind Hoshino breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Hoshino believed what they said...

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