The Azrael family?

Have not heard......

"Oh, it turns out to be the Azrael family... No wonder, no wonder." Mr. Maxim seemed to know them.

"Mr. Maxim, who are the Azrael family? Why would they travel thousands of miles to snatch people from human traffickers? And what do they mean by 'loyalty'?"

"It's normal that Miss Wu Yue doesn't know. After all, on the surface, Azrael is indeed just a relatively wealthy merchant family, and most of its active areas are in the south of the continent."

"But this is just on the surface...If I mention a name, Miss Wu Yue might have heard of it."

"Netherworld Fire..."


Now I finally remembered, wasn't this part of the riots in Melbourne City?

But... Netherfire didn't intervene too much in the incident. Instead, he helped Sophia and the others in the mansion and left a message. After that, he never took action again...

I didn't see the content of the message, but I heard from Sophia that the leader of the Nether Fire seemed to have an extremely ambiguous attitude, as if he realized something and wanted to leave a way out for himself.

Perhaps, he was the one who saw the situation most clearly among all the organizations at that time...

Netherfire suffered no losses and escaped unscathed from the farce of assassinating the king.

It can be seen that this leader has a very sharp vision.

"That's right, Netherfire, an ancient assassin organization, followers of the Angel of Death, whose leaders of all generations call themselves 'Fire Masters', and control the Netherfire..."

"But five hundred years ago, the Netherfire had not yet been established, and it was still acting in the name of the Azrael family."

"As for the so-called 'loyalty'... you will know when you read on."


After the young man finished his opening remarks, he pushed the old man in front of him and passed by the merchandise that was being sold with its head lowered.

When passing by "me", the young man's gaze lingered for a moment.

Maybe he is interested in me, the only non-human race...

After basically looking through all the products, the young man pushed the old man back to the center, lowered his head and listened to the old man muttering a few words, then said:

"The old man is very pleased with you. From today on, you are members of the Azrael Family Chamber of Commerce and servants protected by the Azrael Family..."

"I know your original identities. Among you, there are beggars, vagrants, thieves, orphans, and even prostitutes... and your original fate was nothing more than being sold to Batoria and becoming a lowly slave... maybe a high-quality slave, that's all."

"But the family has the ability to change all this. In fact, that's what we did. The family rescued you from the slave catchers and escorted you all the way here. Next, we will provide you with adequate food and clothing, and even let you live a better life than before."

"And the conditions for obtaining all of this are simple - swear an oath of loyalty and serve the family for life."

The young man paused, then continued:

"In addition, I have to warn you a few more times. The entire Campino City and even the southern countries are full of family spies. Don't try to escape. Believe me, serving the family obediently is far more cost-effective than running away."

The threats were not many, nor were they obvious, but no one present thought that what he said was false.

It seems that the words spoken from his mouth are naturally magical...

"That's all I have to say. Come, take them down and make them take the oath..."

After saying that, the young man pushed the old man back into the house, and everyone in the square also left one after another...


After listening to the young man’s speech, most of the girls, including me, have accepted the current situation.

I have to say that the man's rhetoric skills are quite good.

It not only makes the pros and cons clear, but also gives people a little hope.

Being in a foreign land, it was good enough to survive, not to mention that if it was really as that person promised, I could live a life of plenty...

Why not be a slave of a big family?

Yes, it sounds good, but you still have to be a slave...

I lament my fate.

Because at this moment, a group of goods... no, now they should be called "house slaves" of the Azrael family, are heading to a secret place under the leadership of their predecessors.

Where slaves were branded...

"Don't be afraid...Wu Yue...there's nothing to be afraid of, it will be over in a moment..." Carrie comforted the shivering "me", even though she herself was a little scared when she saw the scene of the branding.

From time to time, the girl's wailing could be heard in the room.

Finally, it’s my turn.

"I" held onto Carriv's hand tightly, unwilling to go back and enter that terrible room.

"Next!" An urging voice came from the room.


"Next!!" The urging voice became more and more severe.


Carriv sighed and said to the people in the room:

"Can we have both together?"

"...Okay, come in now!"


The person in charge of the branding was a woman with a ferocious face.

She glanced at "me" and Carriv.

"The last two, huh... come here, sign it, and then lie face down on the bed."

Two pieces of parchment were placed on the table in front of the woman.

There is no doubt that this is a slave contract, a lifetime of shackles...

"Come on... Wu Yue..." Carriv gently stroked "my" back.

"I" picked up the pen tremblingly and wrote my name crookedly on a piece of parchment.

"Lie down." The unquestionable tone scared me again.

"Lie down, face down!" The woman's patience was almost at its limit.

Carey quickly and gently pulled "me" and guided "me" to the bed and laid me down.

The woman stood up, tore off the coarse cloth on my body, and then took the red-hot iron out of the stove.

"I" was face down, naturally not knowing what was going to happen.

But Carevel knew. She held my hand tightly and said soothingly:

"I'm here, I've always been here... Wu Yue... Hang in there, it'll be over soon... Hang in there..."

But the woman didn't give me time to prepare. The red-hot iron pressed against the back of my neck like a letter stamp.

The heart-wrenching pain instantly spread from the back of the neck to the whole body...


I screamed almost at the same time in my dream and in reality.

How could a ten-year-old girl possibly endure this kind of nerve-burning pain?

As my eyes went dark, I was once again pushed out of my dream...



This time, the noise when I woke up was really loud. I kicked the quilt under the bed, and my foot seemed to have kicked the edge of the bed...

"What's going on? What happened in the dream?" the master asked hurriedly.

Only then did I realize that I was already sweating profusely.

"...this... oh...this is really..."

...This is really...too cruel...

"Master... owl..." I don't know whether it was sweat or tears, but the liquid slid down my cheeks.

The pain that touches the soul is so real...

"What on earth happened?" The master simply appeared, put his hand on my back, and tried to calm me down.

"I'm sorry, Master, can you let me... take it easy first..."

I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead with my hand.

"Wu Yue? Are you okay? I seemed to hear you scream?" Sophia's voice came from outside the door.

"It's okay, Sophia, it was just a nightmare... It's really okay, go to sleep."

"Okay, call me if you need anything..."


After sending Sophia away, the master spoke again, his words filled with cold murderous intent:

"Tell me, was it that Dream Walker who did this?"

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