Galactic Conflict: I Restore the Glory of Humanity

Chapter 67 It’s time to speak frankly

With the fall of the Tukad Federation, the entire star sector door leading to the Central Ring area is open, and Yang Cheng's fleet will also enter the Central Ring after a brief rest.

"Collect all the information about the Central Ring and transmit it to the frontline fleet after sorting it out."

The soldiers and horses are not moved, the intelligence comes first, knowing yourself and the enemy is always victorious, a large number of spies will be arranged into the enemy alliance, enemy country, enemy organization, etc. in each middle ring.

"I think I'm too extreme"

Yang Cheng began to ask the great sages of the Mechanicus to study the Butcher's Nail, which would be nailed to the heads of some aliens personally selected by the Empire.

With the acquiescence of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Emperor, an alien auxiliary corps was quietly established. Of course, it was called an auxiliary corps at best, but it was just a waste of ammunition and energy for the enemy.

There are also requirements for this kind of cannon fodder empire. This army only recruits underage aliens and elderly aliens. Why?

When you are at war and see children and old people of your own race running towards you, would you shoot?

The alien empire will never be lenient in killing aliens. The moment they betray humans, they are no longer a species.

"The next goal of the entire fleet is to penetrate the Central Ring!"

When Yang Cheng impassionedly ordered the fleet, the other alien countries were not idle.

Originally, we could sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers on the Central Ring. Unexpectedly, the human fleet not only wiped out the Tukad Federation but also pointed its sword at the Central Ring.

"Everyone, it's time to speak out! On behalf of the Human Empire and all mankind! I declare war on all non-human species!!!!"

Yang Cheng's voice spread throughout the outer ring through the special instruments of the Mechanicus.

"In the name of the Emperor!!! Crusade!!!"

Angron was sitting on an Emperor-class battleship and shouted to the commander on the bridge.

With this Emperor-class battleship, commanded to be the Cursed Claw, taking the lead, hundreds of warships of all kinds from Warhammer 40k prepared for the warp jump.

"Enter the Central!!!"


Tria Pirate Base

This is the only way from the outer ring to the middle ring. Hundreds of thousands of pirates and thousands of various pirate fleets gather here to rob merchant ships.

"Captain! We detected space fluctuations!"

A pirate in a space cabin outside a base said to the captain next to him.

"Boys! Get the energy hooks ready! As usual! Let's jump into the enemy's warship! Kill most of them to show our mercy!!"

The lizard pirate wearing green armor and holding a long knife shouted.

"Kill kill kill kill kill!!!"

"Steal all the slaves! Steal all the property! Steal all the valuable things!!!"

Tens of thousands of pirates drove various warships and rushed toward the location with energy fluctuations.

"Damn it! Sark wants to steal the prey!!"

"You didn't notify us!!!"

Several other pirate captains also began to organize their personnel to prepare for the charge.

“Something is not right”

Tria was able to survive because of enough vigilance. If it was just an ordinary merchant ship, there should not be such strong fluctuations.

"Could it be? A subspace engine was used!!"

Tria felt that her right eyelid was twitching wildly. A country's military power that can use subspace engines is definitely not simple. In other words, these reckless men are very likely to jump onto a warship! ! !


Tria slumped weakly in her position but then picked herself up.

"Sound the alarm! This one-man gang is on the run!"

Tria, who is so big as the Galaxy, decided to take a gamble and stop after grabbing this order.


As the Cursed Claw left the subspace, all the battleships at the front were destroyed by a huge collision in the blink of an eye.


Countless pirate warships were hit by huge collision angles before they could react.

"Quick! Take advantage of the moment! Jump to the enemy's mothership! Kill the enemy's captain!!!"

Various aliens shouted various war cries and charged towards the Cursed Claw.

"Let them in, it's time to kill the aliens"

Angron raised his two huge chain axes, and then led Kahn down from the main seat.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Thousands of pirates armed with various weapons poured into the cabin, but everything in front of them was pitch black.

"what happened?"

Just as a pirate was about to say something, the lights turned on, and hundreds of red-painted World Eaters with chain axes surrounded them.

"The killing begins!!"

Angron led the charge with the two huge chain axes, and hundreds of World Eaters simultaneously surrounded the pirates in the middle.

"It's over......"

The pirate leader in the middle said helplessly that if there was a next time, it would never rush so fast.

In an instant, the entire hall was filled with alien blood, and countless pirates were chopped into pieces by chain axes.


"Isn't this... Isn't this... the battleship of the Human Empire?"

Tria looked at the golden church built on the church and shouted, now she was capsized in the gutter.

"All the pirates in the base! Arms dealers! Mercenaries! We discovered the warships of the Human Empire!"

When they heard the news, the first reaction of many people was not to run away but to prepare for a fight. They are all desperadoes licking blood on the tip of a knife. If they can defeat the human empire this time, they will definitely become famous. noise.

"Quick! Open all weapon inventories! Everyone can use guns to build positions in the base!"

"Activate all shields! If we defeat the Human Empire, we will become famous!"

"Quick, quick, quick!! Move! Move!"

Hundreds of thousands of pirates are either sailing in the galaxy to defend against the enemy or preparing to meet them in the space station.

"For the Emperor!! Burn the galaxy! Kill the aliens!!"

Angron personally stood on the bridge and waved the chain ax in his hand and shouted. With Angron's voice, hundreds of various warships from the empire ended their jump.

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