The Euler planet is one of the rebel planets and is a purely agricultural production planet. However, after the rebellion, people established mining and casting centers on its satellites out of the desire to develop their own combat capabilities.

An agricultural planet is very important. The food it produces can provide food supplies for almost a surrounding star region. The rebellion of this planet caused many surrounding planets to shake in the early years.

But what is interesting is that another agricultural planet slightly inland from the empire had just been established, so the empire made a big move and transferred all the supplies from the planets that had not rebelled to the new agricultural planet.

Thanks to the empire's "efforts" over the years, the old agricultural planet Oulaye, which had been neglected for a long time, contacted the surrounding rebel planets on its own and launched "trade".

But the so-called agricultural planet actually has nothing to do with the ecology of the planet itself. In fact, when a planet is selected to become an agricultural planet, all the ecology on it will be swallowed up by the subsequent deadly virus, and then the entire land will be bulldozed (the ocean Except for the world), land-based weather controllers will be established, the endless plains will be filled with crops, and huge multi-story agricultural product processing plants will be built.

The agricultural product production center composed of layers of large mechanical structures also requires many people to operate.

As usual, every 60 years, after the last round of crops is made into starch blocks, the entire production and processing floor will undergo mechanical repairs. After the repairs are completed, the officials in charge here will work with many workers to carry out mechanical repairs. Sacrifice for the harvest of agricultural products.

7777 mortals knelt down and worshiped on the ground. At the top of the altar, there was a grain of the best genetic wheat collected in the previous reincarnation and a complete genetic wheat that was harvested for the last time.

But this time there was an accident that no one noticed. A rotten leaf was blown to the altar by the wind.

A tiny crack in the subspace was opened, and a small, round gray-green creature crawled out of the crack with great effort. I don't know what this action caused. Strange juice dripped from the creature, and then The subspace rift is closed.

No one noticed anything unusual, and everyone started working as usual, except that occasionally an employee sneezed.


The Dawnlight battle barge with 60 recruit transformation positions was commanded by the Grand Pharmacist and Technical Sergeant to go to the recruitment site.

He and 12 Astartes took another battle barge to the rebellious Forge World.

There is something to be said for believing in the truth of the Empire. It is said that when Guilliman just woke up, he almost couldn't help but beat the surrounding Ecclesiastical personnel into meat pies, shouting that you have soiled our sacred future.

These two forge worlds are merely rebellions, not strictly Dark Mechanicus.

Damn, that's not very loyal.

The battle barge traveled in the subspace, and the 12 Astartes lived in their own small single rooms. Yifeng couldn't help but sigh, I can't let you suffer what I suffered back then.

It's a pity that the supplies of our own war group are not enough (too insufficient). The whole group only has about a hundred power swords and dozens of chain swords. There are only about a hundred bolt guns. The power armor is even less. There are 98 sets, and there are only 10 sets of Terminators, which is not even enough to equip these people.

We still have to find a way to trick him out of the forging world.

The technical sergeant has analyzed the smallest fragment of the STC template, which contains one and a half technologies. One refers to a complete small energy core, which may be used as a power pack for tanks, and the other half is a super-density technology. Alloy forging methods.

Now that we have obtained the technology in this fragment, can't we trick the oil man? Technical Sergeant Anos agreed and gave a rough price. This small fragment should be replaced by about 20 cruisers, because it is indeed a bit small.

Who said I am nothing? I will bring you some good things back.

The target location is said to be two renegade forge worlds, but in fact they are in the same system.

There are two foundry planets in Mavlek, and the Mavlek galaxy has a total of 13 planets. It is better to say that it is the Mavlek foundry galaxy than the Mavlek foundry planet.

The outermost thirteenth, twelfth and eleventh planets serve as galaxy defense bases, the innermost number one planet is a lava planet and is a powerful forging center, the second and eighth planets are mining centers, and the third The planets were of no use, so a transformation center for the Skitarii was established. The fourth and fifth planets could be considered habitable planets, and they were "welfare" planets for high-ranking Mechanicus members. The sixth and ninth planets are gaseous planets with a large amount of available gas and are important alternative energy centers. The seventh and tenth planets are real foundry centers, whether it is the ultra-large integrated shipyards in the outer ring belt. and space station, or the foundry center on the planet.

This ultra-luxurious configuration allows it to survive in this dark forest-like universe. The defense zone of three planets allows all fleets coming here to obey the rules.

Of course, there are some unruly guests here today.

The battle barge jumped out from Mandeville Point, and the entire galaxy entered full combat readiness. A large number of defensive guns and interstellar turrets were mobilized, and countless ships gathered here from all over the galaxy.

A lot of binary greetings were sent, and Yifeng let the battleship float there quietly, ignoring the noise at all.

Until the appearance of the Mechanical Bishop, the communications sent were finally in the normal ancient Gothic language.

"Why are you here?"

Yifeng did not answer this question, but sent an invitation to meet, signed by the leader of the Red Torrent Chapter.

No matter how the opponent aimed or operated the planetary cannon, Yifeng just ignored them.

What a joke. I am the Chapter Master of the Astartes. I have already given you face before I came here to beat up your rebels. How dare you call for a meeting? Do you dare to show up?

Yifeng even considered whether to use bombardment cannons to attack them.

The other side was in a panic. The mechanical archbishop and various priests were having heated discussions.

"Archbishop, after my calculations, I think the probability that this is a trap is 34%, but the probability that the other side will make demands we cannot accept is 98%. From ancient times to the present, the Astartes have not issued invitations to meet with hostile forces. Exceptions are demands for surrender and other unacceptable costs."

"Archbishop, I think this time is different. No hostile force has ever had such a posture before. They clearly have a battle barge that can attack us directly. Although we will most likely destroy them, they are completely No desire to fight was shown.”

"Sage Kyrien, are you kidding? Are you saying that the Astartes have no will to fight? Such words coming out of your mouth are simply beep~beep~"

The archbishop also has a headache. Although his analysis results have always been ominous, he still wants to meet them and see their true purpose of coming here.

The Mechanic Archbishop agreed to the meeting and asked to change the location of the meeting.

Yifeng, if you refuse, let’s talk here.

There was no response for a long time.

Order the battle barge to launch a reconnaissance maneuver across the entire galaxy with Mandeville Point as the closest distance.

This is the maneuvering method commonly used by Green Temple's reconnaissance aircraft in the past, but now it is a huge battle barge that performs such maneuvers, which gives it a sense of show of force.

"Chapter Commander, the answer from the other mechanical archbishop is that they agree to talk."

It’s really hard work, it would have been better if it had been like this earlier. Although Yifeng only had a few warriors here, he acted as if there were hundreds of Astartes on board.

A small spacecraft entered the hangar of the battle barge, and Mechanical Bishop Andiel and several of his servitors landed on the Solemn Alert.

Under the guidance of the four Astartes, we arrived at the largest conference hall on the ship.

Yifeng was wearing a cavalry Terminator armor and sitting at the main seat of the conference table.

He looked at the Mechanical Archbishop with great interest. Like most members of the Mechanicum, this Archbishop had almost transformed his entire body into a machine. Even his face was completely mechanized. I wonder if the little skin was imitation. There are countless mechanical creations hidden in the wide red robes, and the wide body looks like a mechanized Tyranid.

Countless mechanical arms swam behind the Mechanical Archbishop, and irregular black metal boxes were hidden behind the Archbishop. No one knew what was inside.

"Please sit down, Archbishop. I am Yifeng, the leader of the Red Torrent Chapter. What is your name?"

"My lord, Froes."

"Obviously our war group has no ill intentions in coming here. We want to negotiate some matters with your world."

"Please clarify."

"I don't recommend that you keep speaking in this way, as it may easily attract the prying eyes of someone from the chaos."

The mechanical bishop seemed to be silent for a while, probably changing his language mode.

"So what now, Captain Yifeng." Hey, I feel much more comfortable.

"Then let's get started. Let me explain the basis of our talks first. I also believe in the Imperial Truth."

The Archbishop's mechanical eyes examined Yifeng, and the rumbling mechanical operation showed that he was very shocked, and he was also speeding up the calculation of the truth and meaning of Yifeng's words.

Apparently he didn't get an answer.

"It's really surprising, Captain Yifeng, do you know what your words mean?"

"It means that I am not the same type of person as those gangster-like oil guys."

In ancient classics, human beings once experienced a golden age. According to ancient books, the "Golden Man" (suspected to be a human being) created a stone man to help him. In order to better complete the task, the stone man created an iron man (suspected to be an intelligent AI). , after the Iron Man's power gradually grew stronger and their thoughts gradually enriched, they believed that human existence was meaningless, and launched the Iron Man rebellion. The Stone Man failed to fight with it and almost became extinct. Humanity tried its best to defeat the Iron Man, but the golden age of mankind It will inevitably decline.

The humans who had lost their iron men left their position as the overlords of the galaxy. The Eldar, who thought they were invincible, sat on the throne and began to indulge their desires. As a result, Slaanesh began to breed, resulting in a violent warp storm.

Humanity, which was originally recuperating after the Iron Man Rebellion, was blocked by subspace. Humanity, which lost contact with various colonies, completely fell, and the golden age of mankind was completely ended.

Yifeng seriously doubted whether those so-called creations with machine souls were part of the ancient "stone men" manufacturing method. In other words, is the "stone man" just a creature like Wetware that has a small part of human thinking and a large part of mechanical modification?

Maybe the first generation of artificial intelligence?

What kind of engine oil does the oil man use to bless and appease the engine soul? I suspect this is an empirical science.

Just like when everyone knows that salt is delicious when cooking, everyone knows that salt is delicious but they don’t understand why it tastes good. They don’t know the chemical phenomena that occur during the heating process of salt and vegetables, and they don’t understand the sensation in taste cells. The principle of the taste cells is also unclear, and the taste cells convert this into electrical signals that are transmitted to the primary cerebral cortex by the solitary tract nucleus.

So they teach their apprentices that this recipe is delicious. Don’t ask why, they have made it hundreds of times and tried it out.

And Yifeng's so-called belief in the truth of the empire means to fundamentally re-explore its principles.

"Archbishop Froes, this means that I intend to explore the essence of things rather than let those obscurant rituals constrain me."

"Your Excellency Yifeng, I'm afraid this is not what the empire means."

"Of course, this meeting is my personal meaning, and you can also understand it as the meaning of my chapter. I understand your doubts, but I believe in the Emperor rather than the ignorant Human Empire."

The Mechanical Archbishop smiled, and even the noisy mechanical synthesized sound could not conceal his joyful mood.

"So, Your Excellency Yifeng, we now have a good foundation for cooperation. What are the specific projects for cooperation?"

"Then let's each make conditions. I want 2000 power armors, 1000 power swords, 1000 chain swords, 200 iron cavalry Terminator armors, 20 Dreadnoughts, 2 combat barges, and 4 strike cruisers. 4 battleships, 10 cruisers, 50 frigates, 200 Emperor Baneblade tanks, all battleships regardless of model, 100 years of supply for the Mortal Auxiliary Army."

Let's not worry about anything else. First, the lion opens his mouth and disgusts the other person.

The Mechanical Archbishop showed no abnormality, but seemed to be very interested in asking Yifeng.

"So what's the price for that?"

"I will provide you with proof of imperial loyalty to ensure that you are not attacked by other members of the empire..."

The archbishop looked at Yifeng's face and it didn't look like he was joking, so why would you behave like this? Don’t you know that your current behavior is a veritable traitor? Are you threatening me with your weakness?

"...At the same time, we will provide an STC fragment."

Contrary to expectations, Archbishop Froes was unusually silent. It was possible that he was sending a message, but this was impossible. The design of this conference hall was such that signals could be entered but not exited.

The fragments of the STC template are something that every foundry world must obtain at all costs. Don't look at it as if it only stores a small amount of product manufacturing, but a complete product manufacturing can break down many technologies, such as this The manufacturing technology of ultra-small energy core products can be unpacked to produce many sub-technologies, such as energy compression technology, energy limitation technology, energy stable release technology, etc.

After a long silence, the Archbishop spoke slowly, and this time his voice changed, becoming more like a human voice.

"Based on the production capacity of our entire foundry galaxy, it would take 500 years to produce the things you mentioned. This is completely impossible. The manufacturing method of the Iron Cavalry Terminator is about to be lost. Although we have it, there is only one mechanical sage who has mastered it. , we need to make a specific judgment based on the actual value of this STC, mainly because I have not seen and analyzed this fragment..."

Archbishop Froes talked a lot, meaning he wanted to see this fragment.

Then let him see it. To be honest, Yifeng thinks this fragment is of great value. After all, this energy core is very useful.

The metal box, which was sealed with dozens of layers of various shielding materials, was lifted up by six Astartes. Even the Mechanical Archbishop was excited and kept rubbing his hands, if that counts as hands.

As boxes of various materials were opened, the Archbishop's mechanical eyes adjusted themselves crazily.

A small fragment was revealed, and the Archbishop's two mechanical arms tried to approach it gently, but were blocked by the Astartes on the side.

"Mr. Archbishop, you haven't stated your conditions yet. This fragment cannot be accessed by you."

Archbishop Froes suddenly turned his head and stared at Yifeng, as if he was his father-killing enemy.

The calming program quickly took effect, suppressing the meaningless garbled words that kept coming out of Froes.

"Your Excellency Yifeng, I hope you can understand our sincerity. Our members of the Mechanicum across the galaxy will do their best to meet your needs, but the conditions you have given are really a bit harsh..."

In fact, it is okay to do it. It is impossible for factories to shut down anyway, but they also need income to maintain manpower. With the assurance that his family's rich output could be exchanged for food and mineral supplies, the Archbishop quickly calculated the maximum output.

"So what can you provide in 100 years? As a friendly reminder, you don't need to consider the threats to you from the Rebel Planet Alliance and other forces deeper in the universe."

"We currently have 6 semi-finished cruisers, 96 frigate orders have not yet been shipped, 47 Emperor Baneblade tanks have been built, and 29 are under construction..."

Although the Forge World of Mavlek was a rebellious system, they had not been in rebellion long enough for them to lose the technology used by the Empire, just the latest models.

Even the vast majority of mechanical sages came from the "Imperial Age".

But restarting the production line of the equipment needed by the Astartes will take a lot of time.

"How long will it take for all your half-finished products to be completed?"

"A conservative estimate is about ten years."

"I mean full production, or in terms of the armaments I just described, how much can you provide in ten years?"

"About...7 cruisers, 96 frigates, and about 100 Emperor Baneblade II tanks. If all the remaining power is converted into Astartes equipment manufacturing, we can probably make 100 pairs of power armor. 100 power swords, 100 bolters and 10 cavalry terminators."

"Then use these as a deposit. Ten years later, I will come to collect these things and give you the STC fragments. At the same time, you must give me a guarantee."

"what do you mean......"

"Lend the Warmaster Titan to me until you deliver the rest of the goods. Don't say you don't have it. Your rebellion hasn't been that long yet." He asked for a high price and sat down to pay back the money.

How did Yifeng know? Let’s find out during the late-night storytelling session in the dormitory where all the dormitories cursed the official Warhammer book.

Obviously, it is impossible for these two forging worlds to meet the conditions mentioned by Yifeng even if they are operating at full strength, and the value of this STC fragment is also unknown.

The two sides went back and forth and engaged in a long price tug-of-war.

The final conclusion was to provide 10 cruisers, 150 frigates, 500 pairs of power armor, bolters and power swords, 50 pairs of cavalry terminator armor and 200 Emperor Baneblade tanks within a hundred years.

If anyone from the Crimson Torrent Chapter still survives, then 2 battleships, 100 sets of power armor, chain swords and power swords, and 100 sets of Terminator armor will be provided within the next hundred years.

It’s not that the Forge World doesn’t want to provide Dreadnoughts, it’s true that they don’t have the technology. The combat barge simply cannot collect the materials, and even if the two giant shipyards start working at full capacity, they are not sure they can complete it within 2 years.

Yifeng was very surprised that this world could actually cast battleships. Even a forging world that could cast cruisers was very precious in the empire, let alone battleships.

However, the Mechanical Archbishop said that these were actually battleship wreckage collected from a certain war and could be repaired and transformed.

What the Archbishop gave was almost the limit of the entire forging world. Of course, Yifeng also needs to provide them with rare materials and deal with the rebel planet alliance.

(Note: According to official data, the best forge world operating at full capacity can build a moon-class cruiser in 11 months.)

Yifeng: A fragment allows the forging world to work for me for 200 years. (akimbo)

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