The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 59 Meeting in another world and enjoying the aftertaste

Those who appeared at the end of the road should be military troops, and Watson did not want to meet these people. But looking at the muddy land on the roadside caused by the heavy rain, he didn't want to go over and lie down to hide.

That string of lights is still far away.

It will probably take a while to get close.

After looking at the roadside gas station a few hundred meters away, Watson decided to go in and hide for a while. Of course, he wouldn't retreat too deep. If the soldiers decided to stop and search, he could quickly escape through the back door.

But there is a small problem.

There are probably zombies in this gas station that has a lot of blood on the ground and is still dark inside. If they are attracted by the approaching car lights and the sound of the engine, it will increase the possibility of this unit stopping to attack.

Gotta clean it up first.


Kicking open the door of the convenience store in the gas station, Watson strode in. The black light virus has given itself excellent night vision capabilities. When there are weak light sources around, you don't even need to turn on the flashlight.

"(German) Hello~"

The narrow room was not suitable for wielding a katana, so Watson took out the two T-shaped one-handed swords. Hearing the noise coming from the door, several zombies climbed up from the gaps between the shelves and looked in the direction of Watson.

His eyes scanned the dark shelves one by one.

"Awesome, they actually sell beer here!" Watson cut off the head of the zombie in front of him with a sword, and continued to walk around like a customer visiting a supermarket: "Look at this, CORONA, I'm really touched. ,do you know?"

No one answered Watson's words, but the zombies approaching from both ends began to pounce.

"That's what I drank the night before I died."

After a beautiful sword wheel, the two zombies never got up again. Watson turned to look at the last zombie on the field: "Although... I could only afford this kind of beer at that time. Do you like CORONA, Miss?"

The disheveled female zombie responded with a roar.

"Well, it looks like you don't like it."

One minute later.

Watson, who simply cleaned up the entire gas station, sat on the roof of the gas station with a box of beer and a bunch of snacks. The convoy in the distance is getting closer, but it is still quite far away from here.

Opening the bottle cap with a snap, Watson raised his head and drank a bottle of beer directly.

The familiar smell of industrial assembly lines.

Watson is a lazy person who likes to sleep, but in his previous life, he often suffered from insomnia due to work pressure. In order to solve this situation, he sometimes chooses a chronic suicide method of drinking before going to bed to help himself fall asleep.

Watson really didn't like crazy drunks.

So he would always buy a few bottles of beer and drink it alone in his room on Friday nights. With my poor alcohol capacity, I would feel dizzy after just a few bottles, and then I would temporarily leave the world with a slight discomfort, and wake up at noon on Saturday.

But now the body no longer needs sleep.

Watson doesn't even feel drunk.

Hundreds of milliliters of wine flow into the body and are broken down into energy by the diligent digestive juices. It was as ordinary as the snacks that entered the stomach, and ended up being digested in a few seconds.

Watson's body is no longer human.

As long as the body composed of black light virus is supplied with enough energy, it will continue to work like a machine for a long time. But the "part" of humanity that Watson feels is still in a state that requires sleep and regular relaxation.

Otherwise, if he keeps killing on the battlefield for more than half a year, Watson will most likely become an inhuman monster. Just like the gods in American comics, gods have no humanity and are not bound by any sense of glory, humiliation, or morality.

Correspondingly, they may not have the ability to be happy, sad, or feel other emotions.

Like Lady Death.

Does anyone really think that her motivation for hooking up with Thanos in the comics was love?

Therefore, only from the perspective of "humanity", Asgard's God of Thunder and the Goddess of Death cannot be counted as true gods. At best, they are "higher creatures" with powerful power and lifespan.

Real gods often have no humanity.

Watson continued to drive.

His thoughts skipped over his favorite songs, skipped over the Martin guitar that he wanted to oil every day, and then came Michela, and then Mrs. Viper's body appeared...

Looking at the combat helmet that was taken off, his mind jumped to Batwoman Bruce Wayne.

She might have a man.

Why else would there be men's combat uniforms on her plane? To be honest, it's none of my business. Bruce and I don't have a close relationship. We just have a cooperative relationship...

However, it is actually somewhat related.

Watson corrected this idea. His understanding of Gotham City and Batwoman was still too shallow. If Brucey in this world really had a "lover", would this person have superpowers? Can you protect yourself? Will she be targeted by Batwoman's enemies?

The reason why Brucey in the original comics turned black, abandoned her mortal body and went on a killing spree was because she couldn't bear the pain of losing her lover. If this "lover" dies due to an accident, then the extremely grieved Batwoman may turn into a crazy villain.

Although just like Captain America, there is no need for a Bat (woman) in this world.

But if given the chance, Watson still wants to explore it.

After all, he still expected her to fight against aliens.

Bruce's position is actually very similar to "human supremacy". On the one hand, she is unwilling to kill her own kind; on the other hand, if the target is non-human, or a living dead such as zombies that cannot be saved, then Bruce Akane is really going to figure it out.

Look at the battle that broke into Steppenwolf Fortress in the movie "Justice League". Bat Master almost killed all the demons in the fortress. Use guns when necessary, use cannons when necessary, and throw bombs when necessary, without mercy.

What's more, Batwoman would never classify herself on the side of a human government. She prefers to be a dark knight who punishes evil, a symbol of fear that is praised by everyone.

No matter what the identity of this "sin" is.


Another empty beer bottle was placed on the floor with a crisp sound. Watson exhaled, looked at the dark wilderness with blank eyes, and waited quietly for the convoy in the distance to drive past the gas station.


The roar of car engines gradually became louder, and it sounded like there were at least five vehicles in total.

Watson quietly poked his head out and saw a convoy of Humvees passing on the road in front of the gas station, heading towards the hive base. The headlights on the front of the car were all turned off at some point, but this did not affect Watson's night vision.

At the same time, the roar of fighter jets overhead quickly amplified again.


Another violent explosion occurred in the direction of the hive base.

Watson saw a familiar face in the passing car window.

Nick Fury.

Is this a S.H.I.E.L.D. force? An eyebrow rose behind Watson's mask. It seems that Mrs. Carter finally took action and sent out a high-level agent like Black Braised Egg (referring to Nick Fury).

However, judging from their posture, they were in a formation with several vehicles, heavy weapons, and F-16 fighter jets. They were probably preparing for a tough battle in the hive base.

It's a pity that there is no tough battle for them to fight.

In other words, it was not the "tough battle" they imagined.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Watson packed up the unopened bottles of wine and snacks while talking to them: "It's time to hit the road, right babies?"

At the beginning, he originally wanted to ask Batwoman to borrow a phone to contact Mrs. Carter. However, the plan failed to keep up with the changes. In just one night, he not only saved Howard, but also killed Mrs. Viper. The movements of the military were also detected through various methods.

There is no need to contact Carter anymore. Let’s do it back to New York. Maybe... Mr. Howard has come to the door now.

Falling lightly to the ground, Watson continued on the road to Raccoon City.

An opened bag of potato chips hung on the tactical hook on his chest, a bottle of beer in his left hand, and an M14 rifle on his shoulder in his right hand. If you ignore this combat equipment, Watson looks like he is out for an outing.

More hands is better.


"Command! Why haven't the support arrived yet? Reply quickly!"

More than ten kilometers away in the urban area of ​​Raccoon City, the wolf team led by Luper was fighting fiercely with the zombies. They were completely unaware of the accident at the Umbrella Company's underground base, and were still conducting search and rescue operations for survivors.

It’s just that there are fewer and fewer survivors, and more and more infected people.

With the support of sufficient airdrop supplies, the Wolf Pack team has killed hundreds of zombies in the past few hours. After overcoming the short-term fear, these infected people who move slowly most of the time are living targets in the eyes of the veterans.

One shot at a time.

They even had a fight with a group of monsters with claws and scales, which of course ended with them all being destroyed.

"what should we do?"

Even the scout Victor, who has superb melee skills, honestly held the M4A1 rifle and shot in order to preserve his physical strength at this time: "It's been two hours since the original supply time!"

"Merde (French for shit)... out of the fight!"

A few more bullets knocked down the zombies in front of him. Luper turned around and ran a few steps to occupy the cover position for retreat. He loudly urged his teammates: "Prepare the meat bombs!"


The deputy medic took out something that looked like a smoke bomb, pulled out the ring, and threw it toward the back of the corpse group. Within a few seconds, a thick pink smoke spread there.

The surrounding corpses seemed to have seen uncles and aunts jumping off the building to buy discounted goods, and they rushed towards the source of the fog on their hands and knees.

The "pheromone bomb" provided by the umbrella company can release special gas, and just a light wisp can arouse the appetite of zombies. To a normal person's nose, this pheromone smells like meat, so everyone calls it "meat bomb."

Taking advantage of the chaos among the corpses, the soldiers of the wolf team ran away. Climbing over railings, climbing on car roofs, emergency rolls, tactical slides...this series of smooth movements will make even parkour enthusiasts feel ashamed.

As a mercenary, you don't have to know anything else, but you must escape quickly.

After all, those who run slowly will die.

A few minutes later.


The heavy door of the safe house was pushed open, and several members of the Wolf Pack team formed a standard CQB (Indoor Close Quarters Combat) formation. When he saw that there were no soldiers standing guard on the high platform in front of the door, Luper realized that things might be beyond their expectations.

as predicted.

Thick smoke billowed out of the spacious safe house, and many papers and communication equipment were piled on the open space in the center of the room and set alight. Zombies don't take the initiative to move things, so this situation can only be man-made.

"Hey you!"

Bertha, who had sharp eyes, saw a man throwing documents towards the fire through the smoke, and the other party also spotted them. Probably because he didn't expect someone to come in from the front door at this time, the man in a suit and shirt hurriedly threw away the documents in his hand, turned around and ran away.


Luper recognized the bespectacled bespectacled face of Kingston's secretary.

Having been involved in the mercenary circle for so many years, the Wolf Pack Team has not never encountered situations where Party A defaulted on the payment and ran away. When encountering this kind of thing, there is usually only one solution, and that is to go to the door and beat the other party until they are willing to pay.

However, the Umbrella Group has a big business, and after seeing the other party's armed forces for more than half a month, Luper is still reluctant to break up with them so simply.

After all, it is one thing to take money if you are destined to do so, but you may not be able to run away if you take the money.

"Catch alive!"

Victor, the fastest scout, had already stepped across the flames to catch up. When he saw the man in a suit who had climbed up the ladder, he immediately fired two shots, hitting the handrail of the ladder above the man in the suit with his fingers.


The man in a suit who had just climbed a few meters was startled, his fingers loosened and he fell to the ground. The back of his head hit the floor hard, causing his vision to go dark in pain. When the man in the suit opened his eyes, there were several black gun muzzles in front of him.


What started as a simple questioning quickly turned into torture.

After Bertha took out the scalpel, she personally experienced what it means to "open your hands for half a minute". The man in the suit changed his previous attitude of shouting "Your contract money is over" and completely entered a state of collapse:

"Stop! Stop! Please! I will say anything to keep this woman away from me!"


Bertha tilted her head, and the goggles of the gas mask on her face looked even more frightening: "You don't like shaking hands with me?"

"Okay Bertha."

Luper stepped forward and held her shoulder with one hand. He turned to look at the man in a suit on the ground and slowly squatted down: "The method of cutting off supplies is too old-fashioned. We didn't die on the road like other teams. , are you disappointed?"

"Please, listen to me!"

The man in the suit was sweating profusely in pain, and his whole face was stained with sweat: "This is really not our fault. We lost contact with the headquarters a few hours ago. We burned the documents and evacuated just in accordance with the company's instructions." It’s just a matter of regulations!”

"Then you can just throw away the money naturally?"


Luper slapped the man in the suit hard on the face: "Where is that pretty boy with glasses?"

Luper, who had listened to the entire torture conversation, realized at this time that the guy in front of him was just a little guy. If he wanted to complete the contract, he had to find a big one. The umbrella company has a helicopter evacuation point on the roof, but the man in the suit has missed the deadline because he was captured.

I'm afraid the helicopter has left now.

"I really don't know, maybe it's in the underground headquarters." The man in the suit smiled miserably and took out a small hard drive: "I've missed the last plane... This city has turned into hell. People can escape alive, but I can't, and neither can you..."

After saying that, he lay his head back, his whole person suddenly filled with an expression of despair:

"Give me a good time, my life is over, hehehe..."

Luper stood up and handed out the hard drive. The four people on the side looked at him knowingly, and immediately took out a military laptop from his backpack and started operating it.

A series of horrific scenes appeared on the screen.

Tyrants, predators, lickers, human experiments... There are even many videos of soldiers fighting infected people.

"It's you..." After watching for a while, Victor reacted first and turned to look at the man in a suit with his legs tied on the ground: "It's you who caused all this!"

The man in the suit didn't even move his head, he just smiled silently.

Beltway was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to the people on the ground: "What about the survivors we rescued?"

"You already have the answer in your mind, don't you?"

The man in the suit spoke this time, perhaps because he was about to die, his tone had become calmer: "What else can I do? Kill them all on the road, and then there will be a trap at the end of the road. I am just a wage earner, you might as well give me It hurts me..."


Luper shot the man in the suit in the head, extinguishing his wish.

The scene fell into silence for a while. Several members of the wolf pack looked at the low pressure visible to the naked eye around Luper and glanced at each other. Beltway took the initiative to break the silence: "So... this list started Is it a lie? We have been working in vain for most of the month? "

This is not so much asking a question as declaring an answer.


The ghost who had been silent sat down on the box beside him. Victor also leaned against the wall behind him and crossed his arms. Only the four eyes who were still working on the computer were still staring at the screen, and they didn't seem to be depressed at all because their contract bonus was blown.

"Okay... (American profanity)!"

Seeing the reactions of his teammates, the rough-minded Beltway also reacted. He held the M870 shotgun in one hand and walked out with the other hand on his waist. It seemed that he wanted to be alone for a while.

No one criticized Luper out loud. This matter was a decision made by everyone, and we must bear the result together.

"This contract can be real if we want it to be."

Luper looked up again.

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