The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 378: Pretending to be Tough

Gotham at night feels even more ominous.

Especially in Blackgate Prison.

"You really know how to give people a hard time. You want me to fight head-on under the gang's firepower." Watson held the MSG90 and pulled the bolt to check the chamber out of boredom. "My gun itself uses full-power bullets. How can it not kill people if it hits the torso? They survived because of my good shooting skills."

"I'll give you an extra 50."

"Okay, keep busy."

Watson shut up.

There are many Wayne Group personnel here, as well as many mercenaries hired anonymously by Batwoman to maintain order, so there is no need to worry about being stopped. The nearby open space is full of beds, the kind with thick iron cages, filled with residents who were scratched and bitten by the infected, a total of about several hundred people.

A week after the incident, the Gotham government and police department were not completely unresponsive. In addition to putting out fires everywhere, Blackgate Prison, as a virtually sealed off island, was indeed an ideal place for isolation. Especially after seeing the zombies, even politicians who liked to use human rights and equality as slogans had to consider the possibility of endangering themselves.

The isolation plan was quickly passed, and an isolation team composed mainly of the Gotham Police Department was also established. This was indeed in line with the thinking of Gotham people who liked to lock up "madmen" together for custody. It was just a temporary addition of an Arkham Asylum, not to mention the fact that the Wayne Group had contributed manpower and resources.

Aren’t zombies just a kind of madmen?

In a way, the people of Gotham are crazy enough on their own.

But the good thing is that they are fearless, especially those who have little property, only a life and a few guns, who really sleep with half an eye open in the shack and shoot at each other at the slightest disagreement. The reason why these people were infected was mainly because they tried to search for the zombies' belongings after knocking them down. The proportion of those infected in fighting zombies was less than one-third.

Compared to the T virus infected bodies in Raccoon City, the Gotham version of zombies does have better athletic performance and is naturally more threatening. If it weren't for the local residents who have three guns per person, the scale of infection would probably be far more than it is now.

What can be imported into Gotham City is indeed the original T-virus agent.

Batwoman has also been busy putting out fires everywhere recently, and still hasn't figured out what the problem is.

Not to mention that she also wanted to find out who was behind it.

Almost all the enemies who infiltrated Gotham in batches were arrested, but the information they said was not enough to piece together the whole truth. Batwoman was only one person after all, and it was not until three days ago that she finished the most urgent infection cases and followed the clues to find a yacht captured by the Coast Guard off the coast of Gotham.

After some effort to infiltrate, they discovered that the fat man named Julian Valle mentioned in the intelligence had died.

The path is interrupted again.

Of course, Watson doesn't care about these things. He really just came to Gotham to experience the simple folk customs. Now that the biochemical crisis has been basically resolved, he can go visit the old butler Alfred Pennyworth and return home.

Thinking of this, Watson walked towards the closed truck that was transporting the patients. This thing was also Batwoman's equipment for dealing with biochemical crises, but in essence it could be used as an enhanced armored money transporter, which was the lowest-tech type.

There was a woman sitting in the carriage.

Jill Valentine.

She was wearing a combat uniform similar to hers, but her helmet had fallen to her feet a long time ago, and she was half-closed in a daze. Awakened by the sound of the combination lock turning, the woman shuddered all over, and when she saw Watson coming in with a helmet on, she relaxed her shoulders and lowered the muzzle of the gun.

"I thought you'd want to get some fresh air."

"...I'd rather take a nap, but I don't dare." Jill continued to lean his head against the carriage, holding his broken ribs with his left hand, and gradually relaxed his frown: "Thank you for the shot before, I almost thought I was going to die."

"We are all workers, you are welcome."

Watson thought to himself, how could I let you die? Does Chris, that silly boy, still want a wife?


The woman chuckled. “That’s an interesting way of saying it. But I don’t do this for the money.”

"Yes, yes, to protect the world." Considering that the other party had seen his face in Raccoon City and they were going to Wayne Manor together later, Watson did not hide any more. He locked the door and took off his helmet: "I don't have such lofty ideals as yours. If it weren't for the money to be made, I wouldn't join this operation."

Sure enough, Jill stared at him for a while: "...Are you an adult?"

I knew it.

"Yeah, I'm an adult." Watson rolled his eyes.

"Wait, have I seen you somewhere before?"

"Yes, I have."

"I just think...wait, are you saying we've really met before?" Jill's eyes widened, and he took another look at Watson's combat uniform, and quickly found the key point of his memory: "Damn it, Raccoon City! You are the double-blade ninja who suddenly appeared when we were fighting the goddess of vengeance!"

"...Who nicknamed me like that?"

"Oh, uh, sorry, it was one of my teammates who did it." Jill was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to say Rebecca's name: "You suddenly appeared at that time, and we didn't know who you were. You came to find those soldiers at that time, right? Then a female soldier fought with you... What happened?"

Watson was so sure that Jill's eyes were twinkling with gossip that she didn't even feel any pain.

It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt! Sister Jill, it doesn’t hurt!

There was a psychopath in his head shouting, and Watson had to blink hard: "It's better for you not to know. Anyway, the matter was resolved later. But you guys, you were from the Raccoon City Police Department at the time, right? I remember there seemed to be four of you? Did you all escape?"

"Yeah, I, we..." Speaking of the experience in Raccoon City, Jill's expression became visibly heavy. Perhaps because the handsome boy opposite her had just saved her life, she had more urge to talk than usual: "It was a nightmare. I lost a lot of friends. I watched them turn into zombies and then was forced to shoot them."

As she spoke, the woman stopped looking at Watson and her eyes wandered to the floor.

There was a brief silence in the carriage.

"Maybe I'm lucky. I don't have a similar experience." Watson said the truth: "If I have to do the same thing one day, I probably won't be able to do it, so I admire you for being able to stick to it."

"But I wish it had never happened."

Jill shook her head and did not continue to delve into this topic. She took the initiative to change the topic: "Can you let me see your gun?"

"of course."

"It's a smart idea to install a close-range sight on the side..." Jill had just received the MSG90. While paying attention to the wound, he slowly made a few aiming gestures: "7.62 NATO bullet, even for you, this weight is a bit too big, how do you use it in street fighting?"

"I don't want to reveal too much. I can only say that I'm not as skinny as you see, and I'm indeed very talented in combat." Watson pointed to the two Glock pistols on his body and said, "I would choose to use them more often, but you haven't had the chance to see them yet."

"Two guns?"

As a soldier who had received serious special forces training, Jill didn't really like this fancy approach: "Are you going to shoot in two directions at the same time? That would be very difficult, and how are you going to change the magazine quickly?"

"Switch like this."

Watson doesn't mind showing off to his childhood gaming goddess.

He stood up and held two Glock pistols horizontally. He pressed the release buttons with his left and right thumbs, and two fully loaded pistol magazines fell out of the magazine wells. Watson then reached to his waist, pinched the new magazines with the tips of his thumbs and his longest middle finger, and pulled them out of the magazine belt.

Jill watched as the other party waved his hands downwards, and the two new magazines that were pulled out in the air were accurately inserted into the magazine well. He raised his eyebrows and was speechless for a long time.

So Watson picked up the magazine and did it a few more times.

" did you do that?"

"Talent, I guess." Watson sat back down and cast his eyes towards the MSG90 in the woman's hand. He suddenly thought of a serious problem, which instantly cooled his smug vanity.

Miss Watson sneaked away to a Romanian village for a while, and she used this gun!

Damn, she briefly turned into Jessica Drew and used this gun to shoot at the enemy in front of Jill and Chris. Although Spider-Woman had her face covered at the time, this gun... To be honest, it would be quite recognizable after adding a holographic sight on the side. Would Jill recognize it?

And this holographic sight has never been replaced from beginning to end!

Something went wrong while pretending to be cool! would I have known that Jill Valentine would appear in Gotham City?

This makes no sense!

Watson was surprised to see the other party involved in the operation before, but he didn't expect this level. After Bruce said "Wayne Group funded BSAA", he stopped thinking about it. After all, there is an important task at hand, and he must be careful to avoid killing people with one shot, so he can't be distracted when aiming.

"What's wrong with you?" There was nothing unusual on Jill's face, and she was looking at Watson strangely.

"No, I suddenly thought of something." Watson was extremely glad that he did not bring the two more recognizable Grizzly pistols this time, otherwise he would probably be exposed on the spot, and Miss Valentine would definitely grab him and ask about his relationship with the masked maid.

"whats the matter?"

"Do you know the flaws of the T-virus vaccine?"

"Defects? You mean the timeliness? Of course I know that if the infection is too severe, no matter how many vaccines are injected, it will be difficult to save the patient." Jill nodded, handed the MSG90 back to Watson, and continued to cover his broken ribs: "I hope these citizens can recover smoothly."

"It's not just what you said."

Watson stared at the woman's beautiful face. "There is a period of time between the depth of infection and the effectiveness of treatment. The infected person may recover on the surface, but the T virus is still hidden in the body. Maybe it will never recur in this lifetime, but it will never be rid of."


Jill was stunned at first, then her expression changed immediately.

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