October 5, 11pm.

There was drizzle in the night sky in New York, and a Bell 206L helicopter passed over the Imperial Building on the Manhattan Peninsula and flew directly to Brooklyn. Across the window, the Telos Pharmaceutical Building is the busiest time at night, so this little rain will certainly not dampen the mood.

"They really didn't have a party on the top floor. It was a little rainy after all." Watson put down the telescope and reported to his teammates through the communicator: "The lights are probably on on the 30th floor. The party should be there."

"So we have to go down."

Blade was also holding a telescope, but his vision was not as good as Watson's: "Fortunately, Nissa took this situation into consideration."

"Hey! Wade! Stop playing with that jar!"

Speaking of Nisha, her intolerable cry could be heard in my ears: “I’ll beat you up if you leak it later!”

"Relax! Madam!" Wade was still throwing the gas canister in his hand: "Don't you still believe in my level? That can't happen!"


Abigail slapped him.

"Okay, okay..." Wade raised his hands in surrender: "My fault."

"We're almost there Wade, put it back."

Watson also said something.

"Please, don't be such a pretty boy, you make me nervous." Mr. Wilson pointed to his crotch, and then he stuffed the gas can into the bag on the ground. There are a total of 8 in the bag, which is not a lot, but they are not used to drive away the human guests at the party. In these few days, Michela created non-lethal poisonous gas while studying Karen's anticoagulation. Blood agent, another homemade poison gas bomb containing anticoagulant - "blood poison".

I couldn’t even find the ventilation system, so I just threw it away.

Compared with the anticoagulant that can make ordinary vampires explode with one injection, "blood poison" is relatively less lethal, but as long as it comes into contact with the vampire's skin, it will corrode flesh and blood like concentrated sulfuric acid, continuously creating strong pain. Nyssa, who didn't believe in evil, stretched out her hand to experience it once, and then said she never wanted to get close to these things again. Those who didn't believe in evil also had blades, but it turned out that even with a half-vampire physique, she couldn't avoid the fate of skin ulcers.

As for the effect of "blood poison" on ordinary humans, time was tight, and Dr. Heinzwafen did not have time to do the test. After all, it was likely to cause permanent damage, but human teammates could not be used as guinea pigs. Therefore, except for Watson himself, all members of the team are strictly prohibited from contacting the released "blood poison". This is a last resort.

"Hey...check the communication one last time."

"Chicken pizza received...chah."

"Sausage pizza received."

"Hey!" The one on the side put away his sword and suddenly turned his head: "You two, be serious!"

Wade hugged Abigail and laughed. Watson shook his head, checked the AR carbine one last time, stood up and opened the helicopter door. Wade followed closely behind. They were the only two people in the team who had received parachute training. They were responsible for low-altitude parachuting to clean the roof and ensure that the helicopter could land safely.

Nisha's operational skills are sufficient. Once Watson and Wade have left the cabin, she will simultaneously lower the altitude in order to complete the landing in the fastest time. Therefore, strictly speaking, it is of course best not to alert other enemies in the early stage, so the parachute duo each carry an additional MP5SD with its own integrated silencer. But this time the time is tight, manpower and resources are very limited, and the plan is relatively rough. For Watson, it is not difficult to kill him hard.

As for the parachute training, of course he was talking nonsense. The knowledge of parachute came entirely from the soldiers he devoured. Without an umbrella, it would not prevent him from accurately landing on the top of the Telos Building. Therefore, he did this just to cover up his ability.


When the wind blew, Wade shouted excitedly.

Is this person reliable?

Watson was a little flustered when he thought that this guy would become the psychopath of Deadpool in the future. It was not once or twice that this guy forgot to bring his ammunition bag and only used two pistols and a samurai sword to carry out missions in the movie. The good thing is that he can heal himself infinitely. Most people don't know how many times they can die like this. Although, the reason why the movie version of Deadpool forgot to bring his ammunition pack is because the crew really didn't have money to rent more prop guns... ...

"Stop fucking screaming! Get off quickly!" Sunwalker Blade couldn't help it anymore and kicked Wade out of the plane with a hard kick from behind. Watson looked at the pure black umbrella flower and rolled his eyes, and followed suit. Jump down. He deliberately delayed opening the umbrella until he was almost lower than Wade, then gently pulled the handle.


A black parachute unfurled over his head.

Hmm...it does match the night sky well. I hope I can fool the guards.

The falling trend suddenly slowed down, but then it began to sway left and right. It was very difficult to parachute between high-rise buildings, not only because of the low height, but also because of the chaotic airflow caused by the dense building-like bodies, which made it very easy for people to deviate from the direction. Due to the parachute, the black light body that used to glide freely in the air was quite restricted. Watson had to repeatedly blacken the body and change the weight, and cooperate with the buffering capacity, and then barely controlled the landing point.

As the altitude continued to decrease, Watson put his tentacles on the straps. When the distance shrank to 50 meters, Watson immediately released the parachute.

The black light body that was freed from the restraints immediately accelerated and smashed down like a cannonball.

Someone saw me.

Previously, I observed five guards on the roof of the building from the helicopter, but there may be more hidden in the blind spots of the field of vision. Watson felt the gaze before he even landed on the ground. He immediately adjusted his body and pulled the trigger towards the nearest target. The MP5SD submachine gun made a unique "Puff, Puff, Puff" sound, and along with a scream, the body of the guard who was shot burned, and his body collapsed like bark with only the outer shell left, and turned into ashes.

In an instant, the Spider Sense warned of hostility in the surroundings.

There were no lights on the roof, and the vampire's body temperature was extremely low, making it indistinguishable from most environments with the same temperature in the thermal field of view. Therefore, Watson simply didn't turn on the lights, but this still did not prevent him from quickly killing four people in short bursts. . Amidst the roar of the helicopter engine, the ashes on the ground were picked up by the wind and floated into the night sky with sparks.

The fifth man jumped into the bunker.

With no time to change the magazine, Watson dropped the submachine gun, quickly ran towards the target, and stabbed the guard who was shouting into the walkie-talkie with a knife. At the same time, there was a burst of gunfire from the other side, which was the same model as Watson's MP5SD just now.

"Wow! This is really thrilling!"

Wade came out holding his forehead, his blond hair being blown around: "I saw it just now, you are so awesome, baby! I didn't expect our first date to be so exciting, can you let me see it again? That pretty face of yours? I plan to dream about you again tonight!"

"Someone called on the intercom, and the action was exposed."

Watson ignored him and threw away the two extra MP2 magazines he had on him.

"It doesn't matter, this is expected." Nisha's voice came from the earphones: "According to the plan, we will land now."

"Did you hear that?"

Facing Wade and tapping his earphones to signal the other party to pay attention to Nisha's instructions, Watson went to the edge of the roof, opened his satchel, and took out a large roll of static rope. No matter how pressed for time, it would take a minute or two for the helicopter to land. Such a long time would be enough for Danica downstairs to react. Therefore, according to the plan, Wade stayed alone on the roof to respond, while Watson would rush to the 30th floor first.

After fixing the rope, he climbed out from the railing and stepped onto the cold concrete wall of the building. No one could see it now, and Watson stopped pretending, letting go of his hand and falling straight down. The music in his ears became louder and louder, and the moment party lights appeared below his vision, he quietly grabbed the rope with his tentacles, kicked off the wall with both feet, and continued to lower the height.


The exterior glass couldn't withstand Watson's kick and shattered.

Along with him came two flash bombs.

The two consecutive blasts caught everyone off guard. The room was relatively warm, which made the difference in body temperature among the vampires even more obvious. Watson raised the AR carbine and fired the silver-hardened bullet at each human figure that did not show bright colors in the thermal field of vision. As a woman next to him screamed, the entire party instantly fell into chaos.

"I didn't see Danica, she might not be at the party!" While shooting at the guard, he used his tentacles to operate the communicator: "I'm pushing inward, over."

"Roger! I've landed!" This time should not be enough for the helicopter to land. Blade may have jumped directly from a height of more than ten meters with his superhuman physique. You can also hear the rope hooks colliding on the other end: "I'm going to do it now. Come down!"

Bang bang——!

After two shots blew out a guard's head, Watson moved his position, replaced the magazine with a new one, and then threw the non-lethal gas bomb made by Michela. After entering the venue for only ten seconds, he had already basically seen the layout. The entire 30th floor was a very typical office building structure, with large interior walls made of transparent glass. There were also several loft-style upper platforms, highlighting a modern business building. Wind - if you don't look at the women on the carpet who were sucked into severe ischemia.

He took off at a trot and jumped directly to the nearest attic platform. Several fully armed guards happened to come in from the entrance below. They had just formed a tactical formation, but they hit the poisonous gas head-on and were choked back again and again.

It's human.

Watson threw another gas bomb and accelerated towards the depths of the building.

"Over there!!!"

There was a loud roar from the front, and a dense rain of bullets came from the left and right sides. The spider sense had already given a warning. Watson bent down and slid a short distance, and took off on the edge of the platform. He stepped on the load-bearing wall in front of him with both feet and ran directly along the vertical wall, with the muzzle of the gun pointed steadily in the direction of the enemy.

At the other end, the blade holding the static rope had just broken through the window and immediately heard fierce gunfire from the front. Sunwalker ran quickly and jumped onto the attic platform. He saw Watson hanging sideways in the air, and the two Glocks in his hands fired continuously.

Two extended pistol magazines with a total of 24 rounds ensured a long-lasting output. Watson was now rushing towards the load-bearing wall on the left. The soles of his shoes touched the wall and kicked out again, allowing him to enter mid-air again in the opposite direction. The ground was filled with burning and screaming vampires. When Watson finally landed, there were large swaths of ashes all around.

He glanced back, turned and continued forward.

With a flick of his wrist, the empty magazines were thrown away from both sides of his body. He didn't see clearly what Watson was doing. It seemed that he just slapped his body with the hand holding the gun, and two new magazines flew out spinning. He waved his forearm again, and the pistol magazine well swallowed the new magazine steadily at just the right angle.

Dao Feng raised his eyebrows at this.

I must learn this trick of MD.

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