Miss Watson took a few minutes to collect herself before taking her next step. There happened to be a church ahead, so Miss Watson simply swung over by her tentacles and sat down on the sloping roof. The snow has almost stopped, and it is already four o'clock in the morning. To the southeast is a group of high-rise buildings represented by the Empire State Building, and the golden light almost dazzles the sky.

Breathing the cold air, reason began to occupy her mind again, and she quickly realized something was wrong. Since the last time he went to Romania and killed the mother goddess Miranda, this was the first time that he encountered such a strong memory shock that he briefly lost complete control of his body. That is to say, if you are lucky today, if it were another critical moment, wouldn't it be fatal if you were suddenly pulled over?

This may be a chain reaction.

The psychopathic "organ doctor" may have just been the trigger, and the giant fungal root beneath the village altar may have been the problem. No one knows how long this thing has been growing. According to the history of the village, it can even be traced back to the Middle Ages. There were a lot of big disturbances in the Middle Ages, such as the Crusades that lasted for nearly 200 years. And just like Silent Hill, the fungal roots have absorbed countless life consciousnesses that died on that land. In terms of number alone, they probably far exceed the former.

Didn’t my mind become confused after absorbing the fungal roots?

...It seems that it has not fully recovered yet.

So this could be a side effect?

Gently taking off her helmet, Miss Watson admired the golden light in the distance. After experiencing the killing just now, I don't want to move at all now. This is not because I am physically exhausted, but because my spirit and thoughts are becoming calmer and calmer. Although gunshots were still faintly heard from the port area in the west direction, it did not prevent Miss Watson from lying down and quietly closing her eyes.

The long-lost sleepiness slowly fermented.

I should still take some time to be alone.

Miss Watson thought to herself, if there was Michela next to me, I would probably still be in a state of excitement... This girl was full of disgust in her words, but her performance was completely opposite when she was singled out. One person stood out. Contrast. Putting her wrists behind her head, Miss Watson gathered her thoughts and recalled the battle just now. There is no doubt that after the black light body has been strengthened many times, her level of use of the T-shaped sword has approached that of Clockwork Man.

The most obvious one is that the sword blade chops bullets.

Miss Watson had not used these two weapons for a long time, and they did fail a few times at the beginning. Then the familiar sword dance feeling returned, and they were faster, more agile, and more flexible. This enhancement was enough for her to see the general trajectory of the bullet. Coupled with the assistance of the magnetic field, the sword blade finally successfully withstood the first pistol bullet.

However, the warhead flew to nowhere.

In order to test her skills, Miss Watson simply gave up using guns and completed the entire battle wielding two T-shaped swords. There were about 30 people in that gang, and almost all of them were killed by swords, but few were killed by ricochet. This also made Miss Watson realize her own level: she can chop bullets, but only when the opponent's firepower is sparse. It will be difficult to take care of both when firing with two more guns; and the bullets deflected by the sword blade will bounce around, which is very difficult. It controls the direction accurately and cannot rely on the blade to create ricochet to kill the enemy like the clockwork man.

Still need to exercise and strengthen.

A few minutes later, Miss Watson got up again, preparing to finish the medication list early, and then lay back on the bed to have a good sleep. It is rare for sleepiness to come, but it is not strong yet. Past experience shows that if you stay awake for a long time, the sleepiness will gradually increase like a normal person. In fact, Miss Watson enjoyed the slightly sleepy feeling now, and she was happy to keep it up for a while so that she could miss the time she spent staying up late in her previous life.

At this moment, my ears caught a subtle crisp sound.


The movement came from the sloping roof entrance of the church. Miss Watson put on her helmet and made no more unnecessary movements. Although there are many gangs in Hell's Kitchen, it can be said that most of them are not unjustly arrested and sent to prison, but after all, there is still some civilian life. In any case, most Westerners have been exposed to religious exaggeration to some extent, so it’s not like even churches are gang dens, right?

Where is this place from?

Having been thinking about the internal problems of the body, Miss Watson did not pay attention to this church. While she was still rummaging through the memory fragments of an unlucky gang member, the door panel of the sloping entrance in front was gently pushed open. A small head with a maroon pot-top hairstyle poked out, followed immediately by a slender metal stick.


Wait, why does this face look familiar?

Miss Watson watched the other person fumble around for a few steps, her expression even confused, and finally found the specific information about this church in her mind. This is Clinton Church in Hell's Kitchen, next to St. Agnes Orphanage, which also adopted the famous "Daredevil" Matt Murdock and "Shock Girl" Daisy Johnson.

The safe house in Novice Village belongs to it.

After observing the little boy's eyes for a while, Miss Watson tentatively moved a foot to the side, and the other party responded immediately, which made Miss Watson even more sure of the identity of the little boy in front of her. Since he mastered the cushioning ability, the movement of his feet touching the ground has become very slight, and it is impossible for normal human ears to detect it.

Daredevil's ears are an exception.

When he was 9 years old, Matt Murdock was splashed in the face with dangerous chemicals, resulting in blindness, but he also gained superpowers to enhance other senses and physical fitness. When the little guy grows up, his hearing can even pick up the subtle sound of the hands of a mechanical watch, and he can use this to accurately track targets on the street from a distance of more than ten meters.

"who are you?"

Just then, the little boy Matt spoke.

He opened a pair of dull eyes, but his tone was very determined.

Miss Watson said nothing and took two more steps to the side. Matt Murdock was born in 1985, so he is about 13 years old now, and he is still not out of the age of a kid. She was very interested in seeing such a teenage superhero and decided to spend two minutes playing with him.

Now I am not sleepy at all.

"Can you stop? Please answer me."

"At this time, you should be sleeping in bed instead of sneaking up to the roof in the middle of the night." After adjusting her voice slightly, Miss Watson easily dodged the guide stick poked by little Matt and moved her body around to the right. The little boy reacted quickly. He used the guide cane and flexibly intercepted Miss Watson's direction of action. The two of them stopped talking and started chasing each other on the sloping roof of the church - this was mainly because little Matt was trying to catch someone, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't touch Miss Watson even once.

This kid must have been trained.

On Miss Watson's part, it didn't take much energy to deal with little Matt, and she turned to recalling the timeline setting of the TV version of "Daredevil." It is now March 1998. Little Matt has gone through a series of events such as being blinded by chemicals, losing his father, entering an orphanage, beginning to adapt to super powers, and encountering the guidance of "noble people". In addition to life in the orphanage, young Matt also met Paul Lantom, the priest of the nearby Clinton Church, at this stage. The latter even played a half-father role in Daredevil's subsequent life.

But in fact, these two people have met before.

After all, after losing his father, little Matt was sent to an orphanage by Father Paul.

As for the previous "noble advice", it was because the senses such as hearing and smell were too sharp, which caused little Matt to always be disturbed by various noises and find it difficult to sleep peacefully. The nuns at the orphanage have no choice but to turn to an expert who is good at educating blind children. Although this "expert" is also blind on the surface, he is secretly proficient in martial arts. He quickly discovered the unique characteristics of this little blind boy, so he decided to teach him carefully, allowing Matt Murdock to grow rapidly and take a key step towards becoming Daredevil.

No wonder he could chase me and catch him.

"who are you?"

After chasing for less than half a minute, little Matt frowned more and more, because the woman opposite was not only not breathing, but also had no heartbeat. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. Although the other party's soles also made movement, it was very slight compared to ordinary people, and he had to concentrate fully to catch it. But other than that, little Matt couldn't get any sensory feedback, and he couldn't even smell any scent on the woman, which made him feel the embarrassment of having no vision for the first time in a long time.

"Why don't you tell me first, what's your name?"

Miss Watson turned sideways again.


Little Matt flicked his wrist and swung the guide stick out like lightning, but Miss Watson pinched it: "You look completely different from ordinary blind people, don't you?"

"Hey! Matt? Are you on the roof?"

At this moment, a shout came from below. Miss Watson immediately let go and jumped backwards over the eaves. The swirling cloak caught her body in mid-air. Little Matt felt a gust of wind before his eyes, and then he completely lost sight of the woman. Only then did an oil lamp poke out from the entrance to the sloping roof: "What are you doing here? Matt, it's too dangerous! Come back quickly!"


I also want to see little Skye's.

Flying slowly over St. Agnes Orphanage, Miss Watson looked at the large building below, but gave up the idea of ​​visiting "Shock Girl" Daisy Johnson. This little girl was always taken away by different foster families, and returned to the orphanage every once in a while. She didn't stop until she secretly dropped out of high school and became a hacker. It's not sure whether she is still there at the moment.

Adjusting her direction, Miss Watson accelerated towards the northwest area of ​​Hell's Kitchen. The gangsters set up a logistics distribution center "pharmaceutical factory" underground on 51st Street near DeWitt Clinton Park, mainly to distribute smuggled drugs, drug-making raw materials and other small items. Moreover, 51st Street also has a special feature, that is, there are many bars and nightclubs, which is another important business for gangsters to make a lot of money. The smuggled goods arriving from the dock will be sorted at the pharmaceutical factory and then directly supplied to these "entertainment venues". The emphasis is on high efficiency.

Gradually, the gunfire became more and more intense.

What is this doing?

Miss Watson floated in the air, raised her telescope and pointed it in the direction of the West Pier. After taking a look, she remembered the TV news she had seen yesterday. The New York Police Department's Manhattan Division had sent SWAT officers into Hell's Kitchen, and now they should be fighting a gang. But Miss Watson had no intention of intervening. She put the binoculars back on her waist and began to descend towards 51st Street ahead. The levitating cloak changed form again, quickly wrapping the owner's body and turning into a layer of black tights.

I should learn tailoring skills.

Judging from the appearance, Miss Watson's combat uniform already had several bullet holes. The material used in the combat uniform was very special, so if you wanted to repair it, you would have to trouble Old Howard. For this great inventor, it was not impossible to make a lightweight and durable bulletproof tights, but he was in a hurry to escort old Mrs. Carter and did not give old Howard much time to prepare.

But thinking about it from another perspective, my black-light body is not afraid of bullets at all, and wearing combat uniforms is just to hide my identity. If you can learn to make clothes like Deadpool, you can prepare a lot of spare parts. As long as you get some Kevlar fabric, you can easily make yourself a suit. It would be better not to expose the images of Spider-Woman and Madam Viper to Old Howard.

Gently climbing over the iron wall, Miss Watson held two T-shaped swords and approached the man smoking by the water.


The sword blade pierced the neck.

The man's mouth was open, but he couldn't scream at all. A hand clamped his neck and was pulled to the side of the container. After devouring the unfortunate creature with her tentacles, Miss Watson climbed onto the top of the container and quickly planned a route based on the memory fragments. She avoided the nearby guards and came to the top of the largest shed-roofed warehouse.

Hell's Kitchen has seven or eight marinas along the Hudson River.

Coincidentally, people at the dock next door were fighting with SWAT officers, but here, the gang members did not feel nervous. Everyone just huddled up in twos and threes, chatting, smoking, playing cards, and a few people even lay down to sleep. There were far fewer guards than usual, which was just convenient for Miss Watson to sneak in. This "pharmaceutical factory" is not unique to a certain gang, but members of all the big gangs in Hell's Kitchen are stationed to ensure that their respective interests are not harmed.

After devouring a man who went out to pee, Miss Watson finally found the truth.

That fight next door was an act.

A good show to set off the excellent image of the New York Police Department.

There weren't even a few gang members stationed at the dock. Most of them were stowaways who had been temporarily forced to work. Basically, no one knew anyone. The fighting will not spread to the nearby area at all. The police station has reached an agreement with the gang bosses in Hell's Kitchen. As long as no one makes a big noise nearby, no police will get close.

This kind of collaboration has happened many times over the past few decades.

However, this little guy's understanding only ends here, and further details are completely unclear. But no matter what, this is good news for Miss Watson. At least she doesn't have to worry about being disturbed. She set her sights on a cotton-hatted gangster who was playing cards. He was one of the members responsible for recording the quantity of medicines, and he must have relevant information in his mind.

No monitoring is awesome.

Miss Watson placed the backpack she had brought, climbed into the warehouse through a top window, and moved quickly along the steel beams. This is an old warehouse. The anti-rust layer on the surface of the old steel beams has long since fallen off, and it is full of iron stubble to the touch. She had to move gently to prevent large pieces of rust from scraping off and being noticed by the gangsters on the ground.

Fortunately, the lighting conditions in this warehouse are very poor.

There is no point in installing electric lights in places where no one is staying. Gangsters will not waste this kind of money. If you need anything, just grab a few flashlights and follow them. In order to reduce costs, most of the goods are sorted and loaded during the day. After night falls, the main job of the gang members is just to act as guards.

Now, Miss Watson must find a way to avoid alerting the 70 or 80 people in this area.

A tentacle crept out from the shadows.

At the top of the black light biomass, small sparks of electricity kept flashing, and the tentacles touched a light bulb on the ceiling. In a moment, the poor light bulb exploded due to an electric short circuit. The crisp sound immediately attracted everyone's attention. Miss Watson, who was more than ten meters away, took the opportunity to change her position and slowly approached the head of the cotton-hatted gangster.

"What happened? The lights went out?"

"What the hell."

"What are you shouting for? Go and have a look!"

"Why should I go? fxckyou!"

"Bring me the toolbox!"

"What does it have to do with me? I didn't break it, why don't you go get it?"

The members of various gangs yelled at each other, but a small light bulb did not cause much trouble. Everyone insulted each other for a while and then became quiet again. As for the area where the cotton-hat gangster was, there was a lack of lighting, so the cards obviously couldn't be played. Several people complained and dispersed, seemingly preparing to find an oil lamp or something like that. The cotton-hatted gangster walked into the shelves, passed between the piles of pill boxes, and headed to the other side of the warehouse.

A pair of hands grabbed his throat.

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