My Little Pony: The Daily Life of a Cultivation Pony

Chapter 87 The gift is definitely this. . .

A place where stars twinkle,

Surrounded by a huge formation halo, like an armillary sphere, slowly rotating around the thing in the middle,

And what is the thing in between?

It’s also very simple. In the middle of the starry sky, there is just a pony and Zhuang Zhou holding a mini Kun sitting opposite each other.

As for what to do, play chess,

Although Colorful has lost more and won less so far, I still enjoy it.

"Aha, Lao Zhou, I won this time, right?"

Colorful used magic to pick up a black chess piece and dropped it on the chessboard in front of him. He laughed and said to Zhuang Zhou opposite him.

"Haha, I was negligent, my little friend won this time."

Opposite him, Zhou Zhuang, who was holding a miniature Kun Zhuang, smiled softly and said to Colorful,

"What an oversight? That was my plan. Come on, let's play again."

Colorful used magic to put the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard back into the chess boxes of both sides, and happily said to Zhuang Zhou,

"No, that's it for today."

Zhuang Zhou smiled and said to Cai Cai,

"What's wrong, Lao Zhou, you don't dare to play with me anymore. Don't worry, I'll let you do it."

After hearing what Zhuang Zhou said, Cai Cai put the chess piece he was about to drop back into the chess box and said with a smile,

"Haha, you have a distinguished guest coming to see you today, so I won't disturb you here. Let's play chess next time."

After Zhuang Zhou heard what Cai Cai said, he paused, smiled gently and said,

After he finished speaking, he and the chessboard slowly faded away.

"Okay, I finally won once, and I want to win two more games in one go. Let's do it next time."

Colorful looked at Zhuang Zhou who disappeared and said a few words with a smile,

Then magic lit up on the corner, changing the surrounding environment and adjusting the time to night.

The surrounding huge armillary sphere-like formation rings turned into stone shapes, and green mountain peaks appeared not far away.

The river also flows from the distant mountain peaks, passing through the grassland in front of Colorful Body, forming a river. From time to time, some golden carps jump out of the water.

Green grass and bright flowers appeared all around,

Dots of golden light also lit up around the place. They were fireflies flying by the river and in the flowers, echoing with the stars in the sky.

And the colorful place was transformed into a Chinese-style pavilion, and tall bamboo trees grew around the pavilion.

And Cai Cai nested on the cushion next to the table that appeared in the middle of the pavilion, and used magic to pour two cups of tea into the teacup that appeared on the table.

Listening to the surrounding river flowing, the wind blowing through the bamboo forest and the chirping of insects, waiting for the guests to visit,



In the silent starry sky, one of the stars glowed dark blue,

As the light becomes stronger,

An alicorn walked out of it...well, actually it was the Moon Princess,

Princess Moon looked at the vast starry sky around her and an island among the ring-shaped boulders with golden patterns in the starry sky.

"This is the scene in a colorful dream"

Princess Moon looked at the surroundings with some surprise and said,

Then I looked at the golden lines on those ring-shaped boulders and thought,

Those golden lines are probably the formations and the like that my sister mentioned. These lines are similar to those seen in the Crystal Pony. It’s such a colorful and interesting pony.

However, the Moon Princess was only slightly surprised before flying towards the center of the dream, where Colorful was.

After all, Princess Moon has something very important to do tonight.


The colorful people in the pavilion seemed to sense something. They raised their heads and looked at the starry sky in the distance.

Then he stood up and walked out of the pavilion, standing in the grass and watching the Moon Princess flying towards here from the starry sky and thought

Why is the Moon Princess interested in coming to my dream? It seems that I haven't seen her since Nightmare Moon last year.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m recuperating or because of work schedule.

But why did she come here to see me today?

Colorful thought of this and recalled whether he had ever done anything related to the Moon Princess.

Well, after thinking about it, it seems that there shouldn't be...

If I have to say it, Mid-Autumn Festival? That's not right either,

But we can talk to the Moon Princess about this, maybe we can make this a national celebration.

After all, there are relatively few festivals celebrating the moon.

Well, we can talk,

But let’s see what Princess Moon wants from me first.

Then he looked at the Moon Princess who had fallen on the lawn, bowed, and said with a smile:

"Good evening, Your Highness Princess Moon"

The Moon Princess watched as it fell on the grass, looking at the surrounding environment, the flying fireflies, the flowing river, the flowers...

Very beautiful place,

Then he looked at the pony in front of him and said with a smile:

"Good evening, colorful, you seem to know I'm coming,"

"Haha, Princess Moon, this is my dream after all. Would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea first?"

Colorful was stunned for a moment when she heard what Princess Moon said, and then said with a smile,


Princess Moon nodded and responded,

Then Colorful turned around and took Princess Moon back to the pavilion and sat down.

"The style of this pavilion, I remember it seems to be the style of a pony country in the east."

Princess Moon sat down and looked at the surrounding pavilions and said with a smile,

"Yes, I passed by there when I was traveling before. I quite like the architectural style there. By the way, Princess Moon, what do you want to see me for?"

After hearing what Princess Moon said, Cai Cai casually answered the question about architecture, then changed the subject and asked,

Then a teapot emerged from the hoof, and Princess Moon poured another cup of tea and handed it over.

Princess Moon took the tea handed over by Cai Cai, took a sip, and then said:

"Well, did you make a pair of crystal ponies for my sister, Princess Space?"

"Well, the crystal figures of you and the Space Princess were made by me."

After hearing what Princess Moon asked, Cai Cai thought for a moment and nodded and replied,

"Well, colorful, I have something to ask you,"

Princess Moon looked at Colorful and said with some embarrassment,

Colorful paused, then smiled at Princess Moon and said,

"Your Highness Princess, just call me Colorful. Tell me, if I can help you with anything, I will definitely do it."

"Colorful, it's like this. I also want to make a gift for my sister, so I want to ask you to help me make a special gift."

Princess Moon looked at the colorful flowers and said with a smile,

"This matter is no problem. Then, Your Highness, what kind of gift do you want?"

After hearing what Princess Moon said, Colorful smiled and said to Princess Moon,

After Princess Moon heard what Cai Cai said, she thought for a while, then looked at Cai Cai embarrassedly and said:

"Well, I'm sorry to say it. I don't know what gift to give to my sister.

We, little Mary princesses, actually can get most things if we want them.

But when I received the crystal figurine from my sister, I felt a long-lost sense of surprise and joy, and I could feel that there was something special inside the crystal figurine.

That should be the formation that my sister told me about, so I also want to ask you to help me make a gift that can surprise my sister."

After hearing what Princess Moon said, Colorful thought for a moment and felt that this was the first time Princess of the Universe had reunited and reconciled after being separated for more than a thousand years. The first gift the Princess of the Universe gave to her sister Princess Moon, plus the first This is the first time I have seen crystal figures.

Also, the formation I added to the crystal figure should be the same as Twilight Yue's, with a hint of their magic in it.

So the combination of the above results in this feeling...well, probably...

Thinking of this, Cai Cai didn't know if what he was thinking was right, but he roughly knew what kind of gift he wanted to make.

However, I just don’t know if there is such a plant in Equestria.

Then he looked at the Moon Princess and said:

"No problem Moon Princess, leave it to me. What do you think of this as a gift?"

After Colorful finished speaking, he stretched out his hoof and tapped on the table in front of him.

Then a sky blue crystal appeared above the table,

"What is this? A gem?"

Princess Moon looked at the sky blue gem on the table and asked doubtfully,

"No, this is a space crystal, a special crystal that can store items."

Colorful looked at the puzzled Princess Moon and explained to the moon with a smile,

Then Colorful explained to Princess Moon in detail what space crystal is.

After Princess Moon heard what Cai Cai said, she stood up and looked at Cai Cai and said happily:

"It's a very magical crystal. I have decided that this can be used as a surprise gift for my sister. When can it be made? I have already imagined how my sister will be surprised."

"Yeah, but just making space crystals as gifts is not enough. Princess Moon, do you have such minerals there?"

Colorful thought for a moment, then used magic to project the appearance of two materials and asked Princess Moon,

"Princess Moon, have you ever seen these two kinds of flowers? What are they..."

Colorful pointed to the two flowers in front of her with her hoof and told Princess Moon their characteristics and asked,

Princess Moon looked at the two kinds of flowers projected by Colorful and pondered for a moment, then said to Colorful:

"The two flowers and characteristics you mentioned, I know where this one is."

Princess Moon pointed at one of the dark blue flowers surrounded by lavender mist with her hoof and said:

"This kind of flower is moonflower. I saw it a thousand years ago when I was playing in the depths of the Eternal Free Forest. I thought it was very special, so I picked one at the time, but it withered early the next morning. ,

I've seen another one in books, it's called Rihuahui, but I'm not sure where it grows in Equestria. I'll let Equestria find it when I go back and give you a reply."

After hearing what Princess Moon said, Colorful looked at the plants she projected and thought:

I didn’t expect there to be such plants. I thought these two plants didn’t exist in My Little Pony. If not, I would have used other lower-level materials instead.

These two flowers are from the previous world. One is the light of morning and the other is the glory of the dew moon.

As can be seen from the names, one is the sun representing plant materials, and the other is the moon representing plant materials.

Why are they said to be plants representing the sun and the moon?

The magical properties they contain are those of the two most recent things, and not one of them.

Although their grade is not the highest, their rarity is.

The light of the morning sun is called Rihuahui here,

The brilliance of the dew moon is called Yuehua Dew here,

There are actually some here, but they seem to be rare, but there should be more than that in that world.

Thinking of this, Colorful looked at the Moon Princess and said:

"Okay Princess Moon, if you have news, tell me. I will go to the Eternal Free Forest to find Moon Dew."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, Cai Cai, then I'll leave first,"

Princess Moon looked at Colorful and said happily,

"Okay, goodbye Moon Princess"

Colorful waved her hoof to the flying Moon Princess and said,

Okay, I have something to do next. I will go to the Eternal Freedom Forest tomorrow.

Well, there must be Rihuahui, but I don’t know where it is.

You can keep more of these two materials. When you work hard on the corresponding formations, the power can be increased a lot.



Thinking of this, Colorful suddenly remembered that there was something he forgot to tell Princess Moon.

Mid-Autumn Festival...

Hey, let’s talk about it next time we see Princess Moon.

Go to sleep and talk about anything tomorrow.


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