The weather is sunny but cloudy,

The sky seems a little messy,

I wonder if Rainbow Dash is sleeping somewhere again.

By the way, is it time for rain in Ponyville?

It seems that it hasn't rained for a while, and the weather seems to be on the rise recently.

The air is a little dry.



pony valley,

Oak Library, colorful room,

Colorful planted a few seeds of heart's desire that she had received from Korah into a potted plant.

Then he used magic to pick up the kettle and water it, then took it to the balcony and placed it in a sunny place.

"Okay, just wait for it to grow and bloom and bear fruit. Now you should be able to get all the information completely."

Colorful looked at the desire inside her potted plant, nodded with satisfaction and said,

This flowerpot is not ordinary.

Because it is colorfully engraved with dozens of formations, it can not only record the information of the heart’s desire,

It can also automatically adjust the soil moisture, magic environment and other conditions according to the growth of the heart's desire.

It can completely guarantee that the few heart desires growing inside can grow in the best condition.

It is definitely the most “ideal” pot for spiritual plant lovers.

Every cultivator who loves spiritual plants hopes to obtain such a magic weapon.

But not every...

Ahem, I'm off topic.

Anyway, this one that Colorful made is a one-time use. After all, the materials are limited. The required materials mentioned above are difficult to obtain.

And this is a special version. The one above is universal and can be used by any spiritual plant.

That kind of...

Ahem, sorry, I’ll do it next time |?w?`)

Colorful returned to the room and used magic to take down one of her books from her bookshelf.

Turn to a blank page and write down the relevant information about your current desire for the heart and the seeds of truth.

It is convenient for you to use it later. After recording it, put it back on the bookshelf in its original position.

Then he picked up a book on another bookshelf with Daring Do on the cover,

Then he walked to the side and sat down on the cushion, and started reading leisurely.

From time to time, I burst into laughter, and began the long-lost fishing time.

The clear and melodious chirping of birds could be faintly heard outside the window.

And the rustle of leaves in the wind,

The sunlight shines through the window into the room, casting a golden light.

What a beautiful picture, what a beautiful day,


Then it was broken by a loud voice,

"Colorful, I know you are in the room, come out and play together. Today we are going to the park to hold a pony pet play day. Twilight said that I will invite you to come this time, otherwise you will definitely spend another day watching stories in the room. Books, and then you don’t go out for a day, so let me wake you up and play with us. I think it’s good, so I’m here.”

Pinkie suddenly appeared from Cai Cai's side, looked into Cai Cai's eyes and said quickly,

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head to look at the book he was sitting on, took a step back, lowered his head to lift up the book, put his eyes on the book and said excitedly:

"Oh~ It seems that Twilight is right. You are indeed reading a story book. Well, it's Daring Do. This one is the latest one.

Hey, I've finished reading this. Do you want me to tell you the ending? If I remember correctly, Daring Do and..."

Before Bi Qi could finish speaking, Cai Cai blocked Bi Qi's mouth with her hoof.

Then he looked at Pinkie Pie with a serious face and said:

"Stop, Pinkie Pie, I'm going to the park with you for pony pet play day, but you can't tell me the ending of Daring Do, I want to see it myself."

After Bi Qi heard what Cai Cai said, she looked at Cai Cai with her big eyes and nodded.

Colorful looked at Biqi and after agreeing, she took her hoof away.

"Then let's go, I can't wait any longer, hmm~"

Pinkie stood up happily and jumped towards the door and walked out.



pony valley,

On the way to a certain place in the park,

Colorful walked to Ziyue, looked at Ziyue with a smile on her face, took a deep breath,

In the end, he couldn't hold it back anymore and moved closer to Twilight Yue and whispered:

"Twilight Joy, I noticed that you have changed,"

"What? How have I changed?"

After hearing what Cai Cai said, Zi Yue looked down at herself, just like before, then looked at Cai Cai and said with a smile,

"You've become bad and actually asked Pinkie Pie to call me."

Colorful looked at the happy Ziyue and whispered,

"Oh, what do you mean, what's wrong with Pinkie Pie calling you?"

Zi Yue looked at Colorful and said with a smile on her face,

"No pony can refuse Pinkie Pie's invitation. It's not like you don't know this. You've become evil, Twilight. I'll spend my leisurely afternoon tea reading today."

Colorful looked at Ziyue and said sadly, and sighed deeply at the end.

"Okay, Colorful, you can't stay in your room all the time, you can't read a book all the time, you have to relax, this is what you told me."

Twilight looked at Colorful, who was full of melancholy and said with a smile,

"Did I say that? Why didn't I know?"

After hearing what Zi Yue said, Cai Cai looked at Zi Yue in confusion and asked,

"Well, it was when you first taught me the formation. Didn't I keep reading the formation book at that time? Or you forced me to take a rest. You forgot?"

Twilight Yue thought about it for a moment, then smiled at Colorful and said,

"...Can it be the same as this? You watched it for two days and one night. Your body will be exhausted if you don't rest."

Colorful speechlessly raised a hoof to cover her aching head and said to Twilight,

"Why is it different? If you stay in your room every day and don't exercise, your body will get rusty."

Zi Yue looked at Colorful, who was covering his head and said confidently,

"...This, you,,,huh, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's your choice."

Looking at Ziyue who was confident and confident, Cai Cai suddenly felt a kind of energy rushing around that had nowhere to put it.

The practice of meditation is measured in terms of years, and for advanced cultivators, it is measured in terms of years.

So wouldn’t it mean that the cultivators above are directly disabled?

Take a deep breath, Twilight Yue doesn't know this common sense, it's normal,

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath,,,

I must give Twilight a lesson in cultivation knowledge later.

"What are you saying? I can't hear you clearly."

Zi Yue looked at Cai Cai muttering in a low voice, but some of them couldn't hear clearly. Then she leaned closer to Cai Cai and asked doubtfully,

Colorful took a deep breath, then smiled and said to Twilight:

"Twilight, it's okay. I just suddenly felt that you were right. I should spend more time playing with my friends."

The second half of the sentence is indeed from the heart of Colorful, and Colorful has indeed reflected on it.

It’s true that you shouldn’t stay in your room all the time. You can read the novel at any time.

But friends in Ponyville can't play together all the time.


However, after returning, Twilight still needs to be given some additional common sense.


Zhenqi, who was walking in front of Twilight and Colorful, looked back.

Seeing Zi Yue and Cai Cai sticking together and whispering along, and Zi Yue laughing from time to time,

He touched Applejack with his hoof and said with a smile:

"Hey Applejack, look back at Twilight Sparkle and Colorful."

Applejack looked at Rarity suspiciously, then looked behind her.

The same smile as Zhenqi showed on his face,

Then Applejack patted Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in front of her again,

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked at Applejack in confusion.

Then he followed Applejack's line of sight and looked over, with the same smile on his face.

At this time, Twilight Yue and Colorful also felt a few lines of sight and looked forward.

I saw Zhenqi and the others stopped, looking at them with indescribable smiles on their faces,

"Um, what's wrong?"

Colorful looked at Zhenqi and the others and asked in confusion,

"It's okay, honey, we're almost there, it's up there."

"Oh, why did you stop? Let's go."

After hearing what Zhenqi said, Colorful walked forward.

Twilight also followed Colorful and walked over.

Then when I passed by Zhenqi, I was pulled by Zhenqi,

Then Zi Yue heard Zhen Qi ask in a low voice:

"Twilight Yue, how are you and Colorful doing now?"

After saying this, Zhen Qi smiled and raised her eyebrows at Zi Yue.

"Wha, what? No, no, no, what kind of treasure are you talking about?"

Twilight Sparkle's character suddenly turned red, then quickly shook her head and said,

"Hey, come on, dear, everyone and I saw it, you and Cai Cai were whispering behind the scenes."

After hearing what Zi Yue said, Zhen Qi rolled her eyes and said,

"Yes, actually we all know that there is something fishy between you two."

Applejack also smiled and said,


Before Twilight Yue could say anything, she was interrupted.

"What are you doing? Oroway and I are almost here,"

Colorful turned around and looked at Zhenqi and the others who were surrounding Zi Yue and said loudly,

"Oh, here we come, let's go quickly, Rarity, Applejack, we're almost late."

Twilight Sparkle quickly responded loudly to Colorful, and then said to Rarity and Applejack beside her,

After saying that, he walked towards Colorful.

Rarity looked at Twilight Sparkle running away, smiled, looked at each other with Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and smiled.

He also ran towards Colorful Twilight Joy,


The sky is clear,

wind speed, temperature, humidity,


Rainbow Dash looked at the clouds in front of her and passed through them with a swish.

"Oh ho ho, ah ha, yeah ha ha ha, yo ho"

Rainbow Dash made all kinds of difficult moves wantonly in the sky,

One moment he did a series of backflips, and another moment he spun 720c.

Fly happily in the sky, showing off your skills and comfort,


"Oh, who is it?"

After Rainbow Dash heard the sound, she turned around and looked behind her, and saw Oroway flying behind her and said:

"It's you, Oroway, come on, come after me."

After saying that, he accelerated and flew forward.

Then after a while Oroway overtook Rainbow Dash, and they started a competition in the air.

You chase me,

Then Oroway, who was flying in front, suddenly turned around, but his head became Winona's head.

After Rainbow Dash saw this, she stopped urgently and looked at Orowei in confusion? said:

"Why is it Winona's head? Are you weird, or am I making a fuss?"

And Winona? After flying around Rainbow Dash for a few times, the head became Angel's, the body was Garmi's, and the wings were Oroway's.

"Okay, this thing is really weird. It's so weird that it almost scares the pony."

Rainbow Dash touched her head and looked at Angel flying around her? said,

And Angel? Flying to Rainbow Dash, he looked at Rainbow Dash obediently,

Then he suddenly opened his mouth, and Opal screamed out of his mouth, roaring loudly at Rainbow Dash,

Rainbow Dash was frightened, screamed, and fell to the ground.

Then the darkness as black as ink surrounded Rainbow Dash,


The sunlight passes through the layers of branches and leaves and turns into dots of light.

It fell on the pony who was sleeping on a branch with a pillow,

There are birds chirping and flowers fragrant all around, the breeze blows on my face, and there is the comfortable sound of wind blowing leaves.

It is a good place to sleep and you will have a good sleep quality here,

However, Xiaoma, who was lying on the book, suddenly sat up with a scream,

It looks like he had a nightmare.

Yes, this pony is Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash screamed and looked at Ou Po who was screaming and waving his claws at the ball in front of him.

Then he turned around and looked at Winona, who was shouting at Opal below.

Looking at Winona, Angel, Oroway, and Karmi under the tree, they took a deep breath and said:

"Fortunately, it's just a dream,"


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