blood contract

Chapter 3 Xiaodouzi’s information

Mochi understands the truth, but big fish are not that easy to find. Because Xiaodouzi was young, no one expected her to win, so naturally they didn't want to offend the black dog to help her. In fact, he himself was not optimistic about Xiaodouzi. After all, there were many people on Black Dog's side to help him, but he was the only one on Xiaodouzi's side. Of course, if it was one-on-one, he believed that Xiaodouzi could beat Black Dog.

Before Mochi could say anything, Xiaodouzi's eyes suddenly became as sharp as a hawk, the corners of his lips flew up, and the leisurely and lazy aura around him suddenly dissipated. She tapped her chin not far away, signaling Mochi to look over.

Following Xiaodouzi's instructions, Machi saw a handsome young man about twelve years old walking in the distance on the street. He was wearing indigo embroidered brocade clothes, with an extraordinary short knife on his waist, and a high-quality sword in his hand. He has a nice short leather whip, his hair is tied neatly on his head, and his handsome face always has a wild and unrestrained smile. He is accompanied by four extraordinary guards.

Wherever he passed, people shunned him. Although the identity of the young man is unknown, someone who travels with such style must be a master that ordinary people cannot afford to offend.

Mochi took a breath of air. It was indeed a big fish, but it was not someone like them that subordinates dared to approach. He was not afraid of hitting Xiaodouzi, and said bluntly: "Didn't you see that no one dares to come close within three feet of that noble young master? Do you dare to go? Being thrown out by his guard is a trivial matter, be careful..." Before he finished speaking, he pointed his finger Rub it on the neck.

With a tone of scaring her, Mochi wanted Xiaodouzi to understand what it meant to retreat from difficulties and not to cause trouble.

Xiaodouzi disapproved, flashing his smart eyes, and said with a smile: "Believe it or not, not only will I not be thrown out, but I can also get two spiritual coins from that young master."

Two spirit coins!

Mochi's eyes widened with doubt on his face.

This little Douzi is so funny. They succeed in attracting customers once, but it only costs one penny to one silver. If one day they meet a generous guest and can be rewarded with silver alone, they will consider themselves lucky. If they really meet If you are rewarded with a spirit coin, you really have to wonder if there is smoke coming out of your ancestral grave.

One spiritual coin is one hundred silver, and one silver is one hundred wen. One spirit coin is equivalent to a thousand coins, which is equivalent to the silver reward for a year of hard work without eating or drinking. As she said, Xiaodouzi will definitely win this bet.

He immediately said firmly: "I don't believe it."

Xiaodouzi stood up, patted the dust off his body, tidied up his appearance, and said calmly: "Look at it." After saying that, he walked towards his noble master.

Mochi shook his head. There is an old saying that is true, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, it will not look back until it hits a wall, and it will not feel pain until it hits a nail.

Little did he know that there was a reason why Xiaodouzi got more reward money than others. The reason is that she can always keenly capture those who really need "help" from the passing crowd, and then judge how much reward she can get from them based on their clothing and temperament.

This time, she was sure that she could get two spirit coins for two reasons. First, from the young man's clothes, the embroidery patterns on the brocade clothes were exquisite and the workmanship was exquisite. The fabric of the clothes was also something she had never seen before in Shapu Town. A short knife at the waist, a short leather whip of good quality, etc. are all valuable. If you are rich, you are still a very rich person. This kind of person who is not short of money is happy when he comes out to play with others; the second is the youthful temperament , seems to have an innate aura of nobility and elegance. Although she is arrogant, she does not bully the surrounding people with the help of her highly trained guards. This is why she dares to approach the young man.

"Master, who do you want to win in the beast fighting match tomorrow?" one of the guards asked the young man.

The handsome young man gently tapped the whip of his right hand on the palm of his left hand, thinking: "This young master's Karon and Tu Ba will win."

"The young master has always had a keen eye and very good luck. He will definitely be able to guess right." The guard said flatteringly.

The corners of the young man's mouth raised slightly, with a slightly proud look on his face. The short leather whip in his hand lightly tapped the guard's leg, urging, "Let's go quickly."


As soon as he took a step forward, a girl stopped in front of him.

"My dear sir, if you want to choose the winner of the beast fighting competition tomorrow, I have information that I can sell to you."

When the handsome young man saw someone blocking his way, he frowned slightly and looked at the girl up and down in displeasure.

The girl is about six years old, with a thin body, wearing a slightly old but clean dress. She has a young and delicate face with enviable long thick eyelashes. A bunch of hair on her shawl is tied high with a red rope. High cocked.

The girl is Xiaodouzi.

"Go away. Where did you come from, kid? Don't taint the eyes of my young master." A guard stretched out his foot and kicked the girl.

Xiaodouzi turned slightly to the side and nimbly avoided the kick.

He bowed to the young man unhurriedly and said, "Honorable sir, please listen to what I have to say. If you say something right, you will reward me with two spiritual coins. If you say something wrong, you will tell me to leave." yes."

" have to push the envelope even further. Let's see if I don't beat you to death..." As he spoke, the guard rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat him. The other three guards seemed to be watching the fun and did not stop them.

"Wait..." At this time, the young man raised his hand and spoke to stop: "Information about the beast fighting competition? Okay, tell me. If it's good, I'll reward you with ten spirit coins, but if it's not right, Okay... I don’t stop this young master just because he wants to." As he said that, he weighed the short leather whip in his hand.

Xiaodouzi slightly bent her body, raised her little hand and made a walking gesture. Her head was always slightly lowered, and she never looked directly into the young man's eyes.

Seeing that she was a girl who knew the rules and etiquette, the boy nodded with satisfaction and followed the girl to a secluded corner.

"Say it." The young man raised his head slightly and said arrogantly.

"Ulqi will definitely win in the competition the day after tomorrow. Tu Ba's foot injury while practicing yesterday will definitely affect the competition. In the battle of beasts and the blood python rhinoceros, Caron's strength is not as good as Jiao San's, and Jiao San will definitely win." victory."

"Jiao San? I've never heard of him. Master, don't listen to this little liar." The guard spoke first.

"Jiao San...I really haven't heard of him. Girl, how are you sure he will win?" The young man in brocade clothes asked impatiently.

Xiaodouzi replied in a serious tone: "Jiao San has been in the nest cage for more than two months. He was locked in the cell of No. A. Although he killed the cell leader for unknown reasons and his cultivation level was banned. Now he is locked in the cell of No. C. He has indeed become a A beast fighter."

Cells with size A are for special-level heavy-size prisoners, and the cultivation level of those in them is unknown; cells with size B are for first-level prisoners, and most of them are in the second or third level of cultivation; cells with size C and T are for ordinary prisoners, and most of them are at the first level of cultivation. environment and ordinary people.

There are two types of competitive fighters. One is the gladiator, who mostly fights with the same kind of people for their lives, and the other is the beast fighter. This type of fighter fights against monsters. As for beasts of the same level, demons are physically stronger than humans.

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