Douluo: One Piece Simulator

Chapter 0000 No need to read, sorry

Seeing the screaming Shi Zhong, she had a surprising guess at this moment, that is

"She was saved"?

While Liu Erlong was thinking, Shi Zhong, who was mad, had already rushed out of the wooden house, searching for the enemy everywhere.

Suddenly, a dark figure on the roof fell into his eyes.

"It's you, who are you"

Shi Zhong shouted sternly at the black shadow.

"Me, I'm just a spectator."

A familiar and faint voice with a strong accent reached Shi Zhong's ears.

The person in front of me is naturally Yang Ming, who discovered the wooden house earlier.

At that time, he saw a wooden house with lights on deep in the forest and became vigilant.

Then I discovered a slightly 12-year-old scene inside.

Under his careful observation, 3456.

So when Shi Zhong was about to use 189, he stopped him.

Although Yang Ming considers himself not a good person, even 1258, he will not just watch him being insulted.

According to Yang Ming's opinion, Shi Zhong, you think it's okay, but it's your fault to take action.

Seeing that Yang Ming was still talking nonsense, Shi Chong stopped asking and directly activated his martial spirit to rush towards Yang Ming.

Shi Zhong clearly understood that if this matter did not succeed today, he would be benevolent.

Only by getting rid of Yang Ming can he hope to survive.Otherwise, Liu Erlong would definitely take crazy revenge on him and his family afterwards.

You must know that Liu Erlong is not only the dean of the Blue Lightning Academy, but behind her stands the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Thinking of this, Shi Zhong couldn't help but tremble a few times. After trembling, he pounced harder.

Shi Zhong's aura was astonishing and his strength was indeed not weak, but this was compared to other people of the same age.

As for comparing Yang Ming, he seems to be too arrogant.


A disdainful snort came out, and the Gui Che in Yang Ming's hand let out a light sword sound and flew towards Shi Zhong who was rushing over.

Facing an opponent of Shi Zhong's level, he didn't need to take action, just let his little sword spirit take action.

Ghost's cold light looked particularly dazzling and cold in the dark night.

He directly knocked down the flying Shi Zhong to the ground, then took advantage of the situation and used his flexible body to cut off Shi Zhong's limbs before returning to Yang Ming.

Looking at Gui Che who was covered in blood in front of him, Yang Ming shook his head in disgust.

At this moment, under the moonlight, Gui Che bent his sword in aggrieved manner, made a scolding sound, and disappeared into the depths of the forest.

When he came back, Gui Te had returned to his clean appearance, with some water drops still hanging on it.

It was obvious that Guite had gone to wash himself just now.

In the end, Gui Che patted Yang Ming angrily, and only after receiving Yang Ming's apology did he return it to Yang Ming's hands.

Facing Shi Zhong, who was motionless below, Yang Ming fired a thunderball before stepping into the wooden house.

He wanted to check Liu Erlong's current situation and reiterated that 345, 569 did not want Liu Erlong 555.

But what Yang Ming didn't expect was that he had just stepped into the wooden house, 78954.

Although Liu Erlong was ranked 369, but his TG was 25, Yang Ming was still ranked 45574.

Yang Ming 36548, but he quickly calmed down.

Feeling the current situation.


Yang Ming frowned, pushed Liu Erlong away, and controlled himself on the chair.

"52 is 36?"

25 was already a little 369 at this time. There was no way to 58, 8 had no choice but to stop holding on to his own 98 and reduce the tyu on his body a lot.

Looking at the scene of 5854 in front of him, Yang Ming frowned severely again.

He doesn't know how to detoxify her seriously, but he doesn't want to detoxify her 25/85, so what should he do now?

Yang Ming fell into deep thought

While Yang Ming was thinking, Liu Erlong's condition seemed to have become more serious.

Large areas should not be 254 and 8 greasy 7 fat sweet 985 in the air.

Hearing the faint sound of 54 in his ears, Yang Ming knew he couldn't wait any longer.

He made a prompt decision and decided to knock Liu Erlong unconscious first, and then take him to the nearest town overnight to find a doctor to detoxify him.

When Yang Ming was planning well, he didn't know how Liu Erlong got the power of 2547 and 1457.

Yang Ming didn't have time to react. The two of them were 2547, and Liu Erlong 58 was left with 265, entering 587.

Suddenly, 2587, he shouted something bad, and then he was 26957 knocked to the ground.

With 325 and 54 remaining, Yang Ming threw Gui Che outside the door at the last moment of 26, and then closed the wooden door.

As Yang Ming realized 254, 585 Yang Ming was like a cicada about to shed its skin. The outer shell 254 fell off until a brand new 365 was revealed.

Under the moonlight, the 254 big and 25 crows of the wooden house resounded through the 8 woods.

Gui Te, who is outside the house, blocks all intruders who want to disturb the good things inside the wooden house. She is a qualified gatekeeper.

In this moment of joy, only Shi Zhong seemed to be lying outside the wooden house unable to move, with an expression of unusual resentment and pain.

At dawn, Yang Ming woke up first. After all, he didn't have much.

Feeling the 85 of 25's own 52, he was a little stunned.

In just a few seconds, he thought about many things.But the deal was done, and he didn't continue to struggle, 9874, then sat up and got dressed.

Liu Erlong SD hadn't woken up yet. Under the early morning sunlight, he looked 254 beautiful.

25 In this scene, fortunately, Yang Ming's self-control is pretty good and there is no mbf.

He picked up Liu Erlong's clothes on the ground, helped put them on..., and then opened the door.

Looking at Shi Zhong who was still lying dead outside the house, Yang Zhao called Gui Che back and fired another thunderball at him, just to be on the safe side.

Just when Yang Ming was doing this, Liu Erlong's brows behind him trembled twice, but he didn't open his eyes.

In fact, Liu Erlong woke up when Yang Ming woke up, but...she was too embarrassed to open her eyes, so she had no choice but to let Yang Ming...

At this moment, she saw that Yang Ming was already dressed and had put some clothes on herself, so she planned to wake up.

"you're awake"

Before Liu Erlong could open his eyes, Yang Ming's slightly indifferent words came.

Hearing this, Liu Erlong knew that Yang Ming knew that she had woken up a long time ago and was embarrassed to continue pretending.

Liu Erlong, who was a first-time wife, opened her eyes. Compared with yesterday, she looked even more... cheerful.

Liu Erlong pulled the clothes on his body and sat up. The two of them looked at each other, but did not speak for a long time.

Yang Ming didn't want to speak, while Liu Erlong didn't know how to speak. In the end, Yang Ming broke the silence.

"last night,……"

Before Yang Ming could finish speaking, Liu Erlong hurriedly interrupted.

"Needless to say, let's just pretend that nothing happened to us last night. I don't blame you for what happened yesterday. If it weren't for you, maybe I would have been killed by that traitor. As for the end, it was me who took the initiative, and I won't let it happen. You are responsible, don’t worry.”

As he spoke, Liu Erlong's words couldn't help but be choked with sobs.

"Oh, what happened last night was also my fault. If I had been decisive, maybe I wouldn't have caused this situation."

Yang Ming looked at the woman in front of him with some pity.

Although Yang Ming had no thoughts about her before, he couldn't remain indifferent after taking her first blood.

Looking at the 0707 stains on the ground, he fell into a deep headache.

"No, I don't blame you. In fact, there was almost only one way to save me last night. Otherwise, I might have been poisoned and died. In fact, I want to thank you for saving my life."

When Liu Erlong explained, his expression was very sad.

"Hey, you should get up and get dressed first."

Yang Ming sighed, his words seemed very gentle.

If Xiao Wu were here at this moment, she would definitely say it was rare.

Liu Erlong nodded slightly and then stood up directly.

Perhaps it was due to the 25t charm last night, Liu Erlong actually forgot that he was wearing 454 and... fell to the ground.

Liu Erlong quickly bent down and picked up the clothes scattered on the ground...

She was quite anxious, with traces of sweat breaking out on her fair face.

After all the calls came out, he still hugged the pipa and covered his face.

Unexpectedly, this time allowed Yang Ming to appreciate the scenery of more mountains.

Yang Ming shook his head helplessly.

"What you should have watched last night..., you don't have to be so shy, you don't have to be so shy"

Although Liu Erlong understood what Yang Ming meant, he still hurriedly put on his clothes due to the inherent shyness of women.

I have to say that Liu Erlong is an out-and-out beauty, she is so beautiful and moving, and this beauty is even greater than before. .

Yang Ming couldn't help but have some bad thoughts. Was it because of him?

To Liu Erlong who was dressed, Yang Ming pointed to Shi Zhong outside and said

"That person is your disciple, I'll leave it to you."

Liu Erlong followed Yang Ming's line of sight and saw Shi Zhong lying on the bloody ground, his eyes full of hatred.

"it is good"

Liu Erlong gritted his teeth and replied.

She walked up to Shi Zhong, lifted it up, then looked back at Yang Ming with a complicated expression, and flew away without waiting for Yang Ming to stop him.

Seeing Liu Erlong flying away, Yang Ming sat silently for a while, and then flew towards Tiandou City.

in a few days

Through the wide and majestic Tiandou City Gate, Yang Ming successfully arrived at the Tiandou Imperial City.

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