"Hahahaha! You are too young to resist me. Kebi, go take over her car."

Tasia, who was bruised and swollen by the [Iron Fist of Love] education, was half hung in the air by her collar by Garp. She swayed along with the team, muttering softly in resistance.

"Hey, you are obviously an old man, why are you still so strong? Retire quickly and admit defeat to Hou Lang. Ah, it hurts!"

"I heard everything," Garp retracted his fist, "Even if I are a hundred years old, it won't be a problem for me to teach a brat like you. What, you didn't learn anything from following Vergo?"

"I can't help it. Why did I learn all the military regulations from you? As the saying goes, 'a strict teacher makes a good disciple'."

"Hahaha! That's true. I have wanted to fight the Celestial Dragons for a long time."

Tasia climbed up the pole, "That is to say, look at how well you educated me. If you ask me, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you should have been responsible for the training of new recruits. How come you were dismissed after half a year? Woolen cloth?"

The honest Kebi pushed the cart behind these two people, secretly feeling sorry for the beard of the Warring States Marshal. In half a year, Mr. Karp could teach a navy who could beat the Celestial Dragons and bravely enter the Judiciary Island. If he kept teaching him, he would not be needed. The marshal's beard will fall out in a few years.

The conversation between the two here continues.

"But I never taught you to break into Justice Island and provoke the World Government."

Tasia received another punch and rubbed her head pretending to be aggrieved.

"I was just accidentally involved. What can I do if I can be taken to Judiciary Island even if I sleep? As soon as I woke up, there was a group of men in black yelling at me to beat me and kill me. It was normal for me to fight back a few times. , I didn’t hit any of those CP9s, and I didn’t hijack any of those warships.”

"You are coming back to arrest the Straw Hats, right?" Tasia carefully looked at Garp's expression and found that he had no intention of refuting. While she felt relieved for herself, she also worried about the Straw Hats. In this direction, there is no It's just a few steps to the house where the Straw Hats and the others rest.

"You're late. The Straw Hats have already set sail. Their next stop is the Soap Bubble Islands. You should chase them quickly."

She transformed into an animal shape and slipped out of the grabbed top. The badger wrapped in a vest climbed nimbly onto Garp's shoulders.

"I can show you the way right now. Go chase them."

Eh? Have Mr. Luffy and the others really left?

Kebi wondered, were the citizens who blocked them when they went to the island a cover-up?

As expected of Mr. Luffy, there are many people willing to help him wherever he goes.

But Garp remained unmoved. As he spoke, he had already arrived at the house where Luffy and the others were staying temporarily.

Tasia saw him facing the outside of the house, rounding his fists, grinning, showing more teeth than usual, then sighed resignedly, and turned into an orc form as the wall was smashed, very unkindly. Prepare to take hostages and negotiate with Garp.

There is no chance of winning in a head-on fight, but even if Mr. Karp agrees to wait for a day, it will be enough to allow them time to find a boat and sneak away.

As long as you reach the sea, you can always get a chance of survival.


Tasia's determination was in vain.


His grandfather was a naval hero, his father was the leader of the revolutionary army, and his benefactor was the youngest Yonko.

Just such a small injury, and the lovely ship doctor rushed back and forth to treat it.

What kind of chosen one is this kid?

Tasia, who thought she was even more seriously injured, was asked by Garp to repair the house together, and the sour water in her heart bubbled.

"Tasia, please give me some medicine, Luffy's grandfather is really cruel." A furry little hoof suddenly appeared.

Tasia, who was still fuming in her heart, jumped up in surprise. She could only hear the word "Luffy" clearly, "Huh? I don't envy him in my heart!"

Luffy, whose name was mentioned loudly, was picking his nose idly. When he heard this, he raised his head and said in a silly tone, "Envy? Who? Me?"

"No! Yes! And I'm not as delicate as some people." Tasia retorted loudly, and her body honestly changed back to human form.

The bruises and bruises became instantly apparent on the fair skin, and they looked indeed very tragic.

"Ah! It's so serious!" Chopper took out more medicine from the medicine box and carefully wiped her wound.

Nami also came over and said in a slightly condemning tone, "Really, how can you hit a girl in the face?"

Garp, who was condemned, scratched his head and said, "Hahaha, there are no men or women on the sea, just knock them wherever you can."

Tasia, who also hit people regardless of their body parts, also felt that it was okay to use her face to receive the iron fist education from her former boss. Anyway, she had super recovery ability and could recover from skin injuries in a day. But now she felt that she had someone to rely on for the first time, and she swelled her face and stared at Garp reproachfully.

"Well, I'm sorry, Xiaohe told me the same thing, and I will change it next time." Garp couldn't resist the condemning gaze and apologized cheerfully.

Nami was not satisfied with this sincere apology, but Tasia was already very satisfied. She stopped Nami who was still trying to reason, and looked proudly in Luffy's direction.

【How about it? Your navigator stood up for me! 】

"Ah? What happened?" Luffy, who was suddenly provoked by his eyes, tilted his head in confusion.


After a brief visit, Garp was about to leave the Capital of Seven Waters. He seemed to have come specifically to see his grandson and his unsatisfactory former subordinates.

Before he got on the boat, Tasia hesitated, then stopped him on her baby, and showed him the experimental records that had been shredded in the past two days.

The experimental record had been soaked in water for a long time, and was wrinkled after drying. Many of the writings required hard work to read clearly. Tasia picked out some key contents, transcribed them, and handed them to Garp.

"Have you heard of this plan D? And this Dr. S."

After looking through the records, Garp rarely thought seriously.

"In the past, the scientists at the headquarters were not led by Vegapunk. When Vegapunk first joined the Navy, many scientists were unconvinced by the huge amount of resources tilted towards him. It was also at that stage that the scientists' creativity and inspiration One after another, the headquarters, which is in urgent need of advanced technology to deal with the great pirate era, has given great support to these ideas, and has also privately allowed many human experiments to be carried out in secret."

He returned the experimental records to Tasia after looking through them, "This Plan D is probably a product of that era."

"Tasia," he sat cross-legged on the ground, "tell me, did you decide to defect because of this incident? Neither you nor I like what the Celestial Dragons did, but we both know what will happen if we take action against the Celestial Dragons. There will be bad consequences, and as far as I know, you are not a person who acts impulsively."

"Alas," he let out a long sigh, "I once had the same expectations for you as Luffy and Ace. You can obviously become very good marines."

"No, I found this on Judiciary Island." Tasia's voice was full of confusion.

"Lieutenant General Garp, do you really know me? I feel that I may not even know myself. When you knew me, I always wanted to become stronger, so strong that no one could defeat me. Maybe I can become a naval hero like you. I want to be a hero, but only for love and honor."

"Later I arrived at G-5 Fortress and met many gentle people," her voice choked up. "They were all so gentle. I barely did anything and gained their wholehearted trust. So I thought, I don’t want to be a hero anymore, I am just like everyone else, being ordinary and stable, and being an ordinary citizen who abides by the law in this world where the strong are respected.”

"Then the Tianlong people came. He trampled on my island at will, bossed around, and even wanted to whip my friend. My mind was blank at the time. What should I do after beating him? Is my method effective? Will he still be able to do it? I didn't think anything about waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. I only remembered that it felt good to twist off the snot-nosed guy's arm, and I felt relieved after seeing the islanders take advantage of the chaos to escape. And, although I was ashamed to admit it, I couldn't beat the male bear at all.

She forced a forced smile, "I'm very scared. I'm afraid of Mr. Xiong's amazing strength, I'm afraid of my own incompetence, and I'm even more afraid that I would actually have this emotion of [fear]."

"I can't remember what happened before the Omeric Islands, but I always remember that I cannot fail, nor am I allowed to feel fear. Failure and fear will make me worthless."

"I said to myself, I can be a navy, a pirate, or an ordinary person, but I cannot be a passive coward. I must be optimistic and stay strong."

"Then I met Luffy and the others. They are a really special group of people. They are more like a team of adventurers than pirates."

"I envy them very much, especially Luffy. He is obviously not as powerful as me, but whether he is facing Aokiji or Rob Lucci, why does he never feel afraid?"

"I soon understood, because I was just a puppet in the hands of a mad scientist. My will, my persistence, and my ideals were all just force-fed into me by a scumbag."

Tears spread on the manuscript with traces of varying shades. The girl suppressed her sobs and continued.

"Perhaps I should also thank Dr. S. Without him, according to my current cowardly behavior, I might live at the bottom of the underworld and be slaughtered by others."

"But I hate him. Even the people at the lowest level know their thoughts clearly. But I don't know, it's like there are two people pulling me. Whenever I am happy to help someone, there is a voice Reminded me that my actions were not intentional; every time someone thanked me, a voice taunted me that the person being thanked was actually the personality created by Dr. S."

"I could suppress that voice in my heart, but I knew full well that I would never know who I really was, and I would never be happy for a long time."

"Teacher Karp," she raised her head and unconsciously used her previous title, "What should I do?"


Tasia could feel the veins on her forehead popping up one after another. After she mustered up the courage to speak her mind, this guy actually fell asleep!

Anger arises from the heart, evil arises from the edge of the courage, and armed color covers her fists. Tasia is ready to give this old instructor who does not listen carefully to a lesson in love.

"Ah~~~" Garp seemed to sense something, lying down on the grass and stretching comfortably.

Tasia, who failed in the sneak attack, had no time to close her fist. After losing her target, she lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Garp stretched himself and stood up. The fallen girl continued to lie on the ground, refusing to let this old bastard see her eyes red from crying.

"I really had a good sleep." He brushed off the grass clippings on his body and turned to look at Tasia's back lying on the grass. "The sea is very vast. I met a lot of people on the sea. There are so many people there." There are bastards who are so unruly that they hand over their wives and posthumous children to the enemy, and there are also old people who are not ashamed to recognize their sons as relatives. Of course, there are more young people like you."

"Anyway, whether it's a navy or a pirate, let's go to the sea and take a look." He also joked casually, "If you're lucky, you might be able to find the onepiece hidden by that bastard Roger?"

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