Another World: My life is on the hook!

Chapter 40 Get married and have a baby

The blood-clothed evil spirit; "(grinding teeth)!"

[Blood Doll]: "Queen, it's up to you! Doll, if you don't mind rushing down, first grab the neck, beat her up, and then cut off her head!"

[Skeleton Demon]: "That's right! Don't give him a chance to open his mouth, just wipe it off with a click, so as to avoid future troubles!"

[Long-haired ghost]: "(o﹏o?), isn't that impolite?"

[People]: "???"

[Long-haired ghost]: "⊙﹏⊙|||Ah, I just said it casually..."

[Queen of Evil Spirits]: "Don't worry, wait for my good news. By this time tomorrow, his head will be placed in the corner of my house, as my daughter's chamber pot!"

After finishing speaking, the blood-clothed evil spirit quickly closed the peeping mirror and squinted his eyes.


Tentacles swelled out of her body one after another. Gritting her teeth, her body instantly dissolved into a pool of scarlet blood, which penetrated into the floor and headed for the first floor.

In an instant.

The candles on the first floor began to flicker.

And on the ceiling, drops of viscous blood fell to the ground one after another.


The sticky blood began to coalesce, and then turned into a blood-clothed evil spirit with a cracked face.

She looked around suddenly.

But apart from her ghost servant who was shivering in the corner, there was no sign of Lynn.

"Where's that kid?" The blood-clothed evil spirit gritted his teeth.

Her gaze fell on her ghost servant in an instant.

The ghost pointed blankly at the wooden door leading to the corridor, and said:

"Master, he said that he got impatient with waiting, so he wanted to find you in person. He just opened the door and went to the backyard..."

"This brat!!"

Gritting his teeth, the blood-clothed evil spirit instantly transformed into a twisted and screaming evil spirit, and rushed towards the door whistling.

All the way to the backyard.

She quickly searched among several houses quickly.

But Lynn was nowhere to be found.

And at the next moment, her eyes suddenly fell on the black shadow that flashed by the window in the attic on the second floor.

Her pupils shrank instantly.

"This guy... he touched my boudoir?!"

The blood-clothed evil spirit immediately went into a rage.

next moment.

With a sudden leap, she jumped to the window in an instant, and opened the window with a whoosh.

Then she instantly saw a scene that made her directly break through the defense.

I saw in the boudoir on the second floor, Lin En was standing in front of the bed at this moment, holding the cute baby who had woken up with staring eyes in his arms, rubbing her little ears, with a (??? `?) .

The blood-clothed evil spirit was startled instantly.

"Release my daughter quickly!!"

With a long howl, the blood-clothed evil spirit was furious, and the tentacles all over his body were like icicles in an instant, surrounding Lin En with a clatter, aiming at him.

Lin En regained consciousness in an instant, and then his eyes fell on the furious woman. He flicked his monocle and smiled:

"Ma'am, this is not the way to treat guests. You said that you would invite me to dinner tonight, but apart from being a little frightened downstairs, I didn't even see your face."

He picked up the baby and sighed:

"It's so chilling."

The blood-clothed evil spirit sneered instantly, and said, "Stop pretending to be kind in front of me, I already know what you did to my daughter, why? You still want to fool me with those words during the day?"

"You are the one who did it to my daughter, yet you still say that it is the embodiment of the truth, kindness and beauty in my heart! I really wish I could tear your mouth apart right now!"

Lynn knows.

Now this kind of thing, you must not go along with her.

Otherwise, even if you have a hundred mouths, you still can't explain clearly.

Lin En adjusted his monocle and said calmly: "Ma'am, I don't care what you know, but I can assure you that I didn't tell you a single lie. If I have any intention of fooling you..."

"Five thunders and bangs!"


A flash of lightning flashed outside the window in an instant, and it directly struck the courtyard.



Lin En wiped his sweat and said, " saw it too, then I don't know why the thunder that struck me didn't strike me, so this is enough to prove the credibility of my words, what do you think?"

The blood-clothed evil spirit sneered.

That expression seems to say, I will just quietly watch you pretend.

At this point, Lin En breathed a sigh of relief, and simply stopped pretending, and the showdown was over.

He sat down on the bed, hugged the cute baby, exhaled, shook his head and said:

"Okay... I admit, I did it, but ma'am, you must understand that I really have no malice at all."

"Besides, when your daughter was just delivered by me, her face collapsed too much. Not only did she have pustules, but she also burst into pulp..."

"And as a doctor with a sense of justice."

Lynn sighed helplessly:

"If I don't correct it, when that pig-headed devil really comes back to claim the ghost baby that came out of his stomach, I can still point to the child with pus all over his face and say, is this your baby?"

"It's too long!"

The blood-clothed evil spirit sneered, and said, "Make it up! Keep making it up! Let's see how long you can make it up!"

[Crisis degree 87%]

[Crisis degree 97%]

Lynn raised his hands in surrender instantly, and said helplessly:

"Well, there are other reasons, and this time it's true."


"First." Lin En closed his eyes, raised a finger, and said, "I'm afraid of death. I'm afraid that when your baby completely collapses, you will kill me first. After all, this is an evil spirit."

The blood-clothed evil spirit sneered, "This excuse seems reasonable."

"Second." Lin En raised his head, closed his eyes and said, "I want to test my hands-on ability and see if I can pinch a good doll that suits my aesthetics, so I will use your baby to brush up my experience."

The blood-clothed evil spirit gritted his teeth and said, "What about the third one?!"

"Third..." Lynn said unnaturally:

"Of course, I also had a little bit of thought that the pig-headed devil might not come to claim it, and wondered if I could make a cute girl, and when I grow up, get married and have a baby or something..."

"Yada~~" That cute baby (?>︶<) in her arms?



The blood-clothed evil spirit froze in place like petrification.

Lin En winked, adjusted his monocle, and said cheerfully:

"Just kidding! How can I, Lynn, have such nasty thoughts? I really just want to pinch a better-looking doll and make it look more seductive, hehehe——"



"Do you think it's funny?" The blood-clothed evil spirit gritted his teeth.

Lynn shook his head, closed his eyes and said, "It's not funny."

The blood-clothed evil spirit was about to be laughed out of anger, and said: "I think it's very funny, why don't I tear your mouth open right now, and let you have a good laugh! What do you think?"

A calm smile appeared on Lynn's face, and said:

"Ma'am, I think it's better for us to sit down and have a good talk. If you really want to kill me, I am indeed not your opponent, but you have to distinguish between serious and serious."

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