Douluo's opening copy Haotian Douluo

Chapter 44 A Song of Ice and Fire

Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena, No. [-] Soul Fighting Platform.

Spider Woman is a rare beast-control soul master.Although her soul ring configuration is average, it is no exaggeration to say that her control power is even stronger than that of a plant control system soul master of the same level.Now the sky above the arena is almost covered by a large white net.

"It's really fancy." Ye Buqun muttered, looking down into the sky.

"Humph! Now is not the time for you to look around!"

At this time, the snake man moved. He controlled his martial soul, the two-headed snake, to rush up. At the same time, the second soul ring suddenly lit up, wrapping around the body of the two-headed snake, spinning rapidly.

"The second soul skill: Fire Blast!"

The snake man gave a soft drink, and the two snakes spit out blazing fire from their mouths and rushed towards Ye Dou.

"Not a group!"

"Leave me alone, just protect yourself."

Doudou flapped his wings and rose into the low altitude, still worried about his partner underground, but Ye Buqun stood still and did not move. He just raised his right arm, and a very simple mirror appeared in the palm of his right hand.

The hot flames immediately hit the mirror. Strangely, the flames actually bounced back and shot back towards the snake man.

The snake man didn't expect that such a situation would happen. He was forced to take several steps back and quickly controlled the two-headed snake to open its bloody mouth and suck back the flames.

The snake man was a little surprised: This guy is a bit evil.

As everyone knows, this is the derivative soul skill of Ye Buqun's mirror beast, mirror reflection, which can reflect elemental attacks and physical attacks whose soul power is lower than his own.

When the two faced off on the ground, there was also a fierce battle above the arena.

"Hahaha! Xiaonizi, you are really unlucky. To tell you the truth, sister, the thing I am least afraid of is the flying soul master."

Looking at Doudou rising into the low altitude, Spider Woman smiled evilly, because a large white spider web had already covered the sky.

As everyone knows, spider webs are specially designed to stick to flying creatures, let alone spider webs created by soul masters?If Doudou is stuck, it will be a real self-inflicted trap.

But things seem to be far less simple than people think.

When Doudou flew up, the spider web enveloped her, so the first two yellow soul rings on Doudou's body became brighter.

"The first soul skill: acceleration!"

"The second soul skill: sharp angle change!"

After using the first two soul skills, Doudou's flying speed became faster, and even changing angles became fast and smooth. The big net that was closed could not catch her for a while.

However, wherever Doudou flew, the spider web quickly closed in. Doudou had no means of attack, so he could only parry and had no power to fight back.If this continues, he will be captured by Spider-Woman sooner or later.

"Xiao Nizi, don't hide from me. If you make me angry, I will catch you later and you will feel better!" Watching Doudou dodge back and forth, Spider Woman finally became angry and threatened.

At this time, Doudou didn't seem to be retreating at all. The reason why she was fighting Spider-Woman was to contain the enemy and relieve Ye Buqun's pressure.The most important thing is that she has to prove that she is useful and not just a dragster in the competition, especially to prove this to Ye Buqun.

The stickiness of the spider web should be very high, and Doudou's body cannot touch it. Doudou also knows this very well.And her behavior of flying back and forth to dodge finally completely angered her opponent, and Spider-Woman released more threads to encircle and suppress them.

The spider web is getting bigger and denser, and is about to wrap up Doudou.At this time, Doudou's third soul ring finally lit up, with a dazzling purple light.

"The third soul skill·Wings of Frost!"

At this time, the wings behind Doudou were shrouded in cold air and quickly condensed into a pair of translucent ice wings. The spider web was already in front of his eyes, and the wings wrapped in cold air quickly passed by.

In an instant, where the frost wings passed by, the spider web froze inch by inch, and the freezing speed became faster and faster. The entire spider web actually turned into a frozen web!

Her third soul ring, the Ice Winged Snake, has two attributes: ice and flying. This is very suitable for the flying soul master itself. With the attack ability of the ice attribute, it is even more powerful.

what? !

As soon as Doudou performed this skill, the audience was once again plunged into discussion.

Because [Ye Dou Combination], the pair that represents the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, Ye Buqun has always been the main attacker, while Dou Dou only carries out some innocuous harassment. When such an excellent thousand-year soul skill came out, I was still a little shocked. The next group of people.

The ice froze faster than people imagined. After the entire spider web was frozen, most of Spider Woman's body was also frozen, making it impossible to use soul skills.

Spider Woman's four soul rings are white, yellow, yellow, and purple. The configuration of the soul rings is poor. Although she is a soul sect, her soul power is not very high. Moreover, when she saw Doudou, a mere soul master who was a whole level below her, she felt heartbroken. It is even more underestimating the enemy.She wanted to use her third soul skill, Spider Web Control (hundred years), to defeat her opponent, but she never expected that his third soul skill, the thousand-year soul skill, was not a vegetarian.Even Spider-Woman's fourth most powerful soul skill (Thousand Years) was defeated by her opponent before she could use it.

As the saying goes: The winner is arrogant, the arrogant person underestimates the enemy, and defeat is already in it.

But the difference is that this situation does not exist for Ye Buqun on the ground.

He was even more arrogant than Spider-Woman, and he easily defused Snake Man's flame attacks many times without taking his opponent seriously at all.

Especially after seeing his partner Spider-Woman frozen, Snake Man became even more angry. His fourth purple soul ring also shone and flowed, and the aura of fire became even more intense.

"The fourth soul skill: Possession by two snakes!"

With a soft drink, the shadow of the two-headed fire snake behind him grew larger, and then the shadow turned into a stream of light and injected into his body.Then the snake man's hands turned into the two snake heads of the fire snake, which looked a bit bluffing.

"You two, just die for me!"

The snake man shouted again, crossed his arms and rushed forward, then spurted even more dazzling fire from the snake's mouth.

That should be called a small pillar of fire.


After Doudou defeated Spider-Woman, he quickly came to support the land arena.Seeing the pillar of fire rushing towards Ye Buqun, Doudou flapped his wings at high speed, blowing up a biting wind. The wind was mixed with ice, rain and snow, and a wall of ice quickly condensed under Ye Buqun's feet.

The ice wall was not too thick. The fire pillar hit the ice wall and quickly turned it into water vapor. The fire pillar was also partially offset and turned into sparks floating in the air.Ye Buqun made another casual stroke, and a sword energy immediately disintegrated the remaining fire pillar and disappeared into thin air——

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