Promote the Marvel universe with the fantasy of the heavens

Chapter 145 Hero Fudge and Shut Up, Old Maniac

Many people, like Lucius, have children studying at Hogwarts. They then take the opportunity to communicate with their children and inquire about the inside story. Although they also understand that they are unlikely to get any valuable information from the students, they still It does not prevent them from taking chances.

After all, if you know the inside story earlier, you can think of strategies that are beneficial to your side earlier, because everything that happened today is full of weirdness if you think about it carefully.

This was the case for the Malfoy father and son who were talking to the side.

"So, you don't know anything about the inside story of Mr. Carter's press conference?"

Although he did a lot of work for Hughes, Hughes did not reveal any details about the press conference to Lucius. Therefore, he also took a chance to see if he could get some inside information from his son in advance.

"Everything happened too fast. From the day before yesterday when he asked me to write a letter to inform you, to leaving the school early yesterday morning and coming back on a dragon in the afternoon, the school then drove all the students back to the lounge because of the alarm. , we don’t even know if he went back to his dormitory to rest at night.”

Facing his father's questioning and his disappointed expression after getting the result, Draco felt that he was wronged and it was not that he was useless. As he said himself, there must be some unknown incident, but Hughes did not tell them. Anyone can tell the Lighthouse Society!

Lucius was not discouraged when he did not get any more information from his son. Compared with the other people who arrived this morning, he was already considered an insider and "one of his own". When he thought of this, Lucius felt that he should not be too greedy.

Moreover, the press conference is about to begin, so even if you are really curious, the answer will be revealed soon.

On second thought, Lucius remembered his cooperation with Hughes and the conditions that Hughes agreed to. He asked curiously: "Speaking of which, what is it about your student group that attracts you so deeply?"

When he said this, Draco thought for a while, but he hesitated to speak. He was not sure what his status was in Hughes' mind now. If he risked violating the rules of the society and told his father the inside story of inheriting magic, would he You will not be expelled for violating club rules.

Seeing his son's closed lips, Lucius thought to himself that his son had really changed and become more independent.

He understood that just as Hughes said that day, Draco must have hesitated because of confidentiality, but when he questioned his son alone, he actually began to think about his actions and consequences. He had to say that Draco had made progress.

Although he still couldn't tell how far he had grown, at least his son knew how to think and had some signs of independence, which he felt very gratified about.

"Do not worry!"

"I have decided that the Malfoy family will 'join Mr. Carter's camp' in the future, and he also promised to give you an opportunity. But I don't know what this opportunity is, and I am worried that the deal is unfair, so I came to ask you if your club has What?"

Only then did Draco understand why his father kept asking, but what really excited him was the "equal opportunities" his father mentioned.

Draco looked overjoyed and confirmed to his old father: "Really? Is what you said true? President Hughes really said that?"

Lucius couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw that his son didn't care whether his decision was really beneficial to the development of the family, but was so excited about getting the opportunity to be treated equally in the student club.

Growth is growth, but is a broken student club more important than family?

"If your mother sees you like this, she will definitely be heartbroken. The son who has finally been raised to be fair and fat actually longs to be someone else's little brother..."

Draco had no intention of taking care of his old father's weird emotions. He couldn't even listen to what Lucius said. At this moment, he had already fallen into ecstasy and started to fantasize.

"Alchemy Notes, I'm going to get the Alchemy Notes. Which school of thought should I choose?"

Draco muttered words that Lucius couldn't understand. The latter was curious, wasn't the alchemy notebook a product that Ollivander helped Lucius sell on consignment.

He also had a cursory understanding of the alchemy notebooks and quiz games invented by Hughes. As an adult, he naturally understood how useful the alchemy notebooks were for a student. At first, he bought one for Draco, who was not yet in school. Unfortunately, Draco didn't pay attention to it at first, why is he talking about it now?

But Draco obviously wouldn't tell him more, and Lucius could also see that Lucius didn't lie to him. There was really some kind of benefit, which made his son so excited.

"Forget it, since you don't want to reveal the secrets of your society, I won't ask any more questions... I hope the decision I make will really help you."

Once the bow is fired, there is no turning back. Lucius hopes that whatever happens later, it is best to do what Lucius said. The press conference will change the future of the wizarding world.

Lucius then started to care about his son's campus life word by word. There was no planning, no exploring, just simple care.

In addition to these guests who were parents, other guests such as Fudge, Umbridge, the newspaper editor, etc. were not idle either. They all gathered and sat at the VIP table conjured by McGonagall to communicate.

It's not like attending an unknown press conference at all, but rather like attending a cocktail party.

However, the curiosity in each other's eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and they can't even hide it. Although they are talking to each other face to face, their eyes are not honest, and they are looking towards the entrance of the castle. When will the protagonist appear?

He seemed out of place amidst the excitement and noise of other ignorant students.

Of course, in addition to these adults and the worried professors, Harry was also out of place. As the time approached ten o'clock, the annoyance in his heart gradually escalated into palpitations. He felt that this palpitations did not come from himself; Unlike myself, I am not myself...

On the other side, Snape led the guests attending the press conference to the grass, handed them over to McGonagall and others, and then returned to the castle.

If Fudge and others hadn't gone straight to the castle, he would have been with Dumbledore and Hughes at the moment, and in the end, he would have pushed Voldemort and Quirrell to the press conference.

Snape came back and the Philosopher's Stone sank into the bottom. Dumbledore and Hughes were personally guarding Voldemort and studying the sleeping Quirrell.

Voldemort already knew that he was about to be tried in public. After begging for mercy to no avail, he cursed several people for a long time until his soul felt thirsty. Only then did he die in despair under the neglect of Hughes.

Voldemort was not afraid of death because he believed he had already defeated it.

But what Hughes and others did was undoubtedly humiliating a strong man, so his hatred for Hughes far exceeded the frustration caused by the failure of the plan.

He believed that he had hidden the Horcruxes very secretly, and it was impossible for Hughes and others to know that he had created many Horcruxes. He secretly said that he still had a chance to make a comeback, so he decided to admit the failure of his return plan. In order to avoid being noticed, he decided to remain silent.

Hearing Snape's footsteps, Hughes and Dumbledore both turned to look at him.

"How about it?"

Hughes asked.

"Everyone is almost here, and it's time..."

Perhaps thinking of Voldemort's ending and his own past, Snape felt very complicated, and his expression became dull again, as if he didn't have much emotion.

Hughes and Dumbledore looked at each other.

"Since the guests are so enthusiastic, we can't leave others out."

Because Quirrell's body is the carrier of Voldemort's remnant soul, Hughes took both souls away.

Mirror dimension, one of the benefits of this magic is that no matter how you move in the mirror space, you can synchronize with the real world when you enter or exit.

Therefore, when the three people suddenly appeared on the grass outside the castle from the mirror space, it caused quite a stir.


Everyone was stunned by the sudden appearance of the three Hughes.

Although his mind was confused, his body was still honest. Seeing that the hosts were in place, everyone took their seats and prepared for the start of the press conference.

"That's not right!"

Then someone with a quick mind figured out something was wrong.

They remembered that Hogwarts was forbidden to fly, which was like an iron law.

After all, wizards are too mobile when fighting. Therefore, in order to protect the castle from being attacked by evil wizards, the four founding giants added a ban on the use of Apparition in the Hogwarts protection magic in that era thousands of years ago.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the castle's protective magic has been lost. Even if the times have changed, future generations will not be able to change this restriction.

At this time someone made a guess.

"Did that student named Carter invent a teleportation spell that can break through restrictions? So, is Hogwarts holding a press conference for him?"


"Yes, I know this student. Although he is only in the third grade, he has published many academic papers before. He is very imaginative and has pushed magic to new heights in some aspects. Some professors even said that he His academics have long exceeded graduation level.”

This guess was instantly recognized by some people, and then the guess spread like an infectious disease in an instant, and everyone started talking among themselves.

Such an interesting conjecture was nodded and approved by the representatives of the Wizengamot, and they also discussed it with the representatives of the Sir Merlin Order who came with them.

"Dumbledore has really cultivated a good seedling!"

"Indeed, although we have awarded medals that should not be awarded to a wrong person before, we should not make any mistakes again this time."

There was no need for the newspaper editor to explain, the leading reporters accompanying him had already picked up their cameras and took pictures of the three people walking towards them, and their automatic quills were swishing to record.

Seeing how sharp their subordinates were, the editors praised them one after another: "Well done, as expected of the reporters I brought out. Did you take pictures of them all?"

But these reporters had no time to respond to the leader's praise. Instead, as excellent reporters, they immediately cursed Dumbledore.

"Damn old madman, couldn't you have informed me in advance? The scenes that flashed before were not filmed."

"It's obviously the headline news, but it misses the best part."

"You are right. When it comes to teaching and educating people and magic, I would like to call him No. 1 in the wizarding world. But when it comes to doing news, even Dumbledore is not as good as my little finger."


Seeing Shafiq’s traitor and the alliance’s nemesis, Carter kid, turn out to be so popular, and the brief introduction of this move proves that his strength has become more sophisticated, and the success rate of the alliance to seek revenge from him in the future will also decrease. The pure-blood alliance is just a delusion. He was so disgusted and angry that his teeth itched.

If there was magic to kill with eyes, the Carlo brothers and sisters would probably kill Hughes standing on the podium on the spot.

Only Lucius showed disdain for Want, "Guess? I think you are just imagining it. It's just pure imagination!"

After all, he is a more or less sensible person. When everyone else was discussing in a self-righteous manner, he was the only one who thought to himself: "Let's see how you feel when the sky breaks."

Ollivander on the side still maintained a calm expression, as if everything had nothing to do with him, and such a significant appearance could not arouse his interest at all.

Maybe others were discussing students and new magic, but in Umbridge's eyes, if the students were outstanding, Dumbledore, as the principal, would be more influential.

As one of the Ministry's Senior Under-Secretaries of Magic, Umbridge was more concerned than Fudge about Dumbledore's influence in the wizarding world.

"Minister, what should we do now? Do you want to organize a press conference? I'm afraid that after tomorrow, Dumbledore's prestige will be even greater. The damn brat always contributes to Dumbledore's reputation."

But Fudge didn't become angry or panicked as she thought, or stand up and announce the end of the press conference.

Although Fudge thought so at the beginning, Fudge accidentally glanced at Lucius's disdainful expression and Ollivander's calm face. Fudge thought that the truth of the matter might not be the case.

Who are Lucius and Ollivander?

They are the lobbyists who invited them on behalf of others, so they must know some inside information about the press conference.

So Fudge shouted to Umbridge: "Why are you panicking? Just watch!"

He was upset with the short, ugly, stupid woman next to him who was more interested in power than he was. With such magnanimity, she still longed for greater power?

It’s just a joke, don’t dream if you don’t have the ability.

With such a level, how did he support her to become a senior deputy minister in the first place?

Maybe the reason why I haven't been able to eliminate the internal factional struggles in the Ministry of Magic all these years is because of these pig teammates.

The students behind him were at a loss.

"Did you hear what was said before?"

"I still think it's Carter or something... some magic or something."

"If you don't want the ears, you can cut them off."

"Agree! Adults, what is clearly said is that Carter invented a new teleportation magic that can break through the ultimate protective magic of Hogwarts."


Because he was sitting too far back, Ron's whole head almost reached the front row, and it took him a long time to hear clearly what was being said in front of him.

After inquiring about the topic, he wanted to go back and discuss it with Harry, but he saw Harry holding his head in pain and screaming in agony.

"Harry, Harry, what's wrong with you?"

But the pain seemed to come from his mind, and no matter how hard Harry clutched his scalp, he couldn't stop the feeling.

At the same time, the throbbing in his heart was also infinitely amplified, and it was filled with annoyance, anger, madness... emotions, which were complex and caused physical and mental confusion.

Seeing that Harry was in more and more pain and had no response to his calls, Ron felt that it was impossible to rescue him without calling.

He ignored the rule that the professors had repeatedly emphasized before, no matter what happened today, he should not panic.

"Professor, professor, come here! Something's wrong with Harry..."

How could Professor McGonagall, who had been paying attention to Harry, not notice something strange about Harry? She recalled Dumbledore's explanation to them, and knew that Harry was in such pain at the moment because the soul fragment in his body was cruelly close to Voldemort. .

Facing the noisy Ron, Professor McGonagall seemed to be a different person.

"Stop arguing, Mr. Veles..."

Suffering from her bad mood, she frowned and said, "Mr. Potter will get better soon. You don't need to yell, as it will affect the press conference."

"And have you forgotten the rules I emphasized before? Please pay attention to today's press conference."

When the classmates around Ron saw Harry in such pain, their dean didn't even come over to take a look. Instead, he scolded Ron with a gloomy expression.

Now they all realized the seriousness of the matter. They all looked ahead and turned into good babies. Where was the naughty energy from before?

Other grades and other colleges followed the same example. The square of students passed from one to ten, and from ten to one hundred, with their backs straight.


Snape and Hughes stood on the outside of the podium, and Dumbledore took the stage first to speak.

"Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to all of you to take time out of your busy schedule to attend this press conference."

"Due to time constraints, we had to send invitations to everyone overnight yesterday. Therefore, before the press conference officially begins, I would like to apologize to everyone on behalf of Hogwarts."

"It's the New Year, and we are pregnant with..."

Hughes shook his head slightly and said in his heart: Haha, different worlds, still the same principal.

Seeing McGonagall waving in the audience, Dumbledore was so embarrassed that he had to end the opening session.

“That’s all about the polite words, let’s get to the topic quickly!”

"For a long time, our world has been sick... He and his followers created fear and killing... At that time, countless people with lofty ideals stood up to fight against this evil force. We even launched a campaign in the wizarding world The Wizarding War..."

With Dumbledore's introduction, the guests still recalled that past event, and at the same time their faces became colorful, as did some students, and some even wet their pants in fear.

"Whether you are an adult or a student, you must have heard of the mastermind and culprit of that catastrophe. He is Tom Riddle..."

"Oh, I forgot, he is so vain that he doesn't like this name that represents mixed race and a bad past. Others call him 'Mysterious Man', 'Unnameable Man', 'Voldemort'..."

Before, Fudge was still praying. He must have been under an illusion. Everything today was a dream, or Dumbledore had finally become so stupid that he dared to say anything.

The more he listened, the more afraid he became, not only of the lingering old shadow, but also of the old fool Dumbledore causing a new round of chaos in the wizarding world.

Although I don’t know why all this is?

But it does not prevent him from exercising the privileges of the Minister of Magic. He wants to become a hero and protect his people.

So, under Umbridge, oh no, under the pleading eyes of most people, Fudge stood up bravely.

"Shut up, you old madman, I ordered you to shut up, did you hear that~"

Fudge used all his strength and let out four roars in one breath. His momentum could be described as rising.

Hughes, who was waiting behind the podium to come on stage, let out a cry of joy when he saw this.

Said to Snape: "My worst fear has happened."

The holy stone magic ring in his right hand shimmered, he pinched out his sword fingers and drew circles in the air.

First, a magic circle appeared out of thin air, and then turned into a golden magic vortex. Finally, sparks flew and a space gate was formed.

A team wearing Muggle equipment appeared on the screen.

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