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As Zhou Wenwen spoke, cooperation, defense, and offense appeared in sequence on the epoch-making 2k large-screen display produced by Hunter, rolling in the form of ppt.

"Cooperation means that countries around the world put aside their mutual prejudices, hatred, and class equality, so that both sides can chat and cooperate with each other on this basis."

"Rather than sharing resources, interfering in each other's internal affairs, and pitting parties in various countries against each other."

“Instead of sharing resources, interfering with others, and opposing parties in different countries”

"So, on this basis, and on the premise of the previous words, I set up a big plan, divided into 12 stages."

"So, on this basis, on the premise of the previous words, isetupabigplan, whichisdividedinto12stages."


"In order to complete the first phase of the mission, I proposed three more plans to meet the launch of the first phase of the mission."

"Pour mener à bien lap première phase, jaipré sent étrois plan supplémentaire spour permettre démarraged ela première phase."


"Everyone, please look at the display."

Following Zhou Wenwen's words, six large characters appeared on the epoch-making 2k large-screen display produced by Hunter. These six characters were "Economic Logistics Food".

As the six big characters appeared, everyone present was surprised and started discussing. Zhou Wenwen did not yell at them to stop, but continued to read.

Because Zhou Wenwen understands that it is often unwise for a speaker or host to yell at the audience to stop at this time, and it will also lead to failure of the speech or hosting.


“eyisthecreation, aneicactivityistheactivityofcreating, transformingandrealizingvaluetometheneedsofhumanmaterialandculturallife.”

Chapter 132 Preview Economy

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