Douluo's Sword Qi Zongheng

Chapter 021 Flanders’ Lesson 2

The person teaching them today is still Dean Flanders. .biquge The eight people in Dugufan waited for a full quarter of an hour before the dean, Shi Shiran, came over. Flender's eyes fell on Ning Rongrong first, but he didn't say anything to Ning Rongrong, "Today is the second lesson. Where is Oscar? Is he sleeping in again?"

Dugufan said, "He was still practicing when we came out in the morning. Maybe he fell into trance and failed to wake up in time."

Flanders frowned, "Today's class cannot be attended without him. Dugufan, go and call him."

Just as Dugufan was about to go back to the dormitory, he saw Oscar running over from the direction of the dormitory. However, his face was not filled with panic about being late, but was filled with excitement.

"Oscar, do you want to run laps again?" Dean Flender glared at him.

Oscar shook his head hastily, "No, Dean, please listen to my explanation. I have made a breakthrough, and I have reached level ."

"What?" Not only Flender, everyone cast surprised glances at Oscar at the same time, including Ning Rongrong.

Oscar is one year younger than Dai Mubai. He is only fourteen years old. He reached level in soul power at the age of fourteen. This is already a quite terrifying number. More importantly, Oscar is food. It is a martial spirit and is the most difficult type of martial spirit to cultivate. In a sense, his level is much more difficult than the level of a fighting spirit master. And every time a food-type soul master's strength increases by one stage, his role in food assistance will be greatly enhanced.

Flanders's eyes brightened visibly, "Okay, okay, okay, Oscar, you did not disappoint me. Ma Hongjun reached level 30 by some chance last night. You are the fourth among the current students to reach level ." Yes. On behalf of the college, I congratulate you."

Before Flanders finished speaking, Yang Xue's voice came out, "Dean, I actually reached level 30 the night before yesterday, but I just never had the chance to explain it." After saying that, he stood back in the team embarrassedly.

Flanders was stunned and laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, all good. Now three of us have reached level . Congratulations." Everyone also stepped forward to congratulate the three of them.

And when Ma Hongjun stepped forward to congratulate Oscar, Oscar was stunned. After everyone's explanation, Oscar also congratulated Ma Hongjun, and everyone was chatting and laughing.

"Okay. Today's class starts now." Flender's voice pulled everyone back from the congratulations to Xiao Ao.

"Today's lesson is very simple. Oscar, you are the protagonist today. Today's lesson is that, except for Oscar, each of you must eat at least one of the two types of sausage produced by Oscar's soul power."

"What?" Xiao Wu exclaimed when she heard Flender's words. "Dean, what class is this called?"

Flanders said grandly, "This is called adaptive training. Let me ask you, is life or face more important? When you can only choose one of the two, which one will you choose? Although Oscar's soul curse is a bit obscene, but I As I said yesterday, he is a food-type soul master with innate soul power and extremely talented. The martial soul sausages he made are the best food-type martial souls I have ever seen. During his time in the academy, he was your As a member of the team, you will experience together. If you cannot reach a tacit understanding with him, you will waste your best support partner."

"At the same time, this is also a training for your mentality. If you can't even do this, how will you survive in the soul master world in the future? In order to survive, you must do whatever it takes. Let alone eating a sausage, when your life is in danger, Even rats, cockroaches, and earthworms will be eaten.”

After hearing Flanders' last words, the faces of the four girls present turned pale at the same time, obviously looking ugly. Even if Yang Xue knew the original plot, she still couldn't accept it calmly, especially Ning Rongrong, who was already vomiting.

"This lesson is what each of you must do. Otherwise, there is no need to stay. Don't question my decision. On the first day each of you came here, someone told you, Shi Lake Academy breeds monsters. Oscar, here we go.”

Flanders stood there with a cold face, showing a selfless look. He told the students in front of him with his expression that no one could get away with it. Oscar was already smiling in his heart at this time, his eyes clearly showed a lewd light, and he took special care of Ning Rongrong.

If possible, at this moment he really wanted to go up and hug Flender and kiss him a few times, thinking to himself, Dean, I love you so much.By doing this, Flender not only made everyone have a sense of identity with him, but it was also a kind of extreme psychological satisfaction for Oscar himself.

Oscar stretched out his two hands at the same time, smiled, and recited his soul spell. "I have a big sausage." "I have a small sausage." Two sausages with completely different flavors appeared in Oscar's palm. He smiled and said, "Who comes first?"

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had both taken similar courses before. Although they were somewhat shadowed, they could still endure it. Just when they were about to step forward and finish today's course with less pain than short-term pain, one person snatched it away. First.

"I'll do it." With a clear voice, Ning Rongrong strode up to Oscar, stretched out his hands, and picked up his big sausage and small sausage respectively. No one expected that Ning Rongrong would come out first. The steps Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were about to take also stopped. They all wanted to see if Ning Rongrong would eat the sausage transformed by Oscar's martial spirit.

Ning Rongrong's expression was very calm, but her eyes full of reluctance betrayed her heart. She was still just a little girl after all, so how could she completely cover up her emotions? She didn't sleep all night last night, thinking about what Du Gufan said. She felt that she did something wrong yesterday, but after class today, three people reached level 30, which immediately stimulated her, so now she is anxious prove yourself.

Ning Rongrong picked up the big sausage and bit into it fiercely. It looked really vicious. Looking at her expression, Oscar clearly felt that a certain part of his body was numb, and he subconsciously took a step back.

Ning Rongrong ate Oscar's big sausage and small sausage in two mouthfuls.

At the beginning, she still held the idea of ​​seeing death as home, but after she actually tasted the sausage and sausage, she discovered that the taste of these two food spirits released by Oscar was actually very good.

Especially the big sausage, immediately after entering the stomach, it became a hot current all over the body. She didn't sleep all night, and she was already very tired, and she obviously felt refreshed, and her body seemed to be full of strength.

Dean Flender is right, this guy's food-based martial arts spirit is indeed outstanding. Born in the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong, a food-type martial spirit, has naturally seen and eaten it. But none of the food-based spirits she had eaten before had an effect as fast as Oscar's big sausage. Even a food-type soul master over forty levels cannot do this. This is entirely a matter of martial soul talent.

Then Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun also ate Oscar's sausages, and the fourth one was Dugu Fan. He ate the sausages without any hesitation at all, and then felt the amplifying effect the sausages gave him.

After Dugufan ate the sausage, he took one of Oscar's sausages again, handed it to Yang Xue, and said, "Xue'er, you eat it first. For your teammates, the auxiliary department is the backing of the team. For the auxiliary department, We must choose unconditional trust. If we don’t even have the courage to eat his food, what’s the point of having a food-based auxiliary soul master?”

After listening to Du Gufan's words, everyone else fell into deep thought. Yes, for a team's food support, if teammates dare not eat his food, what role does this support play in the entire team?

After everyone listened to Du Gufan's words, they all started to eat Oscar's sausages and sausages. After eating, they were full of confidence in Oscar's martial arts. The amplification effect was indeed extraordinary.

Among the crowd, Oscar's eyes also changed when he looked at Dugu Fan. He looked at Dugu Fan's figure and felt a little moved in his heart. For Oscar, it was a shame that his Wuhun Sausage could not be recognized by his friends. Regarding the matter of face, after what Du Gufan said, he faintly felt his presence as a member of this group.

Seeing that everyone had eaten Oscar's sausage, Flanders nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, all of you have passed today's class. You must remember that when you are together in the future, Oscar will be yours." The most important thing is to provide logistical supplies, forget those meaningless soul spells, save your life, make yourself stronger, exert your full strength, and even perform beyond your level. Now, each of you go back and prepare. What will you do one day? Time adjustment and rest, tomorrow morning, everyone will set off. Teacher Zhao Wuji will lead you to the Star Dou Forest to help Yang Xue and others obtain their third soul ring. This is not only a matter for the three of them, but also for all of you. Experience shows that before encountering the Thousand-Year Soul Beast, Teacher Zhao will not take action easily. Everything depends on you. Okay, let’s disband now.”

Everyone returned to their dormitories. Although they were all considered geniuses of the younger generation, everyone including Ning Rongrong, the proud daughter of heaven, knew how important cultivation was to them. If you want to become strong, in addition to one percent talent, you also need ninety-nine percent hard work. Although the one percent is more important, how can the ninety-nine percent be saved?


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