The broken phone line was broken.

Calling the police was impossible - the phone line was cut.

There were obvious signs of human intervention, not the aging of the line.

As soon as Huiyuan Ai saw the broken phone line, she knew that something bad had happened today.

"Doctor, don't act alone anymore. It's dangerous."

She stared out the window cautiously, but her attention was on the ends of the corridors. "There may be someone hidden in this castle who has never appeared before."

Dr. Agasa also became nervous and asked subconsciously, "What should we do now?"

Graybara sighed, "Now we can only look for Edogawa first, and we will organize another search after dinner."

"If someone is willing to help, it means that not everyone is a bad person."

"If no one helps..."

There is no need to go into the details of the rest.

Running away directly should be the safest way in that situation.

It is impossible to fight those adults with only a child's body.

And even if she is in her original body now, she has no fighting ability. She can shoot, but she can only pull hair and kick the crotch in the most basic way. Other fighting methods are a bit beyond her scope.

As for whether to directly tell others about the cut off of the telephone depends on whether anyone expresses the willingness to search and rescue.

If everyone here is a villain, showing the intention to contact the outside world now will only make these guys tear off their disguises immediately, and there will be no room for easing the situation.

With a general plan, Huiyuan Ai took Dr. Agasa back to the restaurant again.

When they pushed open the door, they found that the people in the room were planning to go out together to find Conan.

Huiyuan Ai quickly analyzed the expressions on everyone's faces, and while feeling relieved, she also informed everyone that the phone line was cut off, and then continued to observe everyone's expressions.

"Strange, why don't these people seem to be villains...?"

Huiyuan Ai made a rough judgment, but couldn't find anyone with a strange expression.

"Could it be that the person lurking in the dark has nothing to do with them?"

Before he could think about it any more, the owner of the castle, Renmiya Man, immediately summoned everyone to go out and look for Conan.

They suspected that Conan had run to the forbidden "Burning Tower" of the castle. That place was very evil, and they had to find him quickly.

The actions of the group deepened Ai Huihara's trust again.

Perhaps these people had their own ulterior motives because of the so-called treasure, but they had no intention of killing anyone.

This would make the situation much better.

The rain that began to fall in the evening was getting heavier, and the voices calling Conan were getting farther and farther.

Everyone inside the "Burning Tower" tacitly avoided it. No one was willing to go in, and the lock of the tower door was still hanging well, and it didn't look like anyone had been in.

Seeing that there was still no response, everyone had to give up temporarily and plan to wait until the rain stopped tomorrow to look for it again.

It's just one night, and they won't starve to death.

It will definitely be more efficient to start a large-scale search after contacting the police.

It can only be said that after leaving the Maori father and daughter, Hattori Heiji and others, Conan's safety is no longer 100% concerned and valued.

Little Lolita cried online.

Ai Huihara didn't remember that she had a strong liking for any boy in Ayumi's grade, but she still understood Ayumi's feelings.

After thinking for a while, she walked to Ayumi and comforted her: "Don't cry, don't worry, Edogawa is not the kind of boy who doesn't need you to worry about him."

"Even if there is any danger, he will find a way out by himself."

It should be said that this guy's vitality is really tenacious. The 100% mortality rate of APTX-4869 has been reduced to 99.99% because of his existence.

"Look at myself in this way, it's actually the same."

Huihara Ai suddenly thought of herself, smiled and shook her head while whispering in her heart, "I will definitely find my own way out, embrace life for my sister, and embrace the future for my past self."

But her little movements and expressions have different meanings in Ayumi's eyes.

Ayumi bit her lip, "Huihara, why do you know Conan so well? Could it be that... you like Conan, right?"

Huihara Ai frowned instinctively, "Huh?"

She sighed heavily, "Edogawa and I are just simple friends, and I don't have any special

Understand what kind of person he is, and don't attribute everything to love, okay. "

"And..." She slowly raised her eyes to look at the rain curtain on the forest canopy, and then looked through the rain curtain into the distance, saying playfully, "The guy who makes my heart beat is someone else. ”

Speaking of which, she couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

She had clearly said before that as long as Dong Ye Ning asked again, she would immediately agree to be his child, and she kept her word.

But Dong Ye Ning actually asked again yesterday.

So she simply slapped herself in the face twice.

Let you set flags randomly!

Meeting a guy like Dong Ye Ning who seems shy but is sometimes reckless, the slap in the face comes so unexpectedly.

Although Huiyuan Ai doesn’t want to continue to set new flags, she has indeed made a choice now.

When she returns this time, she will agree to Dong Ye Ning.

On the one hand, it is to prevent Conan, the arrogant little devil, from being accidentally exposed and she will be wiped out by the organization. On the other hand, there are some bugs in her identity.

It is a bit too special to be a child of two distant relatives at the same time, and it is not checked because she is I appeared at Tono Ning's house first, so it is most reasonable to maintain my original identity.

"And... and I have already promised that stupid policeman..."

Of course, if you can't solve my identity problem, then don't blame me~

Maybe it's partiality, or it may be evasion, or the initial mentality of not wanting to bring trouble to Tono Ning... In short, Huiyuan Ai's complex girlish heart holds this expectation.

Expect Tono Ning to give up the idea of ​​adopting her because he can't solve the identity problem.

This is the least stressful and most happy situation.

Stupid stupid stupid, how can you, a small patrol chief, circumvent the law to adopt me?

The conspiracy is about to come true~ You guys just stay away from danger~!

Even if it's just a little bit away...


Metropolitan Police Department.

"Ah~~ sneeze! "

Dong Ye Ning, who was working overtime, finally released the discomfort in his nose after a long time of preparation.

The recoil of this blow was comparable to that of a Barrett, and he and his chair were thrown back several centimeters.

"Strange, which bastard is scolding me? You really can't stand others doing well, right? Now you are still muttering about me behind my back even when you are handling such a big case."

"Wait, when you sneeze, is it because someone is thinking about you or scolding you?"

Dong Ye Ning said "hmm" for a long time, and slapped his forehead, "Who cares? I take back what I said just now. As long as you sneeze, it means someone is thinking about me!"

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