There was a monster that looked like a wheel burning with flames, similar to the legendary wheel monster, chasing a group of ordinary people into an alley in front of them. If they were left alone, those people would almost certainly die.

Seeing this scene, Kato Sheng stepped over without hesitation.

"We are going to help those people, let's go, Suzuki!"

"Wait, Kato-kun!" Suzuki, who has always been a good guy, stopped Kato this time and persuaded him: "We have limited time and should not take any unnecessary risks."

"Suzuki, how can you!" Kato hurriedly bypassed Suzuki and wanted to go up by himself.

However, another person stood in front of him again.

"Stop! Do you think you are strong enough to protect others?" Lan Guanghong pushed him back: "Go kill the final BOSS with your teammates, this is what you should do now!"

Kato was pushed to the ground and staggered, and wanted to refute: "But..."

"No buts." Lan Guanghong shook his hand and turned around, his footsteps gradually moving away.

"Leave it to me, I have plenty of time."

Tokyo Team: ...

Xi Zhang is about to cry.

You can leave if you want, can you give me back my gun? That's my only weapon!

However, Lan Guanghong couldn't hear Xi Zhang's inner prayers. Of course, even if he heard it, he couldn't give it back to him now.

Rather than letting that little devil hold the gun until the boss shows up, it's better to let him kill a few monsters with it.


"I can't shoot."

Lan Guanghong put away the gun in frustration, and raised his fist to the monsters who were stopped: "There's no other way, I can only use this!"

"...Rider Punch!"

It didn't take long for Lan Guanghong to successfully kill these monsters with a knight punch in the physical state.

"Hmph, poor and weak." Shaking off the dirt on his hands, Lan Guanghong shook his head and sighed with a lonely look of a master: "Alas, there is no feeling of fighting at all. Is there no stronger guy?"

"Hehe, there is a very arrogant guy here."

"Yes, and it smells so fragrant and tempting."

"I really want to eat him~."

"Then eat him~."

A man and a woman's voices sounded from not far away. Lan Guanghong heard the voices and found that they were two "people" wearing ronin clothes and long swords on their waists.

They are called people because these two guys are the most human-like monsters he has ever seen, and they are obviously very intelligent.

However, the characteristics of monsters are also very obvious. After all, people will not grow to more than two meters tall, nor will they have an ugly Prajna face.

"Hmph, finally there's a guy who can talk like that." Lan Guanghong stretched his muscles and said to the two Prajna who were approaching, "It seems that you are swordsmen."

"In that case, I'll use swordsmanship as well."

"Oh? You also know swordsmanship?" The Prajna man seemed to be interested in his words, and drew out the long sword from his waist and said, "Interesting, then let me see, how can your weak body fight us."

"Hmph, then you'd better watch out." Lan Guanghong clenched his fists and turned to the side.

At this moment, the two Prajna suddenly rushed towards him at high speed at the same time!

"Ha ha ha, we are not interested in seeing your sword!"

"Yes, we just want to eat you!"

During the charge, they opened their ghost mouths excitedly, ready to enjoy the wonderful moment of delicious food being sliced.

Unfortunately, because of the different sets, they don't know the same truth.

Transformation is invincible!


At the same time as the transformation, Lan Guanghong urged the Emperor Stone to emit a flash, blasting Prajna back.

Then, in the astonished eyes of the two monsters, he calmly drew out the boomerang sword.

——There is nothing special, just that the temperature of the sword is the same as the sun, and whoever is stabbed will die.

Chapter 127 The truth about Faria

"I'm taking my secretary to travel around the world. Everyone, see you later."

When his friends saw this message, Lan Guanghong was already thousands of miles away.

He was not good at saying goodbye to people, so he simply left silently, giving them the illusion that he was still somewhere in the world.

At the same time, it was also to leave room for himself. Maybe one day something incredible would happen, and he could come back again?

After all, the possibilities of the Emperor Stone are infinite~.

"Well, here it comes."

The breeze blowing in his face swept the surrounding sand and dust, and Lan Guanghong felt some unusual breath.

It was Li Hume's wind tunnel.

Thinking of the two previous time travels through time and space, Faria was forced back into her body, so he asked first this time: "Faria, how do you feel now?"


"Ah?" Faria, who had turned back into the illusory demon, woke up as if from a dream and said blankly: "What did you say?"

"Ask you how you feel, are you unable to get out again?"

Faria: "..."

For some reason, she suddenly fell silent.

Lan Guanghong frowned and was about to ask her if there was anything wrong, but at this moment, a strong wind blew and the purple wind tunnel suddenly opened in front of him.

In the magnificent and flowing wind tunnel, Li Xiu walked out slowly, wearing a mask and a white robe like last time.

"Lord Black Sun, I've kept you waiting for a long time." She bowed slightly, then stepped aside to make way: "Please enter the next world."

"No hurry, I have something to ask you, Li Xiu."

Blu-ray red's well-groomed hands were folded across her chest, as if she wanted to talk.

Leigh Hume:?

"Lord Hei Ri, time is limited..."

"There's just one question!" Lan Guanghong's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he asked in a cold voice: "When we first met, what did you say when you helped me fix my hair?"

Li Hume was stunned, her eyes wandering for a moment.

At this moment, she was captured by the blue light and red that carefully observed her, and she immediately became enlightened.

——He sensed something was wrong from the moment Hiden Kazuo revealed his identity.

It was obviously his first time to come to this world, but the other party had already started to make plans early, as if he was sure that he would definitely come to this world.


After thinking about it for a moment, the most suspicious target was Li Hume who sent him here.

She said that it was the Emperor Stone's choice which world he would go to after passing through the wind tunnel, but he did not feel the energy fluctuations of the Emperor Stone when he crossed the wind tunnel.

He didn't think much about it at first, thinking that he didn't know enough about the Imperial Stone, but with the incident of Feidian Qixiong, Lihume seemed particularly suspicious!

And...he has a very bold guess!

"Answer me, Li Hume!" Lan Guanghong took a step forward and asked in an imposing manner: "What did you say that day!"

"Lord Hei Ri, what happened that day was so long ago that I have forgotten it." Li Hume took a step back in shock and explained eloquently.

"Forgot?" Lan Guanghong was almost amused by such remarks.

Have you forgotten your first conversation with the King of Century, who you will guide and follow from now on?

If this kind of thing is really a great priest, then he can only say that Golgom is going to die.

"So, let me remind you, young man, what's next?"

Blu-ray red asked this question, but in his heart he had already decided that there was something wrong with Li Hume, and he had quietly prepared for battle.

"Young man?" Li Hume's pupils were spinning wildly.

"...become a myth!"

Someone picked up the second half of this sentence, but it didn’t come from the Lihume in front of me.

This sound came from his body.

Lan Guanghong was stunned for a moment, then took two steps back with a smile, and distanced himself from "Li Hume" in front of him.

"That's true."

Li Hume, or the person pretending to be Li Hume, could not hear Faria's words. She was a little confused when she saw Lan Guanghong suddenly retreat and talk to herself.

The next moment, her expression suddenly changed drastically.

"You!" She looked at the shadow that emerged from behind Lan Guanghong and backed away in horror.

However, she reacted in a moment, and immediately threw herself to the ground and begged Faria for mercy: "Lord Lihume, please forgive me. This is all what Lord Garom forced me to do."

"He said that you are no longer here, so let me take your place for a while. Really, you believe me!"

"Heh, do you think I believe it or not?"

Faria mocked, then slowly stretched out her hand towards her.

As if he was aware of his fate and knew that he would not forget his survival, Pseudo-Lihume's eyes flashed with a stern look, and he suddenly opened his mouth to attack Blue Light Red with a wind bomb.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, her throat exploded with an explosion, and she lay on the ground rolling back and forth with her painful hands stuck around her neck.

"Hmph, that old guy Garom didn't dare to attack Lord Century King directly, but you little weirdo is quite brave." Faria spread her fingers towards her without mercy and said softly: "Heaven's Shi, come back!”

As soon as the words fell, the pseudo-Lihume who was lying on the ground suddenly shook, and then his whole body was controlled to float in the air in a large glyph shape.

The next second, the purple wind of energy flowed out of her body. This move seemed to bring endless pain to Pseudo-Lihume. Her whole body twitched violently and soon turned into the appearance of a pterodactyl monster.

Finally, the body of the pterodactyl monster quickly became riddled with holes as the wind flowed out, until it completely melted.

The summoned energy floated in Faria's palm and merged into a crystal clear purple gem.

This is the certificate of the three gods of Gorgom, and it is also one of the three sacred stones that is the source of their power - the Sky Stone.

"I remembered, I am not a devil." Faria held the sacred stone in her chest with both hands, and the stone of heaven blended into her illusory body without any hindrance.

"I am Gorgom Celestial Priest, the leader of Lord Black Sun, Lihume!"

In a burst of purple light, her body slowly materialized.

As her body solidified, the black clothes she originally wore and the wings on her back gradually turned into particles of light and dispersed, replaced by white priest robes and a feather mask that covered half of her face.

After completely transforming, Faria, or Lihume, slowly landed on the ground, holding the hem of her skirt with both hands and making a ladylike salute to Lan Guanghong.

"I'm under your care during this period, Lord Black Sun."

Blue light red:......

"So, should I call you Faria or Lihume?"

"It's okay. Faria is my name when I was still a human, and Lihume is my name after I was selected as a priest by the King of Creation."

"Then I'll call you Faria. I'm used to it."

"Yes, Hei... Well, Master Hei, please don't do this."

"Please stop, don't... Hey! You said no!" Faria pulled out the blue-red red hand that reached into her robe to touch, raised her leg and pushed him against the wall and said angrily: " Give me a little more, you erotic idiot!"

Chapter 128 Hacking the account in person

"Listen to me carefully." Falia said quickly: "I know you have a lot of questions, but now is not the time to explain. I will soon fall into a deep sleep to recover my strength. When I wake up, I will tell you everything."

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